Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Indie Fix: Electron Dance @ Eurogamer ... - Bits 'n' Bytes Gaming

Posted by Armand K. on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 ? 1 Comment?

We here at Bits ?n? Bytes Gam?ing are part of an alliance of gam?ing sites. An Alliance of Awe?some, to be exact. It?s a loosely held-together col?lec?tion of three spec?tac?u?lar sites who, on occa?sion, cor?rob?o?rate to make the most out of our some?what lim?ited resources and bring you, the jaded inter?net pub?lic, the best damned gam?ing related news, thoughts, and awe?some we can put together.

So today, instead of high?light?ing an indie game I think you should send your monies to as per my usual MO, I?d like to point you toward fel?low Alliance mem?ber Har?bor Master(HM) and his most excel?lent site Elec?tron Dance. HM had the dis?tinct plea?sure of attend?ing this year?s Eurogamer Expo, and while there, he cov?ered as many of the indies as he could get to. Check out his post on the expo, the games, and some footage near the end of mem?bers of the Alliance hang?ing together (I?m guess?ing before they got?drunk).

And while you?re there, check out some of HM?s other con?tent. It?s the kind of intel?li?gent and inspir?ing games writ?ing we should all be sup?port?ing, just like indie?games!

Elec?tron Dance?s Eurogamer Expo!


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