Friday, August 26, 2011

Environmental remediation, Environmental consultants : News & Society

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Environmental remediation, Environmental consultants

Article by Mark Peter

Environmental components such as soil, surface water, groundwater, river system, forest areas are often polluted and contaminated due to various factors. This creates a hazard for human health and has the capability of damaging the ecological balance by annihilating other existing life forms. Environmental remediation is about disinfecting the pollutants and neutralizing the hazards created by the contamination and to try and bring it back to its state of natural ecological equilibrium. For this purpose, environmental consultants are required whose advice and expertise is a primary requirement for dealing with this problem.

Environmental remediation also deals with the redevelopment of brownfield land ? land which has been abandoned by industrial or commercial setups or is underutilized by them. This brownfield land may be contaminated with hazardous industrial waste and there is scope for reusing this land after cleaning up of the environmental components. In such a situation environmental consultants specializing in this process are brought in to help guide the whole operation.

In the last couple of decades, state and federal government of various nations have stringent measures to protect the environment from degradation and to protect the different components of environmental system like groundwater, surface water, soil etc. to preserve the ecological balance. Different environmental regulations have been established for environmental remediation. Responding to these regulations many companies have developed methods and technologies for the purpose of restoration of the ecological balance and removal of threat to human and other life form. The job of the environmental consultants include apart from technical assistance ensuring that the agency involved in the work follows these regulations. These consultants have a degree in either Environmental Engineering or Environmental Sciences. They also have superb working knowledge of environmental regulations imposed by different governments to help public enterprises or government concerns to avoid fines, sanctions and legal actions.

Though environmental remediation is dependant on regulatory requirements, in instances where no such regulation exists it depends on human risk assessment and risk to other life forms. The process of restoration occurs in various phases. At the initial stage the site is reviewed to assess the level of contamination. Site assessment often includes evaluation of surrounding areas as they might also be contaminated through soil, groundwater, air and other medium. Environmental consultants would then draw up a plan or strategy for redeveloping the area and for the selection of various processes and technologies that need to be used. These include excavation, dredging, pumping, different treatment methods etc. Consulting the immediate community during the planning stage is also a necessity. During environmental mediation one of the hazards is an increasing health risk to the communities living around the site rising from dust, noise, air, water and sound pollution. Environmental consultants should keep in mind these factors while drawing up a workable and effective plan.

About the Author

The author has faced a lot of hazards while buyingenvironmental remediation . For hazard free Environmentalconsultants. he recommends to visit the

Written by: Dan on August 25, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 8:45 pm?
Filed under Environmental ? Tagged with Capability, consultants, Contamination, Decades, Degradation, Different Components, Ecological Balance, Ecological Equilibrium, Environmental, Environmental Components, Environmental Remediation, Federal Government, Forest Areas, Groundwater, Hazardous Industrial Waste, Human Health, Pollutants, remediation, Soil Surface, Stringent Measures, Surface Water, Technical Assistance, Water Soil


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