Sunday, August 28, 2011

Info: Mandy & Drew Plus One or Two |

Thought it might be helpful to answer a few questions about what this adoption process will look like for us, since some are asking!

NOTE: This is all subject to change. I?m just giving a ?projected path,? to use a bit of hurricane/meteorological language. ;)

Ready? Here goes:

1) Are we adopting internationally, domestically, or what? We are adopting through the state DFCS foster program?this does not mean we?ll be foster parents. The plan is to jump right into adopting. There are foster kids who are waiting to be adopted into a permanent family.

2) Are we adopting a baby? Before we ever looked into the state adoption process, Drew and I decided that we?d be open/favorable to adopting young kids?namely a sibling set. woo!! Then we found out that the majority of children in DFCS? care are kids/siblings. And siblings are hard to place with families because there?s more than one of ?em, but the State doesn?t want to separate them. We don?t wanna separate ?em either. Sooo, hey, we?ll take a few!

3) Where will the kid(s) come from? It?s very likely that the child(ren) we adopt will be from somewhere within the state of Georgia, although probably not from the Glynn County area. I think we will also be accepted by other states as well.

4) How does adoption work in the state program? From what we understand, it?ll look something like this:

  1. go through state adoption/foster parent training (graduate tomorrow!!)
  2. complete our paperwork (finish today. wow.)
  3. home evaluations with a case worker (4 to 6 weeks from now)
  4. DFCS approves our application (couple weeks after evals are done)
  5. wait for placement.
  6. meet the kid(s) to see how it goes?yes, it?ll be something like having a play-date with our future child(ren)?I can?t even wrap my mind around this.
  7. hang out again.
  8. move ?em in!!!

5) Are we raising money for this adoption? GREAT question! I have two answers for you:

  1. Nope. Believe it or not, your tax money has this covered, as far as the application process and any legal fees. So, what?s not reimbursed by DFCS will be covered by the nice Adoption Tax Credit thingy.
  2. Sorta. It?s my understanding that they literally show up with a bag of clothes (cue the tears), and the rest is up to us. So, we?ll have a few extra expenses as we prepare our home for some Tiny Thompsons to come and live and sleep and play and eat. Because of that, let?s just say we ain?t gonna turn down any ?baby? showers.

6) How long will it take??3 months to 2 years. As the DFCS case workers say: they?re not doing this to find kids for families, they?re doing this to find families for kids. Amen to that.

Feel free to ask more questions in the comments below. And if you?re wanting more on the state adoption process in general, hit up THIS LINK for their FAQ page.

Y?all are awesome. Thanks for the love and support!!

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