Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What are baseball bats made of?

He used to be that baseball bats were made ??of a single type of material: wood. But away with time, there are many different materials, the baseball (and softball), the bats are made. With this article we will look at various types of baseball bats.

The baseball bats were originally made ??of wood. Wooden clubs are still popular today as in professional baseball and even some amateur leagues required.Louisville Slugger is probably the most popular wooden bat makers in the world.

There are two main types of wood that are used for these bats, ash and maple. Ash is the most popular. Northern White Ash has its own unique texture and feel and is used for many years. However, it has a bug, the emerald ash borer, a lot of problems for those responsible ash bat in recent years produced, affecting millions of ash trees in Michigan alone, and tens of millions moreother states and Canada.

Maple bats have a name for the big leagues in recent years. The maple bats are harder than their colleagues ash bat. However, fragmentation has become a problem, such as regularly handles bats with a smaller diameter. Increasingly, professional and amateur batters are playing at the plate with maple bats.

Bamboo has come to a country more recently. Recognized to be a bat lighter and more durable hitters are starting to use theseWood "Green" as a viable way. The same can be said for the birch bats. Birch bats are known, more durable than ash, maple and collapsible.

Asked by the introduction of Easton aluminum in 1969 amateur baseball has gone down a brand new way. Metal bats are lighter and increase the distance more than wooden sticks. Shots of the moon, flew out of the ballpark at an incredible pace. Attempts were made in clusters. Almost all youth baseball leagues have used metal batsa number of years.

However, composite bats have come to the countryside in recent years. They are built with the same aluminum outer skin, but a layer of graphite on the inside of the hull. This is the composite bats are lighter and more impact on the batted ball pad.

Because of this effect more than a springboard, the associations, such as Little League Baseball, have a lock on the composite bats. It has also undertaken a new rule in the NCAA. Composite bats hoursBBCOR must the standards. The National Federation of High Schools and with the standard BBCOR for the 2012 season. In practice, it will be important to maintain the standards that bats are BBCOR of.50 or less and with the logo stamped BBCOR lawful.


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