Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tennessee Walking Horses | Markleville | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji ...



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  • Details forTennessee Walking Horses
  • Address:SR 38 and SR 109, Markleville, IN 46056 (map)
  • Date Posted:08/31/11
  • Age:Adult
  • Offered by:Owner
Description prices are $1000-2500. We have one 6 year old all black mare $1000, a 7 year old all black gelding $2500 and a 4 year old all black gelding $1,500 for sale. All are very broke and have been shown. Have too many to ride and need to go to good homes. If interested please call at 765-623-2316.

Ad ID: 13485764

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Posted: 07/17/11

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    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    Obama rounds out econ team ahead of jobs speech (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama tapped labor economist Alan Krueger for a top administration post Monday as the White House scrambles for solutions to repair an ailing economy ahead of the 2012 election.

    Obama announced Krueger's nomination to chair the White House Council of Economic Advisers in a Rose Garden ceremony Monday morning. The president said he expected Krueger, a former Treasury Department official and Princeton economist, to provide him with unvarnished economic guidance, not partisan political advice.

    "That's more important than ever right now," Obama said. "We need folks in Washington to make decisions based on what's best for the country, not what's best for any political party or special interest."

    The announcement rounding out the president's economic team comes a week ahead of Obama's highly-anticipated announcement on a new jobs initiative.

    With the nation's unemployment rate stubbornly stuck above 9 percent and much of the public deeply dissatisfied with Obama's handling of the economy, the president has promised a new set of jobs proposals.

    "Our great challenge as a nation remains how to get this economy growing faster," Obama said. "That's our urgent mission."

    Obama has already called for an extension of a payroll tax cut that expires at the end of the year and he wants to continue jobless benefits. Aides are considering other measures, including tax incentives for businesses to hire and direct infusions of government money into construction projects. The president has said he intends to call for additional long-term deficit reduction to help pay for the short-term spending his proposals would require.

    House Republicans foreshadowed their own fall agenda Monday, with Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., saying the party would focus on repealing environmental and labor regulations that GOP lawmakers say are driving up the cost of doing business and discouraging employers from hiring new workers.

    In Krueger, Obama will gain an economist with expertise in unemployment and the labor market. If confirmed by the Senate, Krueger would replace previous CEA chair Austan Goolsbee, who left the administration earlier this month to return to the University of Chicago.

    Goolsbee was the latest in a string of top White House economists to leave over the past year, forcing Obama to do a wholesale makeover of the economic team that came to the White House with him three years ago. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is the only remaining top official left l from Obama's original economics team. Last month, the Treasury Department announced that Geithner would stay on, ending speculation he would leave the administration.

    Krueger spent the first two years of the Obama administration as an assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy. In 2010, he returned to Princeton University, where he has served on the faculty for more than 20 years.

    While at Treasury, Krueger worked on the popular "Cash for Clunkers" program that gave people rebates for buying new, more fuel-efficient vehicles and the HIRE Act, which gave businesses tax incentives to give jobs to the unemployed.

    Krueger is likely to become an important public face for the administration on the economy. Both Goolsbee and Christina Romer, Obama's two previous CEA chairs, were frequent spokesmen for the president, appearing on television and at White House events to promote the president's policies.

    That role could be even more important in the coming months, as a host of would-be Republican successors travel around the country, campaigning hard for the GOP presidential nomination by focusing, in no small part, on Obama's handling of the economy.

    The national unemployment rate remains at 9.1 percent and has shown little improvement over the past year, despite the more than $800 billion stimulus program that Obama got Congress to pass not long after he took office. The depressed housing market also continues to be a drag on the economy, with fresh data out Monday showing that the number of people who signed contracts to buy homes last month fell by 1.3 percent.

    Obama has also had to contend with Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. credit rating earlier this year after he fought congressional Republicans for weeks for a program to slow the flow of red ink. The White House and GOP leaders ultimately agreed to a compromise deal to increase the government's borrowing authority in early August, on the cusp of default, but the S&P credit rating was lowered from AAA to AA+, nevertheless.

    Appearing earlier Monday on MSNBC, Goolsbee said that "we're still in a pretty tough spot" on the economy.

    "When you come out of a recession, especially one as deep as we were in, you can't just go back to do what you were doing before," he said. He said growth had picked up in 2010 but "this year we've taken some heavy blows."

    Goolsbee, who is expected to play an informal role in Obama's re-election bid, said investing and focusing on the "industries of the future" are the kinds of policy directions the country needs to pursue. He also said he doesn't think that bringing another stimulus program forward is necessarily a good idea, and instead suggested tax incentives for companies to hire.


    Associated Press writer Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this report.


    Julie Pace can be reached at


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    Reasons why China has experienced economic growth in these last ...

    It should really be a surprise, since China has thus an economic power in the last 20 years has become, while the U.S. has been sliding in the economic food chain in the world. We have it for them.

    In the past 20 years the same people who are not banks, foreclosures and bankruptcy of the government, we were told, "free trade" was the only thing that could embrace a global economy, and it was to avoid any possibility of a global economy.

    > The economy is, but an exact science. Therefore, to check every two well known and respected economists, the same information and reach conclusions that can be provided exactly the opposite of the spectrum. I'm no economist, but the little that seemed "the training that I received on this subject, always empty of the human factor, the assumption always assumed people do not make the right decisions, even -. Serving decisions.

    Economic science has not takenConsideration of the X-factor of greed among the very responsible ? Do not be greedy. Politicians and business leaders of America, the pillars of society, has sold in the United States to China in return for huge profits that have gorged on at the expense of the American people.

    Inflammatory accusations enough when I say this, but not without facts to support the claims.
    For example, America has begun, with emphasis on the U.S. government to sell scrapMetal in China and Japan, billion tons of pennies on the dollar of their true value. The only action led to the loss of tens of thousands of Americans good-paying jobs. How?

    The Chinese have purchased scrap for pennies and sold for U.S. dollars, tens of millions, in fact, destroyed the American economy and the recycling of the American steel production. Thousands and thousands of jobs lost.

    Then the Chinese and the Japanese used the goodScrap for the production of cars and trucks, which were produced much more cheaply than American cars because they were the few remaining producers of stainless steel produced American left. Tens of thousands of jobs lost in the auto industry.

    Another example can be implemented by our government for global fair trade involved, the prices. The American public has evidence of treason against the steel industry and cars, the rumblings of discontent began to stir committed, but whenshowed the eastern basin of tariffs on American goods vehicles from $ 500 to $ 1000 per vehicle is a fee a tax imported into the country to the village to be sold, while America imposed "no" rates, the pressure cooker almost jumped .

    Sensing a tightening of the problems raised by the U.S. government is extremely high on all imported finished vehicles to the U.S. from the eastern basin for sale. They have leveled the playing field for AmericanWorkers were very vocal and let the media know and spread the word.

    Here the problem is not able to speak. The duties imposed on Chinese and Japanese cars were on finished vehicles. The foreign car manufacturers install not just the seats of vehicles until it cleared the U.S., so there was a charge.

    If you know why China has become an economic powerhouse in the last 20 years ask, do not look to China to explain it. SearchYour yard to American business and government for the answers, did they.


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    Monday, August 29, 2011

    Computerised a/cs: I-T tool to track tax evasion | Fincance Articles ...

    For long, manipulators have evaded Income Tax and hidden the malpractice under a pile of data recorded in computerised accounts.The government has now found a system to track the illegal activity.The Central Board of Direct Taxes is currently in the process of equipping its officials with smart software that will be laid across the country to scrutinise computer-based accounts of tax-payers, according to a senior department official.The software has a set of standard tools that will run on the data under scrutiny and track manipulation in the accounts for tax evasion, he told Business Standard.?The software has already been developed. The I-T department officials, who would be using it, have tested it. We have completed the (user acceptance test) within the department,? he said.The department has also successfully conducted the tests on live accounts and checked its efficacy in getting the desired results.?All the ground work is over. The tool is slated to be rolled out through the country within a a year, so that the standardised system is put in place quickly,? he said.The I-T department is currently grappling with the problem of handling the huge data associated with the electronically maintained accounts as it becomes difficult to analyse the data for identifying the wrongdoings and tax evasion in a quick and standardised manner.The official said the software would overhaul the whole scrutiny mechanism by providing specific tools for specific purposes.Set to substantially enhance the investigating capabilities of the department, it will also standardise the process to be followed in dealing with computerised accounts.?Another major advantage of this tool is that the seniors will be able to keep a tab on the process followed by the officials in the scrutiny cases,? the official said.?It will bring in homogeneity in handling such cases.?Currently, the tools, method and process to be applied in tackling the computerised accounts for cracking tax evasion is completely dependent on the officials handling a particular case.The absence of a set procedure makes it difficult for senior officials of the department to identify the lapses.?The software will streamline the whole scrutiny process, integrate it and bring in transparency in handling of such cases,? said the official.The tool could be used in normal as well as high-profile cases in the first stage. The department was likely to further develop sharper tools for raids, he added.

    Click link below to read full and original article

    Computerised a/cs: I-T tool to track tax evasion


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    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    Know about Epithelal cells - IPP Photography Reference and ...

    August 26th, 2011

    Casts, crystals, and clumps of epithelial cells are identified under low-power microscopic examination, while the nature of cells, crystals, and bacteria are determined under higher powers. When the urine sediment is heavy, both the centrifuged and un centrifuged specimens should be examined. Staining with methylene blue facilitates the diagnosis of bacteriuria. Exfoliative cytologic examination of urine may be helpful, but there is often a greater yield from study of the wet preparation, which may demonstrate clusters of cells with nUcleocytoplasmic disparity characteristic of malignancy. The identification of bacteria in an unspun urine specimen is strongly suggestive of the presence of a urinary tract infection rather than contamination. ICD-10 Training. will help you to do collections and also the pending amounts from the patients.

    Entry Filed under: Reference and Education


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    Info: Mandy & Drew Plus One or Two |

    Thought it might be helpful to answer a few questions about what this adoption process will look like for us, since some are asking!

    NOTE: This is all subject to change. I?m just giving a ?projected path,? to use a bit of hurricane/meteorological language. ;)

    Ready? Here goes:

    1) Are we adopting internationally, domestically, or what? We are adopting through the state DFCS foster program?this does not mean we?ll be foster parents. The plan is to jump right into adopting. There are foster kids who are waiting to be adopted into a permanent family.

    2) Are we adopting a baby? Before we ever looked into the state adoption process, Drew and I decided that we?d be open/favorable to adopting young kids?namely a sibling set. woo!! Then we found out that the majority of children in DFCS? care are kids/siblings. And siblings are hard to place with families because there?s more than one of ?em, but the State doesn?t want to separate them. We don?t wanna separate ?em either. Sooo, hey, we?ll take a few!

    3) Where will the kid(s) come from? It?s very likely that the child(ren) we adopt will be from somewhere within the state of Georgia, although probably not from the Glynn County area. I think we will also be accepted by other states as well.

    4) How does adoption work in the state program? From what we understand, it?ll look something like this:

    1. go through state adoption/foster parent training (graduate tomorrow!!)
    2. complete our paperwork (finish today. wow.)
    3. home evaluations with a case worker (4 to 6 weeks from now)
    4. DFCS approves our application (couple weeks after evals are done)
    5. wait for placement.
    6. meet the kid(s) to see how it goes?yes, it?ll be something like having a play-date with our future child(ren)?I can?t even wrap my mind around this.
    7. hang out again.
    8. move ?em in!!!

    5) Are we raising money for this adoption? GREAT question! I have two answers for you:

    1. Nope. Believe it or not, your tax money has this covered, as far as the application process and any legal fees. So, what?s not reimbursed by DFCS will be covered by the nice Adoption Tax Credit thingy.
    2. Sorta. It?s my understanding that they literally show up with a bag of clothes (cue the tears), and the rest is up to us. So, we?ll have a few extra expenses as we prepare our home for some Tiny Thompsons to come and live and sleep and play and eat. Because of that, let?s just say we ain?t gonna turn down any ?baby? showers.

    6) How long will it take??3 months to 2 years. As the DFCS case workers say: they?re not doing this to find kids for families, they?re doing this to find families for kids. Amen to that.

    Feel free to ask more questions in the comments below. And if you?re wanting more on the state adoption process in general, hit up THIS LINK for their FAQ page.

    Y?all are awesome. Thanks for the love and support!!

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    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    28 dead in attack on casino in northern Mexico (AP)

    MONTERREY, Mexico ? Two dozen gunmen burst into a casino in northern Mexico on Thursday, doused it with a flammable liquid and started a fire that trapped gamblers inside, killing at least 28 people and injuring a dozen more, authorities said.

    The fire at the Casino Royale in Monterrey, which has seen a surge in drug cartel-related violence, represented one of the deadliest attacks against an entertainment center in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against drug cartels in late 2006.

    State police officials quoted survivors as saying that about two dozen armed men burst into the casino, apparently to rob it, and began dousing the premises with fuel from tanks they brought with them. The officials were not authorized to be quoted by name for security reasons.

    With shouts and profanities, the attackers told the customers and employees to get out. But many terrified customers and employees fled further inside the building, where they died trapped amid the flames and thick smoke that soon billowed out of the building.

    Angel Flores, a commander of the Monterrey Green Cross rescue service, said 28 bodies had been recovered from the casino, and that more were likely to be recovered. He said most died of asphyxiation.

    Monterrey Mayor Fernando Larrazabal said that many of the bodies were found inside the casino's bathrooms, where employees and customers had locked themselves to escape the armed commando.

    While there was no immediate information linking the attack to drug cartels, Monterrey has seen bloody turf battles between the Zetas and Gulf cartels in recent months. Once Mexico's symbol of development and prosperity, drug-related murders here this year are on pace to double last year's and triple those of the year before.

    Maria Tomas Navarro, 42, stood weeping at the edge of the police tape stretched in front of the smoke-stained casino building. She was hoping for word of her brother, 25-year-old Genaro Navarro Vega, who had worked in the casino's bingo area.

    Navarro said she tried calling her brother's cell phone "but he doesn't answer. I don't know what is happening," she said. "There is nobody to ask."

    Larrazabal said the casino, in a well-off part of Monterrey, had been closed by authorities in May for building an expansion without a permit, but a judge later granted the owner an injunction to continue operating.

    Initial reports said 11 people had been, but the death toll climbed as emergency personnel and firefighters continued to find bodies in the casino building. Medics treated the victims for smoke inhalation.

    State police officials initially said witnesses reported hearing three explosions before the fire started, but later said that a flammable material was used. The officials were not authorized to be quoted by name for security reasons.

    The reports of explosions may have been the sound of the ignition of the liquid.

    The Casino Royale had been attacked by gunmen before; along with three other casinos, gunmen attacked the Royale on May 25.


    Associated Press Writer Kathy Corcoran contributed to this report


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    Child-care facilities can do more to promote healthy eating and physical activity among preschoolers

    Child-care facilities can do more to promote healthy eating and physical activity among preschoolers [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Aug-2011
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    Contact: Eileen Leahy
    Elsevier Health Sciences

    A review in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association

    Philadelphia, PA, August 26, 2011 Eating and physical activity habits for a lifetime can develop at an early age. As the use of preschool child care increases and the prevalence of childhood obesity is at an all-time high, the opportunity to positively impact eating and exercise habits within this setting presents itself. A review in the September 2011 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association describes and evaluates research addressing opportunities and strategies for the prevention of obesity among preschool children in child-care settings. It examines the current status of state regulations, practices and policies, and interventions for promoting healthy eating and physical activity.

    "Early prevention is considered to be the most promising strategy for reducing obesity and the many serious health conditions that may result as a consequence of excessive weight gain in childhood," commented lead author Nicole Larson, PhD, MPH, RD, Research Associate in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota. "Eating and activity behaviors formed during the preschool years have the potential to prevent obesity in the short term, and if carried into adulthood, to set the stage for a lifetime of better health. The majority of U.S. parents depend on child-care providers to support the development of healthful behaviors by providing their young children with nutritious foods and regular physical activitySignificant improvements in the eating and activity behaviors of preschool children will likely depend on the combined strength of interventions and supportive policy changes."

    Conducting a comprehensive review of the research literature, investigators from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, the Gillings School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Duke University Medical Center identified and assessed 42 relevant studies that can serve as baselines against which future progress may be measured. These included 4 reviews of state regulations, 18 studies of child-care practices and policies that may influence eating or physical activity behaviors, 2 studies of parental perceptions and practices relevant to obesity prevention, and 18 evaluated interventions. Although research focused on the U.S., interventions implemented in international settings were also included. The review of existing evidence was funded by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

    Child-care facilities in the U.S. are primarily regulated by individual states. Each state establishes its own set of regulations for licensed child-care facilities and sets minimum enforcement standards to assess compliance. However, recent reviews indicated there is a gap between existing state regulations for child-care settings and the standards recommended by public health experts. Most states lacked strong regulations related to healthy eating and physical activity. There was strong variation among states in promoting 8 key nutrition and physical activity measures in child-care settings. For example, while Tennessee covered 6 of the 8 factors, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Nebraska and Washington had none.

    Larson added: "These reviews identified a number of opportunities for enhancing state regulations by comparing existing regulations with relevant national standards and recommendations from professional groups, including the American Dietetic Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Public Health Association."

    Recent assessments of child-care settings identified through this study indicated room for improvement to the nutritional quality of foods provided to children, the amount of time children are engaged in physical activity, caregiver behaviors that may discourage healthy behaviors, and missed opportunities for education. While a limited number of interventions have been designed to address these concerns, only 2 interventions showed evidence of success in reducing risk for obesity among child participants.

    In an accompanying commentary, Margaret Briley. PhD, RD, LD, and Michael McAllaster, both of the Department of Nutritional Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, discuss some of the nutritional guidelines available to the child-care provider. They note that child-care centers receiving funding from the Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) must follow CACFP guidelines for healthy foods and snacks, but that those guidelines may differ from recommendations from professional associations such as the American Pediatric Association or the American Dietetic Association. Nevertheless, they recognize that the child-care setting can play an important role in encouraging healthy eating habits.

    According to Briley and McAllaster, "In the past 3 decades, child-care centers have replaced the family table as the learning environment for young children's food habits.America is facing the reality that many children younger than 5 years can be classified as obese or overweight. Research has found that one in three children under 5 in low income families is obese or overweight. The greatest impact on obesity can be made among this population and assure that the next generations have eating and exercise habits that support a life of good health as well as reduced medical costs. Parents must become advocates for their children's food intake and support policy changes that strengthen nutrition programs that will enable all children to eat nutritious meals and snacks that support a lifetime of good health."


    The article is "What Role Can Child-Care Settings Play in Obesity Prevention? A Review of the Evidence and Call for Research Efforts" by Nicole Larson, PhD, MPH, RD, Dianne S. Ward, EdD, Sara Benjamin Neelon, PhD, MPH, RD, and Mary Story, PhD, RD. The commentary is "Nutrition and the Child-Care Setting" by Margaret Briley, PhD, RD, LD and Michael McAllaster. Both articles appear in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9 (September 2011) published by Elsevier.

    In an accompanying podcast Dr. Larson and Dr. Ward share their insights about how child-care settings can play an important role in establishing healthy eating and exercise habits in preschool children and update the results of their study taking legislation into consideration. The podcast is available at

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

    Child-care facilities can do more to promote healthy eating and physical activity among preschoolers [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Aug-2011
    [ | E-mail | Share Share ]

    Contact: Eileen Leahy
    Elsevier Health Sciences

    A review in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association

    Philadelphia, PA, August 26, 2011 Eating and physical activity habits for a lifetime can develop at an early age. As the use of preschool child care increases and the prevalence of childhood obesity is at an all-time high, the opportunity to positively impact eating and exercise habits within this setting presents itself. A review in the September 2011 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association describes and evaluates research addressing opportunities and strategies for the prevention of obesity among preschool children in child-care settings. It examines the current status of state regulations, practices and policies, and interventions for promoting healthy eating and physical activity.

    "Early prevention is considered to be the most promising strategy for reducing obesity and the many serious health conditions that may result as a consequence of excessive weight gain in childhood," commented lead author Nicole Larson, PhD, MPH, RD, Research Associate in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota. "Eating and activity behaviors formed during the preschool years have the potential to prevent obesity in the short term, and if carried into adulthood, to set the stage for a lifetime of better health. The majority of U.S. parents depend on child-care providers to support the development of healthful behaviors by providing their young children with nutritious foods and regular physical activitySignificant improvements in the eating and activity behaviors of preschool children will likely depend on the combined strength of interventions and supportive policy changes."

    Conducting a comprehensive review of the research literature, investigators from the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, the Gillings School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Duke University Medical Center identified and assessed 42 relevant studies that can serve as baselines against which future progress may be measured. These included 4 reviews of state regulations, 18 studies of child-care practices and policies that may influence eating or physical activity behaviors, 2 studies of parental perceptions and practices relevant to obesity prevention, and 18 evaluated interventions. Although research focused on the U.S., interventions implemented in international settings were also included. The review of existing evidence was funded by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

    Child-care facilities in the U.S. are primarily regulated by individual states. Each state establishes its own set of regulations for licensed child-care facilities and sets minimum enforcement standards to assess compliance. However, recent reviews indicated there is a gap between existing state regulations for child-care settings and the standards recommended by public health experts. Most states lacked strong regulations related to healthy eating and physical activity. There was strong variation among states in promoting 8 key nutrition and physical activity measures in child-care settings. For example, while Tennessee covered 6 of the 8 factors, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Nebraska and Washington had none.

    Larson added: "These reviews identified a number of opportunities for enhancing state regulations by comparing existing regulations with relevant national standards and recommendations from professional groups, including the American Dietetic Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Public Health Association."

    Recent assessments of child-care settings identified through this study indicated room for improvement to the nutritional quality of foods provided to children, the amount of time children are engaged in physical activity, caregiver behaviors that may discourage healthy behaviors, and missed opportunities for education. While a limited number of interventions have been designed to address these concerns, only 2 interventions showed evidence of success in reducing risk for obesity among child participants.

    In an accompanying commentary, Margaret Briley. PhD, RD, LD, and Michael McAllaster, both of the Department of Nutritional Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, discuss some of the nutritional guidelines available to the child-care provider. They note that child-care centers receiving funding from the Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) must follow CACFP guidelines for healthy foods and snacks, but that those guidelines may differ from recommendations from professional associations such as the American Pediatric Association or the American Dietetic Association. Nevertheless, they recognize that the child-care setting can play an important role in encouraging healthy eating habits.

    According to Briley and McAllaster, "In the past 3 decades, child-care centers have replaced the family table as the learning environment for young children's food habits.America is facing the reality that many children younger than 5 years can be classified as obese or overweight. Research has found that one in three children under 5 in low income families is obese or overweight. The greatest impact on obesity can be made among this population and assure that the next generations have eating and exercise habits that support a life of good health as well as reduced medical costs. Parents must become advocates for their children's food intake and support policy changes that strengthen nutrition programs that will enable all children to eat nutritious meals and snacks that support a lifetime of good health."


    The article is "What Role Can Child-Care Settings Play in Obesity Prevention? A Review of the Evidence and Call for Research Efforts" by Nicole Larson, PhD, MPH, RD, Dianne S. Ward, EdD, Sara Benjamin Neelon, PhD, MPH, RD, and Mary Story, PhD, RD. The commentary is "Nutrition and the Child-Care Setting" by Margaret Briley, PhD, RD, LD and Michael McAllaster. Both articles appear in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9 (September 2011) published by Elsevier.

    In an accompanying podcast Dr. Larson and Dr. Ward share their insights about how child-care settings can play an important role in establishing healthy eating and exercise habits in preschool children and update the results of their study taking legislation into consideration. The podcast is available at

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    AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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    An Insurance Maze for U.S. Doctors -

    A former colleague from Canada who practiced medicine with me here in the States never hesitated to make one thing clear to me: He couldn?t wait to get back.

    It wasn?t the cultural life that he missed, nor was it the ex-girlfriend I always suspected he pined for. It was the medicine.

    ?It?s different,? he would say wistfully, without elaborating. ?Practicing medicine is just different over there.?

    A study published this month in the journal Health Affairs made me think of my colleague again and offered one likely possibility for his return to Canada: There, he had more time to focus on his patients.

    Researchers asked hundreds of physicians and administrators in private practices across the United States and Canada how much time they spent each day with insurers and other third-party payers, tracking down information for claims that were denied or incorrectly paid, resolving questions about insurance coverage for prescription drugs or diagnostic tests, and filing the different forms required by each and every insurance company.

    Physicians in Canada, where health care is administered mainly by the government, did spend a good deal of time and money communicating with their payers. But American doctors in the study spent far more dealing with multiple health plans: more than $80,000 per year per physician, or roughly four times as much as their northern counterparts. And their offices spent as many as 21 hours per week with payers, nearly 10 times as much as the Canadian offices.

    ?The amount of time we spend on this is just crazy,? said Dr. Sara L. Star, a partner in a three-physician pediatrics practice in suburban Chicago. ?But each insurance company has its own language, its own set of rules and specific contracts with certain laboratories, hospitals, physicians and pharmaceutical companies.?

    And when those companies offer multiple ?insurance products,? the convoluted coverage grid acquires yet another level of complexity. Each ?product? comes with its own unique permutation and combination of authorization requirements, rules for claims and list of approved prescription drugs.

    Large practices often choose to outsource the job to firms that specialize in wading through the labyrinthine rules and regulations. Some hire several nurses or administrators to work exclusively with insurers, with each specializing in the arcane rules of a single insurer. But most primary care providers in this country ? clinicians who are part of practices with five or fewer physicians ? cannot afford to pay for additional help. Instead, they must make their way through the thicket of insurers and rules by themselves.

    The complicated task inevitably gets in the way of patient care.

    A young patient complaining of extreme fatigue, for example, might benefit from a $40 blood test that could confirm infectious mononucleosis in 10 minutes. But a doctor cannot order the simple test without first checking with the insurance company to see if it is covered and if there are any constraints on where the patient?s blood can be drawn and the test run.

    Tracking down answers often means phone calls with long periods on hold, digging up old patient information and even recruiting office workers to act as specimen couriers to other labs and hospitals in order to expedite results or save frail patients or harried family members the hassle of traveling to an ?approved site? for a test or procedure. ?If someone comes in with a sick infant who needs a test, we often eat the costs and draw the blood ourselves,? Dr. Star said. ?We aren?t going to tell them to put that kid in a car seat, drive a mile to an approved lab, park, register, then wait in line.?

    Even more confusing are frequent changes in health care plans, particularly regarding prescription drugs. Every week, payers send physicians? offices notifications of changes in their list of approved medications, lists that run to hundreds of different drugs. The sheer volume of new information makes it impossible for doctors to keep up. ?Physicians get into medical school because we can follow rules,? said Dr. Marian Bouchard, a family doctor who practices with two other physicians and a nurse practitioner in Bristol, Vt. ?But none of us can or want to follow the minutiae of a hundred rules at once, especially when we are trying to be present for our patients.?

    The authors of the study offer several recommendations to reduce the confusion and inefficiency of interactions between physician practices and payers. Not surprisingly, they propose simplifying the forms and procedures that add to costs without improving quality. ?There are rules that really save money or improve patient care that health plans won?t want to change,? said Sean Nicholson, one of the study authors and an economist in the department of policy analysis and management at Cornell University. ?But there are also a lot of things that don?t matter that they could and should standardize.?

    The insurance industry, for example, could embrace a single set of universal standards to measure quality rather than the dozens that are currently used. They could adopt a uniform process of obtaining authorization for tests, procedures or consultations. And while widespread adoption of electronic medical records and changes in how doctors are reimbursed may eventually decrease some administrative burdens, the results of the study leave little doubt as to the costs now and in the foreseeable future for doctors and patients.

    ?We aren?t saying that we should go to a single-payer system,? Dr. Nicholson added. ?But it?s important to know exactly what all the benefits of the current costs are.?


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    Hyperthyroidism: Know the Symptoms Could Mean Weight Loss or Gain

    Your thyroid gland lies just under your Adam?s apple in your neck. The gland consists of two lobes that lie just in front and at either side of the windpipe. Your thyroid is part of your body?s ?endocrine system.? The endocrine system consists of various glands that secrete hormones into your bloodstream. In particular, the thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones. These hormones control the speed at which your body?s chemical functions happen ? in other words, your metabolism. The thyroid gland needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones. Your thyroid also produces a hormone called ?calcitonin,? which is involved in the metabolism of your bones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream by endocrine glands. As a hormone circulates through your body via the bloodstream, it delivers messages to other parts of your body. Almost every cell in your body, from those in your brain to those in your feet, responds to the thyroid hormone. Your cells respond to thyroid hormone with an increase in metabolic activity. Your metabolism is basically the processes in your body that produce energy and the chemical substances that are necessary for cells to grow, divide to form new cells, and perform other important functions. Basically, the message the thyroid hormone gives to your cells is to ?go.? Your heart rate increases, your breathing rate increases and the use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates increases. Skeletal muscles work more efficiently, muscle tone in your digestive system increases and mental alertness and thinking skills are sharpened. Keeps Everything Running Smoothly Normally, your thyroid keeps everything running at a steady rate. This is what doctors mean when they use the word ?homeostasis.? There is a whole control system in your body that helps your cells function at an appropriate metabolic rate. The system works something like this: ? Detector cells in the brain monitor the level of thyroid hormone in your blood ? When the level of thyroid hormone drops, these cells send signals to your pituitary gland, which is found in the brain ? The pituitary gland then releases a substance called ?thyroid-stimulating hormone? (TSH) into your bloodstream ? TSH, in turn, signals cells in the thyroid gland to release more thyroid hormone into your bloodstream ? When the blood level of thyroid hormone has increased enough, the detector cells send signals to the pituitary gland to stop release of TSH Hyperthyroidism Symptoms Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which there is overproduction of thyroid hormone. When your thyroid produces too much hormone, you are said to have an ?overactive thyroid.? When this happens, you may experience any of the following symptoms: ? difficulty sleeping ? excessive sweating ? extreme tiredness ? hair loss ? inability to tolerate heat ? nervousness and irritability ? rapid heartbeat, including palpitations ? shakiness and muscle weakness, often with trembling in the hands ? weight gain ? weight loss, with a normal or increased appetite Treating Hyperthyroidism Naturally If your thyroid gland is overactive, there are a number of steps that you can take. Medical treatment of hyperthyroidism usually involves prescribing synthetic thyroid hormone. Sometimes surgery is also recommended. Naturopathic doctors may differ slightly in their approach to the treatment of hyperthyroidism. They will likely use desiccated natural thyroid hormone complete with all thyroid hormones. Thyroid-hormone replacement is usually necessary in most cases of hyperthyroidism. Limit Intake of Goitrogenic Foods There are other ways that you can help an overactive thyroid, however. Changing your diet is one strategy. Try to limit your intake of ?goitrogenic? foods. Goitrogenic foods contain natural ?goitrogens.? Goitrogens are chemicals that cause the enlargement of the thyroid gland by interfering with the production of thyroid hormone. Rapeseed (canola), cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, maize, lima beans, soya and pearl millet are all goitrogenic foods. Cooking does help make the goitrogens less effective, so try that instead of consuming these foods raw. On the other hand, foods that contain iodine, such as kelp, beetroot, radishes, parsley, potatoes, fish, oatmeal and bananas should be kept in your diet. The interaction between iodine and the thryroid gland is a complex one. Iodine is needed by your body to form thyroid hormone. Goiter and hyperthyroidism could happen because of an iodine deficiency. However, if you consume large amounts of iodine, it could result in either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Most multivitamins contain about 150 micrograms (mcg) of iodine (which is also the recommended daily intake (RDI) for iodine). This should be enough to stop iodine deficiency, but not enough to cause any harm. You May Be Low in Tyrosine People with hyperthyroidism tend to be deficient in an amino acid called ?tyrosine.? Tyrosine is an essential part of your thyroid hormones and neurotransmitters. Health-care providers often recommend a low dose of ?thyroxine? (the major hormone that?s secreted by your thyroid gland) to correct hypothyroidism. People with depression also have low levels of tyrosine, which is why this condition is sometimes linked to hyperthyroidism. There are many vitamins that are needed for the synthesis of thyroxine. Vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, C and E are all important. The B vitamins and copper are very important for tyrosine metabolism. Copper, iron, selenium and zinc are needed in the production of other thyroid hormones. There are also some herbs that could help combat hyperthyroidism. Nettle is unique in that in could balance your thyroid to remedy both under- and overactivity. Bladderwrack ? a type of brown seaweed ? contains iodine, which helps regulate your thyroid. Kelp has been linked to being able to help with hypothyroidism. Some people with hyperthyroidism have also improved their conditions by taking Chinese herbs. Another simple treatment for hyperthyroidism that you can try on your own is good old-fashioned exercise. Exercise will increase your cell tissue sensitivity to the thyroid hormone. It will also stimulate thyroid-gland secretion. This could be especially helpful when you are dieting. When you diet, your metabolic rate goes down, but exercise can help prevent this decline. Try to get between 15 and 20 minutes of exercise per day. This should be enough to be beneficial in the treatment of an overactive thyroid. Choose exercises that are strenuous enough to raise your heartbeat, such as walking briskly, swimming, running and cycling. One other point to consider is to look at whether you have chemical sensitivities. Research has shown that there is a connection between hyperthyroidism and those with multiple chemical sensitivities. People who are exposed to toxic heavy metals and other substances through their work often suffer from depression, fatigue, poor memory and constipation. These symptoms are all typical of someone with hypothyroidism.

    Tags: Hyperthyroidism Symptoms, Health News, Hair Loss


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    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Environmental remediation, Environmental consultants : News & Society

    You are here: Home / Environmental / Environmental remediation, Environmental consultants

    Environmental remediation, Environmental consultants

    Article by Mark Peter

    Environmental components such as soil, surface water, groundwater, river system, forest areas are often polluted and contaminated due to various factors. This creates a hazard for human health and has the capability of damaging the ecological balance by annihilating other existing life forms. Environmental remediation is about disinfecting the pollutants and neutralizing the hazards created by the contamination and to try and bring it back to its state of natural ecological equilibrium. For this purpose, environmental consultants are required whose advice and expertise is a primary requirement for dealing with this problem.

    Environmental remediation also deals with the redevelopment of brownfield land ? land which has been abandoned by industrial or commercial setups or is underutilized by them. This brownfield land may be contaminated with hazardous industrial waste and there is scope for reusing this land after cleaning up of the environmental components. In such a situation environmental consultants specializing in this process are brought in to help guide the whole operation.

    In the last couple of decades, state and federal government of various nations have stringent measures to protect the environment from degradation and to protect the different components of environmental system like groundwater, surface water, soil etc. to preserve the ecological balance. Different environmental regulations have been established for environmental remediation. Responding to these regulations many companies have developed methods and technologies for the purpose of restoration of the ecological balance and removal of threat to human and other life form. The job of the environmental consultants include apart from technical assistance ensuring that the agency involved in the work follows these regulations. These consultants have a degree in either Environmental Engineering or Environmental Sciences. They also have superb working knowledge of environmental regulations imposed by different governments to help public enterprises or government concerns to avoid fines, sanctions and legal actions.

    Though environmental remediation is dependant on regulatory requirements, in instances where no such regulation exists it depends on human risk assessment and risk to other life forms. The process of restoration occurs in various phases. At the initial stage the site is reviewed to assess the level of contamination. Site assessment often includes evaluation of surrounding areas as they might also be contaminated through soil, groundwater, air and other medium. Environmental consultants would then draw up a plan or strategy for redeveloping the area and for the selection of various processes and technologies that need to be used. These include excavation, dredging, pumping, different treatment methods etc. Consulting the immediate community during the planning stage is also a necessity. During environmental mediation one of the hazards is an increasing health risk to the communities living around the site rising from dust, noise, air, water and sound pollution. Environmental consultants should keep in mind these factors while drawing up a workable and effective plan.

    About the Author

    The author has faced a lot of hazards while buyingenvironmental remediation . For hazard free Environmentalconsultants. he recommends to visit the

    Written by: Dan on August 25, 2011.

    Posted by Dan on Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 8:45 pm?
    Filed under Environmental ? Tagged with Capability, consultants, Contamination, Decades, Degradation, Different Components, Ecological Balance, Ecological Equilibrium, Environmental, Environmental Components, Environmental Remediation, Federal Government, Forest Areas, Groundwater, Hazardous Industrial Waste, Human Health, Pollutants, remediation, Soil Surface, Stringent Measures, Surface Water, Technical Assistance, Water Soil


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    Military Prepares for Hurricane Irene (ContributorNetwork)

    The National Hurricane Center continues to track the approach of Hurricane Irene as it nears the East Coast of the United States. Rough estimates suggest the storm will strike in the Carolinas sometime Saturday. The U.S. military and the various National Guard units of the coastal states are preparing for the storm.

    The first military unit to be called upon when any hurricane approaches is the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, the Hurricane Hunters. These Air Force reservists fly C-130 aircraft loaded with instrumentation into storms of all sizes. Their on the spot observations are critical to forecasting a storm's size and track.

    National Guard units will be activated, as needed, by the governors of their respective states. Air Guard units, such as Florida's 125th Fighter Wing, are moving aircraft to safer locations ahead of the storm.

    Along the Space Coast in Florida, Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral personnel are beginning to secure vehicles and equipment that could be damaged by the hurricane. Any launch structures or launch vehicles will also be prepared for the anticipated high winds and heavy rain.

    The Hampton Roads, Va., area is home to several naval bases. The Commander, U.S. Second Fleet, has ordered ships in port to make ready to sortie in advance of Hurricane Irene. All ships should be prepared to be underway in 24 hours.

    An Air Force unit stationed at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., is responsible for the weather forecasting for all military units in the Washington, area. The 1st Operations Support Squadron will be providing local weather forecasts and reports as Hurricane Irene passes through the nation's capital.

    The Puerto Rico National Guard is in disaster assistance mode. Its soldiers are currently assisting local authorities with a number of tasks now that Hurricane Irene has passed the island. The heavy construction equipment from the Guard is being very useful in removing debris from roadways.


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    Can you use melatonin as an alternative to prescribed rest aidsGBG ...

    Melatonin is often a natural hormone made within the pineal gland in the base of the brain. It performs a important function within the regulation of snooze and it is believed to be critical in maintaining the body?s regular circadian rhythm. Melatonin continues to be applied for 2 primary factors: sleep-related complications and jet lag. For countless many years, we have been aware of the good function which the hormone Melatonin performs in our lives, specifically when it comes to the subject of what Melatonin plays a role in us getting able to get a good nights snooze. In addition to it getting applied to ease insomnia, it continues to be applied to safeguard our cells from free-radical harm.

    Melatonin tablets have been created as a way to solution the difficulty of very low melatonin within the physique. Yet, you will find some factors that ought to initially be comprehended about melatonin and its results within the physique. Most authorities assistance that melatonin made from animal tissues ought to be avoided as they could contain viruses or other health-related threat. Apart from getting applied for that treatment of insomnia, melatonin products also aids bone development, the treatment of jet lag and can assist women in menopause recuperate from irregular sleeping styles.

    Melatonin is often a widely used natural snooze assist and some say it may safeguard cells from cost-free radical harm, prevent cancer and extend everyday life. Marketed primarily being an over-the-counter snooze assist, melatonin is legal within the Usa and can easily be purchased within the natural remedies portion of one?s local drug store or supermarket. But, is it really efficient like a snooze assist? Despite the fact that not adequate study continues to be carried out to generate a consensus within the health-related community, there is certainly adequate proof to suggest that melatonin sleep aid might be really efficient in assisting people drop asleep quicker, snooze better, be extra alert within the morning, and increase top quality of everyday life in people with primary insomnia. It really is perfect to determine a physician for anyone who is seeking to start off taking melatonin to decide the exact dosages, however it is frequently suggested that 1 ought to get 1 to 3 milligrams of melatonin an hour just before mattress time like a snooze assist.

    Golfer,writer, adventure seeker This entry was posted in blogging and tagged health. Bookmark the permalink.


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    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    What is: NASW

    NASW is the National Association of Science Writers. If you are a science writer of any stripe and are in the USA, you should consider applying for membership.

    What is it about?

    In 1934, a dozen pioneering science reporters established the National Association of Science Writers at a meeting in New York. They wanted a forum in which to join forces to improve their craft and encourage conditions that promote good science writing.

    The association was formally incorporated in 1955 with a charter to ?foster the dissemination of accurate information regarding science through all media normally devoted to informing the public.?

    Over the years, its officers have included both freelancers and employees of most of the major newspapers, wire services, magazines, and broadcast outlets in the country. Today, NASW has 2,215 members and 259 students.

    Above all, NASW fights for the free flow of science news.

    As the science writing ecosystem changed over the decades, the organization had to adapt. At its inception, most of the members were professional science reporters, writers and editors with full-time jobs in traditional media organizations.

    As the media decline ? especially print media ? started decades ago (and that is decades before the invention of the Internet 1969, Web 1991, blogs 1997, Google 1998, Facebook 2004 and Twitter 2006), with subscriptions falling, readership diminishing, trust and respect going downhill, and thus profits declining, many of these media organizations went belly-up or had to tighten their belts?often firing their science reporters first.

    The NASW members who found themselves unemployed often managed to remain in the business, but took a different tack. Some became successful freelance writers. Others took jobs as science communicators or Public Information Officers with various organizations, institutions, universities, scientific journal publishers, corporations, or governmental agencies. This change in the membership composition forced NASW to change over time.

    As essentially all of scientific communication ? from primary literature, through news reporting, to commentary and discussion ? now happens online, and most of it is found ONLY online, NASW had to keep up with reality and change its membership criteria to include writers who do their work entirely on the Web, as professionals, semi-professionals or amateurs ? including people like me who have never published anything on dead-tree paper and have a mindset that does not contain any motivation to do so. The advent of the Web has ensured that the long decline of science reporting was stopped and reversed. Because of the existence of the Web, there is more, and better, science coverage today than ever in the history of the Universe.

    Why should you become a member?

    You can find a gig or a job (or hire someone else). You can find important information and do your networking in the discussions on the mailing lists. The ?welcome? package is very useful, with all sorts of materials that can help you write better and network better.

    The Science Writers quarterly magazine is chock-full of important information, coupled with several interesting articles, and all of it beautifully packaged. If you go to the website, there is a lot of useful stuff linked on the right side-bar, some of it public and some of it accessible only to members.

    The website has been undergoing redesign and improvements over the past year or so, with more to come (or so I hear), and the staff has recently also started using Facebook and Twitter for disseminating information (this gets more lively and personalized during the annual meeting ? follow the hashtag #sciwri11 throughout the year).

    But probably the most important advantage of membership is the attendance at the annual ScienceWriters meeting, organized together with CASW (Council for the Advancement of Science Writing). It used to be organized as a part of the AAAS meeting in February, but has, several years ago, moved to Fall, usually late October or early December.

    I first went to the meeting last year, in New Haven, CT, and loved it. The first day is devoted to panels and hands-on workshops that are very useful for honing one?s craft and for networking. There is also traditionally a session where young writers and freelancers can pitch their stories to the editors of major science magazines.

    The remaining time ? the ?New Horizons? series over 2-3 days ? is filled with presentations by leaders in a variety of scientific fields, explaining the latest trends and discoveries. That is definitely good fodder for articles and blog posts immediatelly after the meeting ends.

    This year, the meeting will be in Flagstaff, Arizona, and registration just opened a couple of days ago. If you are a new or young science writer, or thinking about becoming one ? give it a thought, and register if you can go and think this is something for you. I?ll be there (and will participate so say Hi if you see me). In 2012, the meeting will be held in my home territory, in the Triangle area of North Carolina, so keep the date penciled in on your calendars.


    Previously in this series:

    What is: Open Laboratory 2011
    What is: Science Online London
    What is: #NYCSciTweetUp
    What is: Science Online New York City
    What Is:
    What is: The Story Collider


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    Songwriting Legend Jerry Leiber Dead At 78

    Jerry Leiber died today of cardiopulmonary failure at the age of 78. The lyricist wrote many of Elvis Presley’s hit songs. The legendary songwriter passed [...]

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    How Important Positive Affirmations in Real Life?

    Do you know "Positive Affirmations" are the only source of well being in life. Once you start thinking positively you start picking up weak points in life and you spend time in developing them. You recover from upcoming disasters; it may be financial disaster; relationship break up; whatever you get stuck to something and lose happiness. So you have to learn tricks to to evade tension and stress and enjoy a positive life. Positive affirmations can certainly bring new hopes in life and it is much required in a crisis period.? ?

    So you can understand how positive affirmations can change your life in many ways. Normally when you face any difficult unforeseen situation you tend to break down lot earlier; you do not even bother to solve situations. You just try to overcome these sorts of problems. In some cases you may get away with but not always.

    What happens in these situations, you lose calmness and become frustrated. Anger is the outburst of frustration; it can be too dangerous when you tolerate them for longer period. Rather it is way better to solve problems instead of enduring them. You can analyze and spread cause, effect and possible outcomes in a spreadsheet and try to solve issues quite easily. Lets' take examples when positive affirmations play in real time-
    1. Hard work in office

    It is a very common problem to everybody. Some people get frustrated and leave job. It is a good solution if you think you are capable of doing something better than this.

    Otherwise do not leave it all on a sudden; just imagine how it would have been if you had lost that job years ago when you were in deep financial crisis. Think how worse situation can be without any job; no financial security. In such situations your close ones may stay away from you. Better make yourself understand that your job pays you money and you are behind money. So you can handle that much of pressure other than leaving it.

    2. Effect of ex in life

    Relationship is slightly different to materialistic world. Yet you can find out ways; never think too much on that matter. Make yourself understand your life does not end at that particular point. You can start things in fresh way. Best way is to go for a date and spend long hours with someone whom you feel eligible and matches your standard. I am sure after a certain time you will regain your confidence and uplift self esteem. Unless you work on improving positive affirmations in life it is hard to get away from a difficult relationship break up.

    3. Fear of Failure

    Remember failure is subject to come in life at any time. Be prepared for that and try to turn failures in to success. It is not that easy; after toiling hard you may fail. Consolidate yourself with that and start from the basics once again. I am sure it will eventually help you improving mental condition and will supply enough positivity in life that will continue till you live on this earth.

    It is my suggestion stick to basics and learn how to battle against odds in life. Positive affirmations in life can certainly change your lifestyle and attitude.


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    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods | Self Improvement Articles ...

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods

    A variety of different methods can be used in the practice of neuro linguistic programming. The goal of these methods is to increase insights regarding the psyche of the person in order to modify patterns of behavior so that certain goals can be accomplished and so that positive changes can be brought about within that person?s life.

    It is often stated in NLP that the perception of one?s experience depends on the external stimuli in addition to the essence that the senses are able to capture. As a result, one?s response to an experience is entirely dependent upon their perceived image of the world around them, utilizing feelings, emotions, thoughts, etc.

    When an experience is put into words, the words become the critical indicators of the feelings and thoughts that were experienced during a particular event. As a result, listening and then questioning and later understanding the language that is used by an individual makes it possible to establish a model of that person?s behavior and their response to an event. It is then possible to analyze that model and consequently eliminate problems that may be experienced by the individual. It is also possible to model positive areas of behavior and then reproduce that same model and apply it toward negative areas within one?s life in order to bring about change or improvement.

    It has been noted that someone who is successful may exhibit particular beliefs or behavior or even thoughts. The basis of NLP relies upon the idea that if we are able to model those attributes that are inherent to success then we will then be able to apply them to our lives in a daily basis. This would make it possible for even the most ordinary person to achieve the peak of success.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques:

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Mapping
    One of the most important aspects of neuro language programming is the idea of a map. The map is a perception of the individual to the external world. It has been found that the body, mind and language all work together in order to reflect our emotions and feelings. A map may be unrealistic as a result of emotions, beliefs and thoughts that are undesirable. This could potentially be the root of an individual?s problems which are holding him or her back from achieving their goals and attaining success.

    The map of someone who is successful will contain an appropriate set of values, thoughts and feelings. That same map could potentially be translated to a completely different person in order to bring about the same types of results. It is entirely possible to change the map of a person, or their own portrait of how they view the world, in order to elicit a certain positive attitude or behavior.

    A variety of techniques can be utilized in order to establish a change in the learning, thinking and communication skills of a person. Many of these methods may involve hypnosis. In fact, many of the most successful techniques that are used with neuro language programming today are actually techniques that have been successfully used in other fields.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Anchoring
    Anchoring is one of the methods that is commonly used in neuro language programming. This method depends upon the way in which an individual will commonly establish an anchor or form an association between their emotional state of mind and a sound, sight, touch or smell. Once that association has been formed, each time that the person experiences that specific external stimulus he or she will immediately make a connection to the specified anchor. Consider, for example, the way in which a particular smell or song can bring you right back to a particular time in the past. This is an example of anchoring that many people commonly experience.

    As a result of anchoring, the stimulus can come to be viewed as a trigger for a particular emotional state or feeling. Through the use of this technique, a therapist would then be able to create an anchor deliberately within the patient in order to trigger a specific stimulus in order to help the patient achieved a desired state of mind or emotion.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods: Swish
    The swish method is another technique that is also commonly used in neuro language programming as well. This method utilizes a train of thought that can be modified so that a behavior that is considered to be undesirable can then be converted into a behavior that is desirable. Many times a visual cue will be used with this type of method and is commonly used to eradicate unwanted habits such as addiction, drinking, smoking, over-eating, etc.

    Through the use of the swish method, the brain is programmed to actually change from a pattern of thought that is negative or a negative image over to a positive image or train of thought. In addition to visual cues, auditory sounds may also be used in order to enhance the efficacy of the method.

    For example, the person would think of something that they would like to improve and then they would picture themselves as having the positive quality that is desired. Each time that the person encounters the negative image, they will immediately change over to the positive image. Over time this will help the person to eliminate their problems, whether they be worries, addictions or fears.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Reframing
    Reframing is another technique that is commonly used with neuro language programming. This technique works to change the perception of an individual regarding an event, which can then change the underlying meaning of the event. In most cases, in changing the meaning of the event it will be possible to change the person?s response in terms of feelings and emotions. As a result, behavior may also be changed as well.

    Through the use of the reframing technique, the person has an opportunity to view the world through an entirely new perspective. This can actually provide that person with new meaning within their own life. Common examples of the way in which reframing is used includes mythological stories, children?s stories, fairy tales, etc.

    A variety of other forms of therapies make use of the reframing technique. There is actually a six-step reframing process which is based on the precept that even though behaviors can be undesirable, the intention of the person exhibiting the behaviors is typically suitable. NLP strives to identify the intention behind the behavior using a process that is staged.

    A therapist trained in NLP can determine the behaviors that are positive and help the individual to fulfill the same intention by simply substituting more positive behaviors.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: The Formed Outcome
    This is another type of method that is commonly used in NLP. It involves a technique that is similar to framing. The individual will be asked to view the desired outcome and then analyze the effect of that outcome on the world. They are then asked to determine how feasible it would be to achieve that outcome. It is crucial that the outcome that is identified by the client be completely achievable and also within the capacity of that individual.

    In addition, the outcome must also include effects that are positive and must be able to be applied in all situations. The positive outcome will then be analyzed in order to determine the effect of that outcome on the life of the individual and also on all relationships of the individual.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Parts Integration
    Parts integration is another type of technique that is widely used in neuro language programming as well. This technique is based on the idea that our different personal characteristics will always be in disagreement. Under the assumption of this method, it is thought that internal conflict comes about as a direct result of the diverse perceptions and attitudes of the external world.

    The goal of parts integration is to attempt to integrate those different aspects of our individual personalities that are incongruent in order to create a congruent whole. This is accomplished by identifying the different elements and then converting those elements into a single harmonious state. It is thought that at this point internal conflict will be able to be resolved. As a result a state of mental peace can be achieved.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Visual or Kinesthetic Dissociation
    This technique is sometimes referred to simply as VK/Dm. It is commonly used in neuro language programming as well and relies upon the idea that a set of emotions are commonly related to events in the past. Under this technique, past experiences will be deliberately recreated within the mind in order to allow the individual to view those scenes from a more objective standpoint.

    In many ways, the scenes are played back through the mind of the individual much like a movie. In some cases they may be replayed in reverse order. In this method, the individual will attempt to remove himself or herself from being involved in the scene. Dissociating oneself from the event will help the individual to eradicate any bad emotions or feelings they may have about that particular event. The person is now a spectator instead of a participant.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: The Metaphor
    The metaphor is commonly used within neuro language programming as well. This method primarily makes use of anecdotes and metaphors in order to make a connection within the unconscious mind. Through the use of this method, a therapist trained in NLP would be able to identify the beliefs that are inherent to an individual along with the values, thoughts and assumptions that are underlying in any particular behavior that is undesirable.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques: Representational Systems
    This is another method that may be used in some circumstances as well. The goal of this method is to capture an experience and then process that experience through the use of sensory functions. It is then possible to access images or sounds that are similar and release emotions and feelings at an unconscious level.

    Related posts:

    1. Neuro Linguistic Programming Persuasion Patterns
    2. What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming-NLP?
    3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Meta Model
    4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Nature Of Communication
    5. Steps To Curing A Phobia Using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
    6. Who Can Benefit From NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?
    7. NLP: How To Handle Criticism Effectively?
    8. Understanding Time Lining In NLP
    9. NLP Rapport Building Techniques
    10. The Five Fundamental Areas Of NLP
    11. Sensory Acuity Through NLP
    12. BONSAI Techniques: Methods For Getting Started
    13. Power Methods To Write and Use Affirmations
    14. Stress & Resiliency
    15. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


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