Friday, August 12, 2011

Hillary Clinton supporters: Donate $20.12 for 2012 challenge (Daily Caller)

Supporters of Hillary Clinton are encouraging fellow fans to donate $20.12 Friday to signify support for a primary challenge to President Barack Obama in 2012.

Clinton narrowly lost the Democratic nomination to Obama in 2008, and embittered supporters have plotted a comeback ever since.

Recently, several Democrats have murmured regret about the nomination of Obama over Clinton, who they believe would have been a more strident proponent of Democratic policies. (RELATED: Gravel names his price: $1 million to challenge Obama)

A Facebook page encouraging donations to Clinton directs supporters to the secretary of state?s former campaign website. The website states that donations will help pay off Clinton?s 2008 campaign debt.

The largest Facebook group encouraging a second Clinton candidacy ? ?Hillary Clinton for 2012!!!? ? currently has over 1,400 members.

Clinton has said that she will not run for president in 2012. She also announced this year that she will not serve as secretary of state if Obama wins a second term.

Read more stories from The Daily Caller

Hillary Clinton supporters: Donate $20.12 for 2012 challenge

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