Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hello hello!

1) What's your username? Why'd you pick that username?
Illumination! Well I don't really know -why- I picked the name but uh-.. that's me!

2) How'd you find this place? Google? Why'd you look it up on Google or whatever?
Google, yeah. And well I was looking for a place like this specifically so. Yeah.

3) How long have you roleplayed on forums or chat? On what sites? Did you start with tabletop games or such?
For a while actually, since '04 what I can remember. Too many sites TO remember. And no I didn't. In-fact, I've never played tabletop in my life.

4) In coming to RPG, what've you been looking for specifically? A new home for roleplay? Better roleplay?
Roleplay. A new home would be good yes. I've been here a short while and have looked around a bit and I like what I've seen so far. Better roleplay's always good!

5) What kinds of roleplay are you interested in? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Go in-depth about it if you want.
I enjoy all sorts of fantasy genres, nation builders, persistent worlds and universes, I love modern era roleplays and of course post-apocalyptic stories.

6) What're your hobbies? Do you collect rocks or mount insects?
I write. That is all.

7) What's something you're good at besides writing? Maybe you're on the volleyball team or you're a quick learner? Maybe you play the flute or can fold up chairs amazingly fast? xD
I'm good at typing? [; Well -.. um. I'm good at my job. I can drive extremely well...

8) Do you have any friends here at RPG that invited you here? Would you want to make more friends while you're here?
Nope. And yes of course I would.

And lastly...

9) Do we get cookies for looking through your thread and saying hello?
I import my cookies straight from Keebler Elves. I got this.

vernal equinox mr rogers jamie lee curtis spring equinox audacious pollen count mexico city

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