Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lifeables ? The First Virtual Lifebook(Scrapbook) Review / Joan ...

Written by: Joan Co-Owner

I am loving this opportunity to share with you this really new awesome online service called Lifeables. Now I usually shy away from new online services and programs because I am not the best online! In other words, I consider myself somewhat computer illiterate and I normally push posts about computer programs and services and special sites to my blog partner Mariah, but did not get to her this time! I am glad I didn?t!

As my family will tell you, I am terrible with photos. I have boxes and boxes of photos at home and empty photo albums, that have sat for several years. I did manage to go through about half of the boxes and separate pictures for both kids into seal tight plastic containers thinking they could take care of them, NOT. They left them here and here they sit.

My next issue is 3 computers, each full of different photos and events that really need to get incorporated into one place so they don?t get lost if one of those computer crashes, another great reason for using the Lifeables site to organize and store your pictures!

I must tell you how easy this site is to use. The first stage is to collect and save photos. When you use this feature, it automatically goes into your social network sites, looking for the names of your family members you entered into the friends and family section and as you sit back and have a nice cold cocktail or cup of cafe au? lait, your photos are collecting for you to see. Once done, it lets you know and then you can go through them at your own pace and mark them for the correct family member and they go into that person?s folder. ?Then you may go into your computer and add pictures into Lifeables as well, and before you know it, you have started an online scrapbook!

The personal photos above are from the view and share area of Lifeables and you can adjust that at the time you want it to just how you need it. Do you want just one child? If so, then mark their name and it will make up a page with just that child?s pictures, if you want another person that you have featured in your Lifeable, same thing! This is an awesome feature, like if you want to?embarrass your son, send his page to his recent girlfriend, etc. Tee hee, I am naughty.

It is quite easy as you can see above, to create a new Lifeable or manage current Lifeables. ?I also like that you can label the photos with different labels such as Notable or Memorable, or one of several more! I am telling you this is so so easy to use and I absolutely love it! ?And if I can use it, I am sure you can too. I highly recommend this to everyone, and the best thing of all, it is FREE! That?s right, FREE!!! That makes it even more?appealable?to get your pictures organized.

Thank you to Lifeables and Latina Bloggers Connect for this opportunity!


This post is compensated and in collaboration with?Lifeables?and Latina Bloggers Connect. ?All opinions are mine and I was not required to offer a positive post, just what I felt was true~


? 2012, Joan. Please Notice! All rights reserved. Upon republication of this post and/or any portion of it, You MUST provide a link to the original post.

Hi everyone. I am Joan and Co-owner of Joan & Riah's Reviews. I started blogging and had this site alone until I met Mariah, knowing she was the perfect partner for me and also has become a close friend! I spent many years nursing and when I got totally burnt out I looked for a new career and used my knowledge to proceed with medical sales. I found my niche' and my love. Then suddenly one day I was feeling funny in the office and went to the ER to find I was having a stroke. This happened several times before I was diagnosed with a clotting disorder, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. I was working hard to get out of that hospital and back to work when I had a heart catheterization blow in my leg, leaving me in ICU and very ill, fighting for my life. I am fortunate to have my life but was forced to go on disability. I spent my days on line and was introduced to blogs with giveaways! Although all this was fun, I was still missing something. I thought and thought and said to myself, having a review/giveaway blog is a lot like sales and marketing. I had to search for products and services to review, write them up, and offer the giveaways. This seems to have filled my void and thus my site was born! I live in Florida with my husband and my DD. DD just got her BA in Biz. I also have a son in the US Navy. I am proud of both. Then there is my spoiled brat Basset named Freddi, the love of my life. My husband and I have been married 15 years and he is my soulmate. Took me 3 times to find him LOL I hope you all enjoy this site. Sit down a spell and take a chance on winning something nice.Good Luck to all who cross my path!


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