Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reasons why China has experienced economic growth in these last ...

It should really be a surprise, since China has thus an economic power in the last 20 years has become, while the U.S. has been sliding in the economic food chain in the world. We have it for them.

In the past 20 years the same people who are not banks, foreclosures and bankruptcy of the government, we were told, "free trade" was the only thing that could embrace a global economy, and it was to avoid any possibility of a global economy.

> The economy is, but an exact science. Therefore, to check every two well known and respected economists, the same information and reach conclusions that can be provided exactly the opposite of the spectrum. I'm no economist, but the little that seemed "the training that I received on this subject, always empty of the human factor, the assumption always assumed people do not make the right decisions, even -. Serving decisions.

Economic science has not takenConsideration of the X-factor of greed among the very responsible ? Do not be greedy. Politicians and business leaders of America, the pillars of society, has sold in the United States to China in return for huge profits that have gorged on at the expense of the American people.

Inflammatory accusations enough when I say this, but not without facts to support the claims.
For example, America has begun, with emphasis on the U.S. government to sell scrapMetal in China and Japan, billion tons of pennies on the dollar of their true value. The only action led to the loss of tens of thousands of Americans good-paying jobs. How?

The Chinese have purchased scrap for pennies and sold for U.S. dollars, tens of millions, in fact, destroyed the American economy and the recycling of the American steel production. Thousands and thousands of jobs lost.

Then the Chinese and the Japanese used the goodScrap for the production of cars and trucks, which were produced much more cheaply than American cars because they were the few remaining producers of stainless steel produced American left. Tens of thousands of jobs lost in the auto industry.

Another example can be implemented by our government for global fair trade involved, the prices. The American public has evidence of treason against the steel industry and cars, the rumblings of discontent began to stir committed, but whenshowed the eastern basin of tariffs on American goods vehicles from $ 500 to $ 1000 per vehicle is a fee a tax imported into the country to the village to be sold, while America imposed "no" rates, the pressure cooker almost jumped .

Sensing a tightening of the problems raised by the U.S. government is extremely high on all imported finished vehicles to the U.S. from the eastern basin for sale. They have leveled the playing field for AmericanWorkers were very vocal and let the media know and spread the word.

Here the problem is not able to speak. The duties imposed on Chinese and Japanese cars were on finished vehicles. The foreign car manufacturers install not just the seats of vehicles until it cleared the U.S., so there was a charge.

If you know why China has become an economic powerhouse in the last 20 years ask, do not look to China to explain it. SearchYour yard to American business and government for the answers, did they.

Source: http://news-economics.chailit.com/reasons-why-china-has-experienced-economic-growth-in-these-last-20-years.html

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