Saturday, September 29, 2012

A frank, fair and open conversation on immigration | Progress | News ...

Crowd at Liverpool Street Station

Tough public attitudes on immigration mean that on the doorsteps it is often the very last thing that any activist wants to talk about. But when a voter says they are concerned about immigration, often what they are really saying is they are worried about their life and some of the social pressure they are encountering.

Closing down the conversation just carries on the myth that in Britain we are never allowed to talk about immigration. That?s one of the reasons that British Future, a new thinktank, is holding fringe debates at all three party conferences on the challenges that politicians of all parties have about talking about immigration.
There is strong evidence that migration brings net benefits to Britain, but there is plenty of evidence that talking about the economic numbers doesn?t speak to anyone but economists, and as Mark Rusling has detailed in a previous article for Progress this is just one of the challenges you meet on the doorstep. Most people hear a number and just switch off. A personal story makes far more sense, as does bringing the issue back to the local community. Yes, there are stories about housing shortages, but are there also stories about local and national businesses set up by migrants bringing jobs to the area? Talk about both. What do they think of Mr Khan who is now running the garage at the bottom of the road, who escaped from persecution in Afghanistan and set up his company from scratch? Make it personal and then it matters more.

The public also wants to hear more about integration. People are proud of modern Britain, 75 per cent think the Olympics showed Britain to be a confident, multi-ethnic society. This is a country where we turned out in thousands to cheer Mo Farah, Jessica Ennis and Chris Hoy. A politics of solidarity demands a shared society, not a segregated one, a concern that might link concerns about social mobility or the super-rich playing by different rules to how those of different ethnic backgrounds and faith groups live together.

The British public wants to see migrants contribute positively to the UK, and they are proud of the ones that do. When it comes down to attitudes to new migrants, the public sees skill and education levels as more important than cultural background, according to the latest British Social Attitudes study.

Most people believe that professional migrants are good for Britain, whether they come from Eastern European countries like Poland, or Muslim countries like Pakistan, while strong majorities also believe that the settlement of unskilled labourers is bad for Britain. The study also finds strong support for student migration, from all parts of the world and cultural backgrounds, as long as students coming to Britain have good grades.

There is good evidence that migration brings net benefits to Britain ? but social democrats will worry about the distribution of gains too, and pay attention to who wins and who loses out. A politics of ?nobody left behind? would not take an entirely open approach to migration, but look for ways to spread both benefits and burdens fairly.? Labour should find more to say about integration too.
Labour can be deeply anxious about how to talk about immigration, but each of the major parties struggles with how to articulate an immigration approach which is both workable and can secure public consent. The Liberal Democrats got into trouble at the last election with their policy of an earned amnesty for those without legal status. The Conservatives may have been better at chiming with public sentiment, but are struggling to find policies which could meet their net migration pledge.

It is easy for oppositions to blame governments ? but Labour simply turning up the volume once out of office would not be credible. Between the polarised positions of open borders or slamming them tight shut is a hidden middle ground, on which many people could converge.

There are limits to migration. Britain can?t admit everybody who would like to come to this country, so the question becomes how to make workable choices that reflect our interests and values. Securing public consent for sensible limits depends first on securing trust in an orderly system, where the rules are managed fairly with borders controls that work. Only then might an argument about which forms of immigration, and at what pace, reflect Britain?s interests.

Many people think Labour has been running away from this issue. So the first thing any doorstep advocate needs to establish is that, however difficult it might sometimes be, a frank, fair and open conversation about immigration is very much on.

Sunder Katwala is director of British Future

British Future is holding a joint fringe with Progress in Manchester on October 1 at 12.45pm at Peter House, The Doorstep Challenge: How Labour Can Talk About Immigration.

Photo: Victoria Peckham

British Future, immigration, international students, Labour, skills


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These Harry Potter Blu-rays Are Your Hogwarts-Is-Real Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

Diagon Alley's online storefront—which some call Amazon—is a wonderful place. The Flourish & Blotts section is an excellent way to browse through tomes of all sorts—even muggle books, like J. K. Rowling's new decidedly adult book, The Casual Vacancy. And it's real wizardry how you can download books onto your tablet, even if it doesn't always apparate correctly the first time. And be sure to stop by Ollivanders—they've got a new wand out, and I hear it's pretty great, even if some people are complaining that it's just the old wand, but a little longer. Whatever it is, if Ollivanders is putting it out, I want it. When shopping online, it's really easy to get carried away and end up blowing all your sickles and knuts, but if you're patient, and read Dealzmodo, you can save a lot of money. More »


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Soapy 'Won't Back Down' gets a failing grade

Walden Media

Viola Davis and Maggie Gyllenhaal in "'Won't Back Down."

By David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter

The jury is still out on a solution to the national education system crisis, but the verdict is delivered with a heavy hand and a stacked deck in the formulaic "Won?t Back Down." Simplifying complex school-reform hurdles into tidy inspirational clich?s while demonizing both teachers? unions and bureaucracy-entrenched education boards, the movie addresses timely issues but eschews shading in favor of blunt black and white. It?s old-school Lifetime fodder dressed up in Hollywood trappings.

In the broadest terms, Daniel Barnz?s film, co-written with Brin Hill, is a dramatized counterpart to Davis Guggenheim?s 2010 documentary "Waiting for Superman,? which pointed to charter schools as the only way out of the public-education quagmire. That film was partly financed by Walden Media, the backers of this Fox release, suggesting that the problem of underperforming inner-city classrooms is a pet cause for the company.

VIDEO: "Won't Back Down" trailer

In Barnz and Hill?s by-the-numbers screenplay -- which trumpets that vaguest of catch-all legitimization banners, ?Inspired by actual events? -- the catalyst for much-needed change at Adams Elementary School in Pittsburgh is crusading Everymom Jamie Fitzpatrick (Maggie Gyllenhaal). Her dyslexic daughter Malia (Emily Alyn Lind) is stuck in a class with a teacher (Nancy Bach) who is a monster of job-secure complacency, and a principal (Bill Nunn) too mired in unionized paralysis to help.

A single mother working two jobs and unable to afford tuition at better alternatives, Jamie bones up on the ?fail-safe? maneuver, the film?s equivalent of the parent trigger law. That controversial legislation -- on the books in some form in a handful of states and under consideration in many others -- allows concerned parents and teachers to intervene in floundering public schools. In the film?s example, it primarily means getting past restrictive union controls and a do-nothing education board.

The absurd idea that the parents of an entire student body are too apathetic to worry about their kids? education until Jamie comes along like some rocker-chick Erin Brockovich is just one of the film?s condescendingly movie-ish conceits. Played with grating one-note pluckiness by Gyllenhaal, Jamie overcompensates for her lack of a college education by self-consciously sprinkling her conversations with words like ?trepidatious.? Yet, darned if this scrappy dynamo doesn?t get the whole community galvanized.

Even more objectionable is the depiction of the burned-out staff at Adams. They mill around in the break room bitching about teachers like Malia?s, saying, ?The only thing the district does well is protect its mistakes.? But the general lack of motivation is palpable, and even Nona Alberts (Viola Davis), a committed educator like her mother before her, has lost faith in her profession.

The only exception at Adams appears to be Teach For America do-gooder and soulful hunk Michael Perry (Oscar Isaac), who leads his class in line-dancing numbers, accompanying them on ukulele as they sing about ?Goin? to College.? Naturally, this makes Jamie swoon.

A perfunctory romance blooms, but Michael vacillates in his support for Jamie?s cause. Preferring to focus his commitment on his class only, he is reluctant to stray from union-sanctioned guidelines. Jamie?s sole consistent ally is Nona, who risks alienating the entire teaching staff, including her feisty pal Breena (Rosie Perez). While she?s worn down by the challenges of a broken system, not to mention the end of her marriage and the learning difficulties of her own son (Dante Brown), Nona reluctantly gets with the empowerment program.

However, this is another one of those movies where a tenacious white person leads the charge to save inner-city kids, achieving a miracle transformation through sheer force of will. While Nona is the insider with the education experience, she?s second fiddle throughout the fight, getting much of her dignity not from the script but from Davis, who could do this role in her sleep.

In order to provide a gossamer-thin semblance of balance, Barnz and Hill plant one jaded idealist apiece in the teachers? union and the education board. That essentially leaves Holly Hunter and Marianne Jean-Baptiste playing variations on the same role, both of them primed for redemption as they rediscover their buried convictions. Elsewhere, the opposition is reduced -- most notably by Ned Eisenberg?s belligerently uncompromising union chief -- to a force of obstinate blindness as to what?s good for the kids, and for the majority of disillusioned teachers.

Given the disingenuous way in which this lumbering movie pushes obvious buttons and manipulates the audience?s emotional investment while conveniently skimming the issues, it?s a mystery how some of these names got roped in.

Following her breakout work in "The Help," this is a particularly unhappy use of Davis? considerable talents. Hunter also is too smart an actor to be stuck playing the transparent construct of a compromised Norma Rae. Lance Reddick (The Wire) is given an entirely thankless role as Nona?s businesslike departing husband, while Ving Rhames is on hand literally to deliver a speech as principal of the exemplary Rosa Parks Elementary School during a lottery draw for new students.

That scene is one of many such preachy interludes in a dumbed-down agenda film that veers shamelessly between didacticism and soap.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Syria rebels say launch "decisive battle" in Aleppo

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels said they had launched a major attack in Aleppo on Thursday at the start of a "decisive battle" to push President Bashar al-Assad's forces out of the country's biggest city.

Heavy fighting was reported in around 14 districts by opposition activists and several rebel brigades, though the scale of the fighting could not be confirmed independently.

A video posted on YouTube by rebels showed Abdulqadir al-Saleh, the head of the biggest rebel force in Aleppo, the Tawheed Brigade, carrying a walkie talkie and announcing the start of the assault.

"Now the attack on Assad's forces has started on all fronts and God willing today will be decisive in Aleppo," he said.

The 18-month-old uprising against Assad has killed 30,000 people and the violence is escalating sharply, say activists. World powers are meeting at the United Nations but are divided over the crisis, which has descended into civil war.

The U.N. refugee agency said up to 700,000 Syrian refugees may flee the country by the end of the year, nearly quadrupling its June forecast for the exodus from the deepening crisis.

Around 294,000 refugees have crossed into neighboring Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey, most of them in the last two months.

"This is a significant outflow taking place, 100,000 people in August, 60,000 in September and at the moment 2,000 or 3,000 per day or night," Panos Moumtzis, Regional Refugee Coordinator for UNHCR, said on Thursday in Geneva.

The flow of refugees surged in August when Assad deployed jets and helicopters to strike rebel-held towns in the northern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib, sending thousands across the border with Turkey.


Rebels flooded into Aleppo two months ago but have been held back by low ammunition and the army's superior firepower.

Insurgents from many brigades in Aleppo said "zero hour" had been announced by calls of Allahu Akbar ("God is greatest") from mosques at 4 p.m. (1300 GMT) on Thursday. They said there were clashes in the heart of the city, including the Hamidiya and Midan districts.

Tawheed Brigade Spokesman Abu Firas said all the battalions working in Aleppo "from the small ones that consist of ten people to the big ones" had met to agree on the offensive two days ago.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a violence watchdog with a networks of activists in the country, said hundreds of insurgents were taking part in heavy fighting and the government was responding with heavy artillery.

Aleppo is split roughly in half, with rebels in the east and government forces and local Assad-loyal militia in the west.

Syria's rebels are a mixture of army defectors, Islamists and civilians who have taken up arms against Assad.

Some groups have been accused of human rights abuses and western powers who call for Assad's removal are reluctant to support the disparate fighters. Western diplomats say they are looking for a clear command structure and coordination among rebels.


World leaders meeting at the United Nations have expressed concern at the violence but are deadlocked over their response to the conflict, which pits mainly Sunni Muslim rebels against Assad, who is from an Alawite minority close to Shi'ite Islam.

Qatar, one of several Sunni Muslim powers which supports the rebels, called for a no-fly zone to provide a safe haven inside Syria. French President Francois Hollande also called on the global body to protect what he called "liberated zones" under rebel control.

But there is little chance of securing a Security Council mandate for such action given the opposition of veto-wielding members Russia and China.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Moscow on Wednesday any attempt to use force unilaterally or interfere with events in the Middle East would be counterproductive. China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said the destiny of the region "should be held in the hands of its own people".

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Russia, China and Iran's stance on Syria was letting a massacre go on unabated.

Activists said more than 300 people died on Wednesday, making it one of the bloodiest yet. They said 55 people had been killed in rural areas around Damascus, including at least 40 who appeared to have been executed in the town of al-Dhiyabia, southeast of the capital.

The Observatory also said 14 people had been killed in a rebel bomb attack on a military command centre in Damascus and in a prolonged gun battle between rebels and members of the security forces.

The Islamist militant group Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility on Thursday for the assault, saying it was carried out in two stages, starting with a suicide bomber detonating a car near the building.

Rebels have also targeted Assad's inner circle during the conflict. The president's widowed sister Bushra has moved to the United Arab Emirates, a source close to the UAE government said on Thursday, apparently having fled with her children after her powerful husband was killed.

Bushra al-Assad, Bashar's older sister, was married to Assef Shawkat, the former deputy defense minister who was killed in a bomb attack in Damascus on July 18.

(Additional reporting by Dominic Evans and Oliver Holmes in Beirut, Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva, reporters at the United Nations; Editing by Andrew Heavens)


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Resources to Jump-Start Your Interval Training Now | Greatist

8 Resources to Start Interval Training Now

Interval training?has proven to be one of the most effective ways to kick fat-burning into high gear, boost metabolism, and improve overall fitness. Yeah, sign us up for that.

The only kicker? Interval training gets those great results by pushing the body with high intensity exercises, broken up with lower-intensity efforts in between. Nailing the timing and techniques can take plenty of practice, but that?s where Greatist comes in! Read on for?eight amazing resources to help get anyone started on the interval training path right now. And for the pros out there? Check out our section on info and bonus tools for some cool studies and mobile apps to take that routine to the next level.

Understanding Intervals

Boardwalk Running

The Complete Guide to Interval Training [Infographic]
What is interval training and which method is right for you? This easy-to-follow infographic has all the information you need to get up to speed.

The Four Minute Workout ? Is Tabata Training Effective?
Tabata training involves short bursts of intense exercise and has some serious fitness benefits. Kick that butt into high gear starting with the basic protocol breakdown.

News: High-Intensity Sprints Burn Fat Like 30 Minute Workouts
A recent study found two minutes of sprinting revs up the metabolism as much as 30 minutes of endurance exercise. So should we all swap the long runs for some sprints?

Getting Started

Photo by Kate Morin

Interval Training for Newbies
Slow and steady doesn?t always win the race. Check out three interval training programs geared toward a variety of experience levels, and find out which one is right for you.

How Often Should I Do Interval Training?
Interval training might cut time and burn calories, but diving right in might not be the best bet. Learn how to incorporate interval training into any workout program, from beginners to fitness pros.

My Minute-by-Minute Interval Workout
What does Greatist founder?s interval workout look like? Read on for his favorite minute-by-minute (or sprint by sprint) program.

Keeping Up the Intensity

Best Apps

10 Interval Training Mobile Apps to Download Right Now
Heading out for an interval run or Tabata workout? There?s an app for that. We?ve rounded up our favorites apps so anyone can on your mark, get set, and hit go!

Your Interval Training Playlist
Push through the rough spots and coast through the rest with this week?s interval training-friendly playlist.

What interval training tips worked for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below or tweet The Greatist Team at @Greatist.


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Home with my family on Sunday...

Hiking, biking, walking, swimming, skating, hula-hooping, frisbee, flying kites, sidewalk chalk art, crouquet, or soccer.

Go to a park near your home. Or a museum. Or an art gallery. Play board games. Go enjoy the fall colors in nature. Take pictures. Heck, paint a picture of it if you're so inclined.

The possibilities are endless. Just pick a few and do them.

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Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizes for lousy iPhone Maps app

6 hrs.

After a week filled with complaints about the new Maps app found in iOS 6, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, the?company's CEO, Tim Cook, has issued an apology to customers along with a list of alternative apps.

A link to the apology appears on the?Apple website, plainly labeled as "[a] letter to our customers regarding Maps."

Cook begins the note by explaining that while Apple strives to "make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible," it "fell short on this commitment" with the launch of its new Maps app.

"We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better," Cook writes?before explaining that the reason a new version of Maps needed to be created was so that Apple could offer its customer features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, and so on. "The more our customers use our Maps the better it will get and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback we have received from you," he adds.

While Apple's improving its own Maps app, you can use something else, Cook suggests. "You can try alternatives by downloading map apps from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web app."

One can only imagine how much it pains Cook to suggest that the over 100 million folks who are using iOS 6 at this time should just try a product made by Apple's competitors for a while.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Personal Finance and Election Predictions

For a bit of election year fun, Credit Karma has done an analysis of credit behavior (credit scores and debt levels) on a red vs. blue state basis and then used the results to attempt to predict what will happen in the so-called swing states.

For those that are unaware, red states are those that are expected to vote Republican whereas blue states are expected to vote Democrat. All state definitions came from CNN and NY Times election maps.

In their analysis, they found that individuals from blue states have marginally higher credit scores (662 vs. 638) as well as credit card debt levels ($5,830 vs. $5,253) and student loan debts ($30,418 vs. $27.478*). They then ran the numbers for the eight swing states (below).

From this, they concluded that if ? and this is a HUGE if ? credit data can be used to predict voter behavior, then Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Iowa are likely to vote Democrat this year.

In fact, according to the excellent election polling site FiveThirtyEight, all four of these states are currently leaning to the blue side. That being said, so are Florida, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconin?

What does this mean? Probably very little, but I thought it was a unique way to slice and dice the data. And it does get at a bigger question: to what extent does your personal financial situation influence your decisions in that voting booth?

I did find the apparent correlation between credit scores and debt levels intriguing, with blue states having both higher credit scores and higher debt levels. Looking at the swing state data, there?s likewise a slight positive association between credit scores and credit card debt levels (but no such pattern emerges for student loans).

The two main possibilities here are that credit score calculations favor those who are carrying higher debt levels or that those with higher credit scores are given higher credit limits. Either way, it?s disappointing to see so much being carried by so many people.

*Note: It wasn?t entirely clear to me how they calculated the student loan debt. These numbers are so high that they must have looked at average loan balance for those with loans, or something along those lines.


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It's All About Choices | Fireball Stocks

Can or Cannot, Will or Will Not ? Everything is a Choice

by Lou Scatigna

I was cruising around Facebook today and it seems that everywhere I turn, people are posting quotes in their statuses about choices. So I thought to myself, Lou, how can I apply this to finance to get people to think more about their financial futures and their level of commitment to their own financial literacy? Waiting for the ?AHA? moment? Ok, so here it is: If everything we do in life is a choice, good/bad, up/down, wealthy/in debt, then why can?t we just choose to be wealthy? Is there a simple answer? Maybe not; but there are some simple choices you can make to help build your financial health and lead you to that choice of building wealth.

Let?s start with something simple: how do you choose to spend your morning? Do you eat breakfast with your spouse/children and have a nice conversation? That?s great, more power to you! Do you grab something and run out the door, waving goodbye to whoever happens to be in your path? Hey, if it works for you?. Do you sit at your desk, read the paper and maybe listen to some talk radio or watch the news? OK, good choice?but is it the best choice? None of these are bad choices if they work for you, but we can go one better.

If you are the ?sit with the family and enjoy breakfast? type- great. How about adding a little conversation about the state of the family?s finances? Or maybe play a little financial game with the kids? How about getting the old newspaper out and talking about what?s going on in the world and how it affects the family, especially financially? Enjoy some conversation while teaching the kids to be more financially literate, it?ll help them learn and give you some quality time with them; not to mention keeping you up to date on your financial affairs and involving the family in the decision making. Kids learn by example, if you are interested in the economy, chances are, they will learn to be too.

Alright, you ?run out the door? types, your turn. I?m not here to judge you on your choices, but let?s see what happens if we add ten minutes onto your morning by drinking a cup of coffee and glancing over the financial section of the paper. News programs only take a few minutes to catch you up on the headlines and you can listen while getting dressed. Staying informed on what is going on in the world today makes financial sense; if you don?t know the state of the economy, how can you make decisions as a consumer? Turn on CNN when you get out of the shower. Listen to some talk radio when you are commuting to work. There are a lot of ways to keep informed without having to sit down and read the paper from cover to cover. Try something new and you might learn something about how to build your financial wealth?just from tuning in for a few minutes.

Desk jockeys, how about you? You read the paper, you listen to the news, you cruise the internet for information ? that?s great. Do you share it with your spouse?? Do you go home and talk about what you?ve learned that day? Do you ask your significant other what his/her opinion is on the economy? Do you ask for opinions on the family finances? Are you part of a team effort or are you the sole proprietor of the family finances? Conversations are important; share the wealth of knowledge that you accumulate. Take ten minutes each day to talk to your spouse about what is important to your family and how you can improve the financial future of your family. It works ? try it.

Life is full of choices. What stocks to buy, what to invest in, how much gold to own, what financial adviser to choose, how much to put in the retirement fund, how much to put aside each month for your kids? college fund.? I know sometimes it seems like the choices are out of your hands; you feel you can?t afford to save, you can?t afford to invest; there?s nothing left at the end of the month to put aside for a rainy day.? Life gets overwhelming, but if you think about the things you choose to have, but don?t necessarily need to have, you may find some wiggle room in there somewhere.? Do you really need the big, expensive house you live in or could you make do if you downsized a bit? Do you really need a new car right now? Do you need to go to the movies every weekend and then out to dinner? Do you see what I?m getting at here? Define your actual needs and differentiate from the wants in your life and you have some choices you can make.

Don?t be controlled by your feelings of material entitlement; make a choice to live a simpler life and to communicate with your spouse. Teach your kids to earn and save, not to beg and splurge as kids today tend to do.? Just about everything in life is a choice except birth and death. To quote Eleanor Roosevelt: ?In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.? You can choose to live in a way that supports the building of wealth; the question is ? will you make that choice?

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Philippine central bank keeps easing options open

MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippine's economy does not need more stimulus for now as domestic demand remained buoyant despite the global slowdown dampening exports, but the central bank can ease policy if needed later this year, its governor said on Wednesday.

Any adjustment to interest rates would depend whether the risk of inflation accelerating or risk of economic growth falling was greater, Governor Amando Tetangco told Reuters.

"Right now the balance of risks is broadly even," Tetangco said in an interview at his office in Manila.

The Philippines has shown resilience amid the global downturn that has slowed growth in China and other emerging market economies in the region.

Having posted one of the highest growth rates in Southeast Asia in the second quarter, there was evidence that the Philippines could sustain growth in the second half of 2012.

The Philippines' GDP expanded an average 6.1 percent in the first six months, and policymakers are optimistic growth will hit the higher end of a 5 to 6 percent target for this year, accelerating from last year's 3.9-percent expansion, despite weakening exports of electronics, the main export earner.

"The policy stimulus currently in place is sufficient to provide support to domestic economic activity amid the ongoing weaknesses globally," Tetangco told Reuters in an interview at his office in Manila.

"I'm not going to rule out possible further easing during the rest of the year, but that will depend on our assessment...of the stance of policy relative to the inflation target, which is our primary mandate, and relative to economic growth," he said.

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, which next meets on Oct 25 to review policy, has kept its overnight borrowing rate at a record low of 3.75 percent following three cuts totaling 75 basis points this year aimed at shielding the economy against external shocks.


Capacity utilization in the manufacturing sector was above 80 percent, and energy sales, an indicator of economic activity, was on the rise.

Accelerated government spending in the second half, and more efficient spending brought about by budget reforms would help sustain growth, Tetangco said.

"We expect to get more bang from each peso spent," he said.

Data released earlier on Wednesday showed government spending rose 10.4 percent in August from a year earlier, although it was down 22 percent from July.

Economists say there is scope to ease policy further to dampen rapid peso appreciation and curtail speculative inflows.

Having gained 5 percent against U.S. dollar so far this year, the Philippine peso is the second best performing currency among emerging Asian economies, only bettered by the Singapore dollar.

Sound macroeconomic fundamentals and the prospect of being rewarded with an investment grade credit rating in coming months have drawn investors, flush with cash thanks to easier monetary policies adopted in developed economies.

While a strong currency offers protection against the inflationary effects of higher prices of imports, it could also crimp growth as it makes the country's exports more expensive and reduces the buying power of foreign currency remittances from Filipinos working overseas.

Domestic consumption, which accounts for 70 percent of GDP, is driven by remittances, which average $1.7 billion a month.

Tetangco said higher oil and food prices in the world market were upside risks to inflation, but these risks were moderated by the weak global economic outlook.

While policymakers were closely watching asset prices particularly in the property market, a bright spot in the economy driven largely by a growing offshoring and outsourcing industry, there were no signs of asset bubbles yet.

"We continue to believe there is limited evidence of stretched valuations in the real estate market," Tetangco said.

(Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)


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Lifeables ? The First Virtual Lifebook(Scrapbook) Review / Joan ...

Written by: Joan Co-Owner

I am loving this opportunity to share with you this really new awesome online service called Lifeables. Now I usually shy away from new online services and programs because I am not the best online! In other words, I consider myself somewhat computer illiterate and I normally push posts about computer programs and services and special sites to my blog partner Mariah, but did not get to her this time! I am glad I didn?t!

As my family will tell you, I am terrible with photos. I have boxes and boxes of photos at home and empty photo albums, that have sat for several years. I did manage to go through about half of the boxes and separate pictures for both kids into seal tight plastic containers thinking they could take care of them, NOT. They left them here and here they sit.

My next issue is 3 computers, each full of different photos and events that really need to get incorporated into one place so they don?t get lost if one of those computer crashes, another great reason for using the Lifeables site to organize and store your pictures!

I must tell you how easy this site is to use. The first stage is to collect and save photos. When you use this feature, it automatically goes into your social network sites, looking for the names of your family members you entered into the friends and family section and as you sit back and have a nice cold cocktail or cup of cafe au? lait, your photos are collecting for you to see. Once done, it lets you know and then you can go through them at your own pace and mark them for the correct family member and they go into that person?s folder. ?Then you may go into your computer and add pictures into Lifeables as well, and before you know it, you have started an online scrapbook!

The personal photos above are from the view and share area of Lifeables and you can adjust that at the time you want it to just how you need it. Do you want just one child? If so, then mark their name and it will make up a page with just that child?s pictures, if you want another person that you have featured in your Lifeable, same thing! This is an awesome feature, like if you want to?embarrass your son, send his page to his recent girlfriend, etc. Tee hee, I am naughty.

It is quite easy as you can see above, to create a new Lifeable or manage current Lifeables. ?I also like that you can label the photos with different labels such as Notable or Memorable, or one of several more! I am telling you this is so so easy to use and I absolutely love it! ?And if I can use it, I am sure you can too. I highly recommend this to everyone, and the best thing of all, it is FREE! That?s right, FREE!!! That makes it even more?appealable?to get your pictures organized.

Thank you to Lifeables and Latina Bloggers Connect for this opportunity!


This post is compensated and in collaboration with?Lifeables?and Latina Bloggers Connect. ?All opinions are mine and I was not required to offer a positive post, just what I felt was true~


? 2012, Joan. Please Notice! All rights reserved. Upon republication of this post and/or any portion of it, You MUST provide a link to the original post.

Hi everyone. I am Joan and Co-owner of Joan & Riah's Reviews. I started blogging and had this site alone until I met Mariah, knowing she was the perfect partner for me and also has become a close friend! I spent many years nursing and when I got totally burnt out I looked for a new career and used my knowledge to proceed with medical sales. I found my niche' and my love. Then suddenly one day I was feeling funny in the office and went to the ER to find I was having a stroke. This happened several times before I was diagnosed with a clotting disorder, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. I was working hard to get out of that hospital and back to work when I had a heart catheterization blow in my leg, leaving me in ICU and very ill, fighting for my life. I am fortunate to have my life but was forced to go on disability. I spent my days on line and was introduced to blogs with giveaways! Although all this was fun, I was still missing something. I thought and thought and said to myself, having a review/giveaway blog is a lot like sales and marketing. I had to search for products and services to review, write them up, and offer the giveaways. This seems to have filled my void and thus my site was born! I live in Florida with my husband and my DD. DD just got her BA in Biz. I also have a son in the US Navy. I am proud of both. Then there is my spoiled brat Basset named Freddi, the love of my life. My husband and I have been married 15 years and he is my soulmate. Took me 3 times to find him LOL I hope you all enjoy this site. Sit down a spell and take a chance on winning something nice.Good Luck to all who cross my path!


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Air Force mystery plane set for next mission

ABC News' Taylor Hom reports:

The U.S. military's mysterious X-37B space plane is headed back into the great beyond to do? whatever it does up there.

The X-37B is slated for its third launch in October, the Air Force said, but like its two orbital predecessors, the mission of the unmanned spacecraft remains shrouded in secrecy. The exact timing of the October spaceflight, dubbed Orbital Test Vechicle-3 or OTV-3, is also tentative.

"We are on track for the launch of the X-37B to occur next month, but the exact date of the launch is dependent on a number of factors including range conditions and weather," Air Force spokesperson Lt. Col . John Dorrian told ABC News. The 29-foot-long vehicle is set to launch aboard an Atlas 5 rocket from the Florida station of Cape Canaveral.

The pioneer voyage of the X-37B, called OTV-1, began in April of 2010 and lasted 225 days, eventually landing in December of the same year at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The second orbit, OTV-2, touched down on the same base this past June following a record-breaking 469 day travel.

"For this third launch, while the vehicle is the same? we are considering landing it at NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida instead of the previous base," said Dorrian. "We are looking to save money and make use of previous investments and infrastructure already available."

The mission for this small shuttle-like machine, developed by the U.S. Air Force and based on NASA's original X-37 design, remains largely classified. The secrecy surrounding the program, which is overseen by the Air Force's Rapid Capabilities Office, has attracted international attention from nations like China who have speculated a more aggressive intent.

"Industry analysts said the spacecraft could be a precursor to an orbiting weapon, capable of dropping bombs or disabling enemy satellites as it circles the globe," China's state-run Xinhua news agency wrote in June after OTV-2 concluded its mission.

Since the 2010 maiden flight, U.S. officials have continuously assured the world that the mission of the OTV series is non-nefarious "testing." For instance, the coming October mission will focus on testing the vehicle's capabilities as well the cost-effectiveness of the aircraft, Air Force spokesperson Maj. Tracy Bunko told, which first reported on the new mission

"One of the most promising aspects of the X-37B is it enables us to examine a payload system or technology in the environment in which it will perform its mission and inspect them when we bring them back to Earth," Bunko said. "Returning an experiment via the X-37B OTV enables detailed inspection and significantly better learning than can be achieved by remote telemetry alone."

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy eating habits for children | Bodybuilding, Supplements ...

Healthy eating habits are a good way to keep your body strong, energized, and well nourished. You must eat a well balanced diet. The benefits of getting started on healthy eating habits are that you feel active throughout the day, your body gets adequate vitamins and minerals, and you maintain a healthy body weight. Developing healthy eating habit means that you must aim for regular meals and healthy snacks to meet your nutritional needs. It is also vital that you develop healthy eating habits in your children.

Whether you look up recipes online, or consult cookery books, it is always a good idea cook a healthy and tasty meal for yourself and your child. Try to incorporate more of cooking techniques such as grilling, microwaving, or baking instead of deep frying.

Here are a few ways in which you can develop healthy eating habits for children and also weight yourself:

You must never place your children on a restrictive diet to lose weight. Instead take time to inculcate healthy eating habits to lose weight.
Make a wide variety of healthy foods available in the house.

If the only option is healthy food, your child is more likely to eat healthy.
Eat meals together as a family as mealtimes become more pleasant.

Involve your children in food shopping and preparing meals as it gives you an opportunity to teach your children about nutrition.
Never skip your meals.

Eat healthy snacks between your meals to maintain a healthy weight.
Avoid white processed sugar as much as you can. Instead, you can opt for sugar free drink mixes, water, or juices.

You may enjoy desserts such as cakes or cookies, but limit their intake. You must never make your children crave for sweets instead opt for a healthy sweet snack.

Never eat your meals in a hurry. Take your seat and relax while eating.

Include fiber rich foods in your diet, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, which are not only healthy and help maintain weight, but also keep you comfortably full.

You must ensure that you and your child drinks adequate amount of water to stay hydrated.
By teaching your children healthy eating habits, you can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when they grow up. You must consult a dietician for nutrition counseling if you are unsure about how to select and prepare a variety of foods for yourself and your family.

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Einstein's brain is now interactive iPad app

In this Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 photo, Dr. Phillip Epstein, left, and Steve Landers of the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago talk about the new iPad app being released Tuesday, Sept. 25 that allows users to see Albert Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Carla K. Johnson)

In this Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 photo, Dr. Phillip Epstein, left, and Steve Landers of the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago talk about the new iPad app being released Tuesday, Sept. 25 that allows users to see Albert Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Carla K. Johnson)

In this Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 photo, Dr. Phillip Epstein, left, and Steve Landers of the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago talk about the new iPad app being released Tuesday, Sept. 25 that allows users to see Albert Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Carla K. Johnson)

This digitized image made from a screen shot of a new iPad app, provided Sept. 24, 2012 by the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, shows an image of brain tissue from renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. The new application to be released Tuesday, Sept. 25 will allow users to see Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/Courtesy the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago)

This digitized image taken from a screen shot of a new iPad app, provided Sept. 24, 2012 by the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, shows an image of a portion of the brainstem of renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. The new application to be released Tuesday, Sept. 25 will allow users to see Einstein's brain as if they were looking through a microscope. The application promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look. (AP Photo/The National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago)

(AP) ? The brain that revolutionized physics now can be downloaded as an app for $9.99. But it won't help you win at Angry Birds.

While Albert Einstein's genius isn't included, an exclusive iPad application launched Tuesday promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look.

A medical museum under development in Chicago obtained funding to scan and digitize nearly 350 fragile and priceless slides made from slices of Einstein's brain after his death in 1955. The application will allow researchers and novices to peer into the eccentric Nobel winner's brain as if they were looking through a microscope.

"I can't wait to find out what they'll discover," said Steve Landers, a consultant for the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago who designed the app. "I'd like to think Einstein would have been excited."

After Einstein died, a pathologist named Thomas Harvey performed an autopsy, removing the great man's brain in hopes that future researchers could discover the secrets behind his genius.

Harvey gave samples to researchers and collaborated on a 1999 study published in the Lancet. That study showed a region of Einstein's brain ? the parietal lobe ? was 15 percent wider than normal. The parietal lobe is important to the understanding of math, language and spatial relationships.

The new iPad app may allow researchers to dig even deeper by looking for brain regions where the neurons are more densely connected than normal, said Dr. Phillip Epstein, a Chicago-area neuroscientist and consultant for the museum.

But because the tissue was preserved before modern imaging technology, it may be difficult for scientists to figure out exactly where in Einstein's brain each slide originated. Although the new app organizes the slides into general brain regions, it doesn't map them with precision to an anatomical model.

"They didn't have MRI. We don't have a three-dimensional model of the brain of Einstein, so we don't know where the samples were taken from," said researcher Jacopo Annese of the Brain Observatory at the University of California, San Diego. What's more, the 1-inch-by-3-inch Einstein slides on the app represent only a fraction of the entire brain, Annese said.

Annese has preserved and digitized another famous brain, that of Henry Molaison, who died in 2008 after living for decades with profound amnesia. Known as "H.M." in scientific studies, Molaison participated during his life in research that revealed new insights on learning and memory.

A searchable website with images of more than 2,400 slides of Molaison's entire brain will be available to the public in December, Annese said.

"There will be another Einstein and we'll do it like H.M.," Annese predicted. For now, he said, it's exciting that the Einstein brain tissue has been preserved digitally before the slides deteriorate or become damaged. The app will spark interest in the field of brain research, just because it's Einstein, he said.

"It's a beautiful collection to have opened up to the public," Annese said.

Some may question whether Einstein would have wanted images of his remains sold to non-scientists for $9.99.

"There's been a lot of debate over what Einstein's intentions were," museum board member Jim Paglia said. "We know he didn't want a circus made of his remains. But he understood the value to research and science to study his brain, and we think we've addressed that in a respectful manner."

Paglia said the app could "inspire a whole new generation of neuroscientists."

Proceeds from sales will go to the U.S. Department of Defense's National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Spring, Md., and to the Chicago satellite museum, which is set to open in 2015 with interactive exhibits and the museum's digital collections.



Einstein brain app:


AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson can be reached at .

Associated Press


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Read the rest of this entry - Vietbac Security

One of the main marketing strategies that can help online retailers build a successful Internet business is search engine optimization (SEO), the process of tailoring your website to the algorithms that search engines use to rank websites based on ?signals? that the site emits.

However, search engine algorithms continue to change with time as the Web evolves (Panda Updates, anyone?), so online retailers need to evolve with the engines. We must make sure we keep up-to-date with best practices to claim the best possible rankings for relevant keywords.
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If you want your website to rank well in 2012, here are 6 components of SEO that online retailers should know about when optimizing their e-commerce website to rank well in top search engines:

Keywords. Keyword research is the first step to a successful SEO strategy. Those successful with SEO understand what people are searching for when discovering their business in a search engine. These are the keywords they use to drive targeted traffic to their products. Start brainstorming potential keywords, and see how the competition looks by using Google AdWords Keyword Tool. If you notice that some keywords are too competitive in your niche, go with long-tail keywords (between two and five words) which will be easier for you to rank. The longer the keyword, the less competition you will have for that phrase in the engines.

Meta tags. Meta tags still play a vital role in SEO. If you type any keyword into a search engine, you?ll see how that keyword is reflected in the title for that page. Google looks at your page title as a signal of relevance for that keyword. The same holds true for the description of that page. (Don?t worry about the keyword title tag ? Google has publicly said that it doesn?t pay attention to that tag, since it has been abused by webmasters and all those trying to rank for certain keywords.)
Content. It?s true, content is king. Search engines have stated that creating quality content is the best way to not only rank for keywords, but also create positive user experiences. It will also go a long way with making sure you?re educating your consumer, and being an authority in your niche will leads to boosts in sales.
Backlinks. If content is king, then backlinks are queen. Remember, it?s not about which site has the most links, but who has the most quality links pointing back to their website. Build backlinks by submitting monthly or bi-monthly press releases on any exciting company, and contacting popular blogs in your niche to see how you can work together to get a backlink from their website. Create the best possible product site you can, so people talking about the products you sell will link back. Try creating graphics or newsworthy content that will influence bloggers and news websites to link that content.
Social media. The algorithms have truly changed since social media first emerged. Many content websites are community-oriented ? Digg began allowing users to vote which stories make the front page, and YouTube factors views and user ratings into their front page rankings. Therefore, e-commerce stores must establish a strong social media presence on sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. These social media sites send search engines signals of influence and authority.
Product images. If you think images don?t play a role, think again. When many consumers search for products in the search engines, not only are they looking at the ?Web? results, but they?re also looking at the ?images? results. If you have quality images of that product on your site ? and the files? names contain relevant keywords ? these images will rank well in search engines. This avenue will drive a lot of traffic to your site, as potential customers will click on that image to find your store.

In addition to optimizing these six areas of your site, analyze your competitors and see what they are doing in terms of on-page optimization, off-page optimization (competitive link analysis) and social media. While you may be doing a lot of the same things they are, it?s incredibly important to think outside the box to get a leg up over the competition.

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Mazda to premiere the 2013 Mazda CX-9 at the Australian - Gizmag

The 2013 Mazda CX-9 (Photo: Mazda)

Mazda has announced that it will be unveiling its 2013 CX-9 crossover SUV at the 2012 Australian International Motor Show, October 18 - 28. Highlighting a stouter ?refreshed? design than the 2012 CX-9, the latest version has a more aggressive front that?s all bumps and forward-thrusting angles.

It?s the second of the latest Mazda cars to use the full range of the company?s SKYACTIV technologies to improve fuel efficiency. In addition, the 2013 CX-9 uses Mazda?s regenerative braking system called i-ELOOP, which uses capacitors to recover braking energy electrically rather than through flywheels.

Safety features includes a suite of assisted driving features such as Mazda?s Forward Obstruction Warning System, Lane Departure Warning System and a High Beam Control System that automatically dips the headlamps when a vehicle is sensed approaching in the opposite lane.

Under the bonnet, the 2013 CX-9 retains the MZI V6 3.7-liter petrol engine with a six-speed automatic gearbox putting out 273 bhp (204 kW) and 366 Nm (270 ft-lb) of torque at 4,250 rpm. Fuel consumption is rated at a modest 12.7 liters per 100 kilometers (18.5 mpg) city and 8.4 l/100 km (28 mpg) highway. Backing this up is a Macpherson front suspension and multilink rear suspension. The end result is 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in a leisurely 7.9 seconds, but the top speed makes up for this at 225 km/h (140 mph).

Source: Mazda

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Loos Nowadays Occupy A More Eminent Place In Your House Than ...

Loos nowadays occupy a more eminent place in your house than becoming merely personal hygiene area. It has become your individual retreat, recourse to unwind and unwind in total privateness. A well conceived rest room design in addition to serving the utilitarian purpose also serves to enhance the value of the entire home. A fine rest room design though woven around individual preferences would usually render adequate space and functionality likewise adding style to the space. Given a well deserved interest to the theme, dcor and rest room equipment you can conjure up an extraordinary and exclusive individual space for your house.

A correct plan guarantees that you select the appropriate bathroom equipment blending well with the theme instead of overdoing with useless trinkets. Markets today are opulent with limitless options entertaining almost each concept. With a small creative thinking from your finish you can get the desired look nicely fitting your budget. For instance Utilizing mild colors with a sprint of fake painting can make your rest room seem stylish and fashionable. You can also consider including a strategic contact of bright colours to transform your rest room style from dreary to heat and welcoming. Partitions can also be adorned with a backsplash of bathroom tiles, accessible in endless choices, to deliver a neat and intelligent look. Rest room tiles in addition to being suitably chosen need to be completely affreux to impart a crisp impression to your rest room.

Storage area being an imperative component of the rest room needs to be well assimilated with the concept. How large your rest room is and how a lot storage area you need? Ponder over your specifications prior to creating your final buy of vanities and side cupboards.

Rest room accessories are the Achilles heels of even most luxuriously carried out loos. People have a tendency to clog their relaxation rooms with vases, paintings, hangings or little trinkets, something they find matching the concept. Yet the plethora rather of improving stops up pulling down the location making it look cluttered and unappealing. The rest room accessories should be chosen with the believed -less is more-, as a few handpicked rest room equipment would blend nicely with the theme creating your bathroom appear fresh, cool and inviting.

You can additional add a dash of fashion to your bathroom design by including modern space enhancing mild arrangement. Creatively maneuvered lights can produce spacious and stylish impact within extremely modest spending budget.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mans Guide To Success With Women, Self Help

Discover The Simple And Proven Techniques And Strategies That Will Make You Absolutely Irresistible To Beautiful Women!

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    Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.. Book Trailer

    Allison Maslan introduces her book, Blast Off, The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality. (Morgan James, 2010) Get Ready to Love Your LIfe! Are you ready to launch your most passionate and prosperous decade ever? The burning question is Do you want to be in the same place you are now in ten years, or even five years? The truth is that you will be asking yourself that same question in another decade if you dont take action now. There is a completely fulfilling life just waiting to be claimed as your own. The next question is What are you waiting for? Through her proven Blast Off! formula, Allison Maslan will teach you step-by-step how to let go of limiting fears and beliefs, inspire you to tap into your burried passions, then give you a step-by-step plan to achieve your dreams in a new and prosperous career, find your soulmate, have more fun and adventure and create a fulfilliing spiritual path. On January 19th, 2010 Receive Over 20 Valuable Bonus Gifts from leading authors, coaches and teachers. Go to Rave Reviews For Blast Off "Blast Off! gives the what and how to create the personal and professional life of your dreams. Allison Maslan's easy-to-follow program offers a great recipe for prosperity, success and fulfillment." Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason, featured in The Secret "When I went to see Allison, I was, like many people, stuck and unfulfilled in my career. Allison helped me sort myself out and see my potential. She helped me find the clarity and the guts to take the leap. Thank goodness she did! Now I am the producer of my own national series television show on Discovery Health, have won 11 Emmy's and just about to publish my second book." Sam Zien,The Cooking Guy-Television Personality/Chef "Allison's book should never leave your sight. It contains a clear path for living your dream and getting more out of life. Here is your chance to stop dreaming about it once and for all and start making something great happen in your life and work. It is your desktop and bedside table companion for life!" Mark LeBlanc, author of Growing Your Business!, president of Small Business Success, Recent President, National Speakers Association "Allison Maslan bares her soul in this authentic book about living passionately and fully from the inside out. In Blast Off! she skillfully weaves the power of divine energy and the soul's purpose with nuts and bolts strategy and raw determination. The result is mesmerizing. After reading this book, you will not only know for certain that you can achieve your heart's desire, you will be equipped with the tools make it happen. She is brilliant at teaching others to tap into the deepest part of themselves and then helping them create their individual formula for success. I highly recommend this book." Ernest D. Chu, author of Soul Currency, spiritual community leader, and counselor "Allison Maslan has helped me more than anyone on my road to success. She is the real deal and living proof that you can achieve your dreams and live your best life possible! If you are ready to take the leap to a new life on all levels, Allison's Blast Off! Program will get you there." Mary Goulet, Author of Go With Your Gut and It's All About You, Co-Founder, "In Blast Off! Allison Maslan provides us with the keys to manifesting what in the yogic tradition are called the Four Fruits of Life-dharma (the true path), artha (prosperity), kama (love), and moksha (freedom). Allison shares generously from her life experiences and humorously recounts how from them she learned to discover her true calling, find the man of her dreams, build a successful business, face her fears, and have a lot of fun along the way. Allison's gift is to present universal and eternal principles in a way that is easy to understand and apply." Tim Miller, Master Ashtanga Teacher and Director, Ashtanga Yoga Center (Encinitas, California) "Allison Maslan's powerful book, Blast Off! gives the most direct path in inventing the career and personal life of your dreams. Her easy-to-follow flight plan is a profound mix of inspiration, passion, and success in the real world." Digby Diehl, New York Times and London Times bestselling author of over 30 books, including Million Dollar Mermaid, Remembering Grace, literary correspondent for ABC-TV's"Good Morning America," and founding editor of The Los Angeles Times Book Review
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    Categories: How To

    Alain De Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success

    Alain De Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure -- and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty case to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at
    Ranked 4.42 / 5 | 1149 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Alain De Botton TEDTalks TEDGlobal Talks Philosophy Make Money Fast Failure Self Help Schools Of Life Advice
    Categories: People & Stories

    Zig Ziglar, Strategies For Success Intro, Part 1

    Zig Ziglar, Strategies For Success Intro, Part 1 Hear my interview with Zig at Zig Ziglar is loved by many. He has traveled over 5 million miles inspiring and encouraging people to be their best.
    Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 190 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (07:34)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Zig Ziglar Was Born To Win Iwasborntowin James Smith Motivation Inspiration Make Money Fast Hope Lonely Winners Winning Goals Self Esteem Image Self-image Love Fear Pain Obstacles Adversity
    Categories: People & Stories

    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People

    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People

    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People video by Ahmad Sanusi Husain consultant-speaker-motivator Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [email?protected] +6019-2348786 Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur and even a millionaire? If the answer is "Yes", your journey of a thousand miles and a thousand smiles starts here: Apply the 17 successful principles above, you are on the right track.
    Ranked 4.37 / 5 | 104 views | 1 comments

    Click here to watch the video (10:06)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: 17 Make Money Fast Principles Common Traits Successful People Dr. Napoleon Hill Dale Carnegie Pma Positive Mental Attitude Ahmad Sanusi Husain Teamwork Definiteness Purpose Master Mind Self-discipline Extra Mile Cosmic Habit
    Categories: People & Stories

    Stedman Graham Speaker, Author, and Success Coach

    Stedman Graham Speaker, Author, and Success Coach

    Brooks International presents Stedman Graham. . Stedman Graham is an accomplished author and success coach. He has written or co-written several educational books about management, marketing, and success building. An inspiring speaker, Graham speaks to organizations around the country on issues surrounding success, self-empowerment, and diversity. A commitment to education and lifelong learning is central to Stedman Graham's philosophy. Graham is also a founder and former director of George Washington University's Forum for Sport and Event Management and Marketing - the first of its kind in the country. The Forum provides academic programming, career training, and business and employment research in sports and related industries, with a focus on minorities and women. Graham is a sought-after speaker and lecturer. Based on the precepts of You Can Make It Happen and Build Your Own Life Brand, he annually delivers his message to over 100 corporations, colleges, universities, high schools and not-for-profit organizations. Clients include the U.S. Department of Education, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and the U.S. Olympic Committee.
    Ranked 4.20 / 5 | 21 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (05:57)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Inspiring Speaker Author Success Coach Management Marketing Make Money Fast Self-Empowerment Diversity Education Learning
    Categories: People & Stories



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