Friday, September 28, 2012

Resources to Jump-Start Your Interval Training Now | Greatist

8 Resources to Start Interval Training Now

Interval training?has proven to be one of the most effective ways to kick fat-burning into high gear, boost metabolism, and improve overall fitness. Yeah, sign us up for that.

The only kicker? Interval training gets those great results by pushing the body with high intensity exercises, broken up with lower-intensity efforts in between. Nailing the timing and techniques can take plenty of practice, but that?s where Greatist comes in! Read on for?eight amazing resources to help get anyone started on the interval training path right now. And for the pros out there? Check out our section on info and bonus tools for some cool studies and mobile apps to take that routine to the next level.

Understanding Intervals

Boardwalk Running

The Complete Guide to Interval Training [Infographic]
What is interval training and which method is right for you? This easy-to-follow infographic has all the information you need to get up to speed.

The Four Minute Workout ? Is Tabata Training Effective?
Tabata training involves short bursts of intense exercise and has some serious fitness benefits. Kick that butt into high gear starting with the basic protocol breakdown.

News: High-Intensity Sprints Burn Fat Like 30 Minute Workouts
A recent study found two minutes of sprinting revs up the metabolism as much as 30 minutes of endurance exercise. So should we all swap the long runs for some sprints?

Getting Started

Photo by Kate Morin

Interval Training for Newbies
Slow and steady doesn?t always win the race. Check out three interval training programs geared toward a variety of experience levels, and find out which one is right for you.

How Often Should I Do Interval Training?
Interval training might cut time and burn calories, but diving right in might not be the best bet. Learn how to incorporate interval training into any workout program, from beginners to fitness pros.

My Minute-by-Minute Interval Workout
What does Greatist founder?s interval workout look like? Read on for his favorite minute-by-minute (or sprint by sprint) program.

Keeping Up the Intensity

Best Apps

10 Interval Training Mobile Apps to Download Right Now
Heading out for an interval run or Tabata workout? There?s an app for that. We?ve rounded up our favorites apps so anyone can on your mark, get set, and hit go!

Your Interval Training Playlist
Push through the rough spots and coast through the rest with this week?s interval training-friendly playlist.

What interval training tips worked for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below or tweet The Greatist Team at @Greatist.


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