Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Important Positive Affirmations in Real Life?

Do you know "Positive Affirmations" are the only source of well being in life. Once you start thinking positively you start picking up weak points in life and you spend time in developing them. You recover from upcoming disasters; it may be financial disaster; relationship break up; whatever you get stuck to something and lose happiness. So you have to learn tricks to to evade tension and stress and enjoy a positive life. Positive affirmations can certainly bring new hopes in life and it is much required in a crisis period.? ?

So you can understand how positive affirmations can change your life in many ways. Normally when you face any difficult unforeseen situation you tend to break down lot earlier; you do not even bother to solve situations. You just try to overcome these sorts of problems. In some cases you may get away with but not always.

What happens in these situations, you lose calmness and become frustrated. Anger is the outburst of frustration; it can be too dangerous when you tolerate them for longer period. Rather it is way better to solve problems instead of enduring them. You can analyze and spread cause, effect and possible outcomes in a spreadsheet and try to solve issues quite easily. Lets' take examples when positive affirmations play in real time-
1. Hard work in office

It is a very common problem to everybody. Some people get frustrated and leave job. It is a good solution if you think you are capable of doing something better than this.

Otherwise do not leave it all on a sudden; just imagine how it would have been if you had lost that job years ago when you were in deep financial crisis. Think how worse situation can be without any job; no financial security. In such situations your close ones may stay away from you. Better make yourself understand that your job pays you money and you are behind money. So you can handle that much of pressure other than leaving it.

2. Effect of ex in life

Relationship is slightly different to materialistic world. Yet you can find out ways; never think too much on that matter. Make yourself understand your life does not end at that particular point. You can start things in fresh way. Best way is to go for a date and spend long hours with someone whom you feel eligible and matches your standard. I am sure after a certain time you will regain your confidence and uplift self esteem. Unless you work on improving positive affirmations in life it is hard to get away from a difficult relationship break up.

3. Fear of Failure

Remember failure is subject to come in life at any time. Be prepared for that and try to turn failures in to success. It is not that easy; after toiling hard you may fail. Consolidate yourself with that and start from the basics once again. I am sure it will eventually help you improving mental condition and will supply enough positivity in life that will continue till you live on this earth.

It is my suggestion stick to basics and learn how to battle against odds in life. Positive affirmations in life can certainly change your lifestyle and attitude.


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