Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Joyof Backpacking

For some, it started on a family vacation to some town in the backcountry when to keep themselves occupied for the whole eight-hour drive, their mother and father or family members must have handed them a copy of Backpacking: One Step at a Time. Or it may be that they have been doing it for such a long time it was hard to remember a time when they have not been strapping on boots and walking for miles in natural habitats outside.

Whatever?s the case, one thing is certain: We go backpacking for just one reason. And that reason is to enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer.

You always recognise a first-time hiker the moment you see her or him approach, hobbling under at least 50 pounds on the back (for a two-night trip) comprised of a backcountry pack that is the equivalent of the Beverly Hillbillies ? flatbed, a 10-pound tent, a couple of trainers, twelve bagels, and masses more watchamaccallits which he insists might come in useful during the trip.

It is an amusing picture, to be sure, but correct for almost every toughened backcountry veteran out there the 1st time they started backpacking. Not to worry though. If you are one of the newbies to backpacking, it won't take long for you to put enough miles on the boots, and for you to refine your backpacking checklist. As time goes, you will find yourself picking up some decent sense of fine-tuning your art along the way, until your pack ultimately no longer resembles a lorry and you no longer carry just about as many bagels.

Meanwhile, these are some backpacking tips and advice for you live by before deciding to learn under Experience when your degree from On-the-Trail College.

Have Some Fun

That is what backpacking is all about. Sure, there are a bunch of reasons why you put on those boots, but in the final analysis, all of that reduces down to one thing ?fun. Without that, then it isn't worthwhile. Who needs to endure so much the difficulties of backpacking when all they get out of it are countless bug bites and maybe a few scrapes here and there? If it wasn't fun, would anyone even bother?

So take this advice: have some fun. Take it slow. Watch a cloud form. Breathe the air. The number one rule in the woods is ?No Stress.? Breaking that rule isn't an option.

Be Prepared

Just because backpacking is fun doesn't mean you can forget safety all together. Remember: this is the outdoors. Anything could occur. Ill-preparedness is the cause of too many backcountry disasters and near-misses. Inadequate clothing, shortage of route-finding ability, poor judgment calls ?all of these have led straight to life endangering circumstances in hiking.

The best way to be prepared while backcountry backpacking is understanding what conditions you're going into. When you do, work out a way to handle them and pack in an appropriate way. You can also inquire at park management who could give you valuable advice on local conditions and permitting techniques.

Know Your Gear

Being a trail dork isn?t so bad, especially if your life is on the line. And knowing which insulation your sleeping bag uses does not ruin your ?cool? image in anyway if it turns out a hurricane is brewing and the night is going to be most likely freezing cold.

Knowing your hardware is always a brilliant idea because your gear could be called upon to save your life one day.

Joseph Robertson has long been an advocate of perfecting your backpacking checklist. Take a look at the blog for more great info on creating your backpacking checklist.


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