Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Niche Marketing For Women ? Making Real Money While Having Fun ...

Niche marketing can mean different things for different people but basically a niche market is just a single topic or interest that people might have that you try to market or sell to. A micro niche is just a subsection or more defined portion of any topic or subject matter that is more targeted and thus more easy to sell to. But I?m not here to talk to you about micro niches or even a particular niche in general. All you need to understand is that a niche is simply one topic that people might be interested in.

What I want to give you is a more important lesson and one that may change how you look at your online business and internet marketing overall. What I have for you is something that goes against what ever great guru and million dollar internet marketer might tell you. This should make sense to you before we are done but you have to trust your instincts and your gut here when I say that you can work in whatever niche and build your business around whatever topic your heart desires and you can be successful.

No matter what niche or topic intersts you, that is where you need to be and what you should be focusing on, especially if you are new to internet marketing. While all the experts might tell you that according to their research you should only be working in niches where there are tons of buyers, I say that you know your topic best. You know yourself the potential in the market that intersts you and you probably have a lot of great ideas about what those people want and need. Don?t you? But you might be scared and wonder why all the experts say that you should target the big niches that are proven first.

The big internet marketing gurus give the advice to newbies to target the big, proven markets because they know that if they do so they will never be wrong. They can always fall back on statistics and say that other people are making money in these niches so it must be a problem with you. You must be doing something wrong. You have failed and they haven?t. You have to remember that most of the big internet marketers are guys and we all know how much guys hate to be wrong, right? Of course, you are more than welcome to work in one of these niches if you do have a passion and desire to do so. There are buyers in these markets, same as any market, but the competition can be fierce and along with that track record comes a few obstacles so make sure that it is a niche that you really love.

When working in some of the more proven niches you could find yourself writing and promoting day in and day out the same thing that could possibly be of no interest to you. It is quite possible that you know nothing about any of these niches and thus it would be more difficult for you to make yourself appear to be an expert on your chosen topic. But each and every day you would have to write articles, research topics and force yourself to feign interest in a subject that you have absolutely no passion about. How long do you think you could hold up and be happy promoting things that turn you off or that you?re just not passionate about? Soon your online business would become a job no different than the one that you?re trying to break free from.

No doubt you would burn out rather quickly and grow tired and frustrated from trying to make money online. You might even feel as if you would be better off with a job or you might just fail altogether and completely give up your dream of building an online business that can support you and give you the lifestyle that you dream of. That is why I say that you should follow your heart and your passion. If you have an interest or a hobby that you love you should make that your main niche and the focus of your business.

If you love gardening then work in that direction. A simple blog with gardening tips that enthusists might not be able to find anywhere else might be the perfect fit for you. Your research and marketing could be done through article related to your passion and time spent on your favorite forums! As things progress and you become known as an expert in your niche you could write a simple book and market it to your niche. You could branch out with many sites or blogs related to different aspects or sub niches that interest you. If it?s gardening that you are passionate about you could have a site about rose gardening and another about vegetable gardening and a third about landscaping with flowers.

The possibilities are endless and the great thing is that you will never run out of ideas and your passion will carry you through when you aren?t making money. Yes, money can be a motivating factor and it could be enough to get you through if you were working in a niche that you didn?t care about. But when you?re following your heart and your passion the money is secondary. It is an added benefit and it just makes your work seem more like play than anything else.

So, as tempting as it is to listen to the advice from some men who have made themselves experts in a given field, listen to your heart. Follow your passion and let it carry you through the difficult times. Let it pour from your heart through your words as you work to build your online business. Try not to listen to those that tell you that you?ll never make any money in your chosen niche. Prove them wrong and follow this common sense approach to niche marketing and makeing money online.

Read This Article to uncover how you can get some much needed help with this newbie proof system built just for female internet marketers. Get the secrets from real people just like you and me.


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