Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Maryland Doctor Wins Van Cliburn Amateur Piano Competition

Van Cliburn presents Christopher Shih with the First Place prize for winning the Sixth  International Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs in Fort Worth, Texas.
Rodger Mallison/Cliburn Foundation

Van Cliburn presents Christopher Shih with the First Place prize for winning the Sixth International Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs in Fort Worth, Texas.

Christopher Shih, a 38-year-old gastroenterologist from Ellicott City, Md. says the only time he finds to practice the piano is at night, after he puts the kids to bed. But all that late-night practicing has paid off. Shih has won the sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition for Outstanding Amateurs.

Shih beat 70 of the world's best non-professional pianists, including a lawyer from Hong Kong, a telecommunications manager from Mexico and, in the final round, a Formula 1 race car designer from the U.K. He takes home $2,000 in cash and a pair of custom Cliburn spurs. Shih also won the audience award and the award for the best performance of a work from the Romantic era, which earned him another $250.

After the awards ceremony, Shih said the week-long competition wasn't stressful. "The contestants are all people who came here because they love to play," he said. "My goal was to come, play as well as I could and enjoy the social experience." Surprisingly, Shih also said he planned to quit playing piano altogether for as long as 3 years.

The amateur competition is based in Fort Worth, Texas and held every 4 years. It is open to pianists age 35 and up who do not make a living by playing or teaching piano.

Shih is no stranger to amateur competitions. He's won top prizes in similar contests in Boston and Paris. He even once competed in the better-known, professional level Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Shih's preliminary and semifinal rounds over the past week included transcriptions of music by Bach, Wagner and Tchaikovsky. He clinched the prize Sunday with his final round performance of Brahms's Variations on a Theme by Handel (hear the complete performance below), which the Dallas Star-Telegram called "masterful."

Source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/deceptivecadence/2011/05/31/136821817/maryland-doctor-wins-van-cliburn-amateur-piano-competition?ft=1&f=10003

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is wobbling OK? (sober) - Family Woodworking

I really need to get more veritile in my shop. And, I'm over stubbornly refusing to see that I need a dado set for my table saw. (they scare me ) I occasionally do multiple cuts the hack, whack and chisle out the opening but that is not really the best way to go.
So, I'll on the search for a dado set.
I see the wobble types are much less expensive that stacking types.
Are the wobblers just as satisfactory as the stackers or is/are there drawbacks?

Source: http://familywoodworking.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23881

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To Make A Memorable Meal, Start With A Memory


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Experience the wonderful world of Chef Bryon Brown's Sensorium dinner experiment.

Dinner with a side of memory: A supper club extravaganza staged in Washington, D.C., this spring enlisted all the senses ? and some actors and musicians, too ? to enhance diners' experience and memory of the food.

Think about the last great dinner party you went to. What was the most unforgettable detail? The conversation? The service?

If you can't quite remember what you ate, you're not alone. While we often remember having a good time, we tend to remember very little about the food, or more specifically, what it tasted like.

That's something that frustrates Washington, D.C., chef and entrepreneur Bryon Brown. He still recalls a great meal with his beloved Aunt Michelle, even though it happened 10 years ago.

Brown grew up in East Harlem in the 1980s; his family didn't have a lot of money, but Aunt Michelle was always there, encouraging him. When he got his first paycheck, he took her out for her birthday to a fancy Italian restaurant in Manhattan. He remembers how the waiters glazed the wineglasses, how well they treated his aunt, and what she was wearing. "She was in ... her Sunday's best, she had on a big hat, Sunday's, and she's really old school," he says, cracking a broad grin.

It was a big deal for both of them, but something still bothers him about it: He can't remember the food.

He believes he can change that for other people. "Food is a conduit to joy, and if you see it that way, you could use it to your advantage and create these very memorable moments," Brown says.

But how, exactly, to do that, he wasn't sure.

Fast forward a decade to this spring. Bryon Brown launches a project called Sensorium. "It's a feast for the senses," says Brown. He hired actors and musicians to harness the senses and enhance diners' experience of the food ? his food.

Sensorium is a unique, 12-course dinner party that's part circus, part play. It was held in a three-story high geodesic dome in a field near Washington's Anacostia River this spring.

When we first heard about Brown's project, we knew he had to meet Ed Cooke.

Ed Cooke is an international memory champion and founder of Memrise, a website designed to make learning languages fun. He's the kind of guy who memorizes 16 decks of cards in an hour for fame and glory, and enjoys reciting Paradise Lost to strangers in a park for fun. He's also the guy who taught author Joshua Foer to become a memory champion in his new book, Moonwalking With Einstein.

Ed Cooke is an  international memory champion. Cooke says  taste is the trickiest sense to pin down  because it's fleeting and hard to describe.
Enlarge Maggie Starbard/NPR

Ed Cooke is an international memory champion. Cooke says taste is the trickiest sense to pin down because it's fleeting and hard to describe.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

Ed Cooke is an international memory champion. Cooke says taste is the trickiest sense to pin down because it's fleeting and hard to describe.

Cooke became interested in memory back when he was 18, back in England. He was laid up in the hospital for about three months and surrounded by octogenarians, and he thought to himself: I've got to keep my memory going. He studied the interplay of the senses under neuroscientist Charles Spense at Oxford University.

We knew he'd be game to advise Brown on the memory science part of Sensorium.

But first ? why is remembering the taste of food so hard?

The Science Of Taste

Cooke says taste is the trickiest of all the senses to pin down because it is fleeting and hard to describe.

"You can remember basic attributes of the taste like sweet or sour, crunch and so on, but to actually reproduce it in your memory is a very elusive thing," says Cooke.

We also have a poor vocabulary to describe taste, and have to rely a lot on metaphors to describe it ? the pudding was a cloud of chocolate, and so on.

Cooke says taste also relies on other senses ? sight, smell, texture and even sound ? to help it out. But those other senses can hinder taste, too. For example, being on a noisy airplane makes food tastebland.

I ask Cooke why we would want to remember anything when we can just look it up on Google.

Cooke says a lot of people have this attitude. They think memory is boring. It's for drills and shopping lists. "But there's another way of thinking about memory as sort of a rich, colorful, imaginative emotional playground for your soul. And that's the way you have to think about it to be able to remember effectively," he says.

And taste especially "has enormous opportunities for playing around and being experimental," he says.

And that's what Bryon Brown's Sensorium is all about.

Making A Memory Stick for Food


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Three steps to creating your own memorable meal.

How to stage your own memory dinner party: Memory expert Ed Cooke lays out the three basic rules.

To make a lasting memory, whether its food or anything else, Cooke has three basic tips. First, make it vivid.

"You know, if your PIN number is 4197 or something, if you just imagine it as a couple ? a 41-year-old married to a 97-year-old ? immediately, even if it becomes slightly creepy, it also becomes memorable and in fact, for just that reason," Cooke says.

Much of the Sensorium show was vivid, Cooke says. For example, during the fish course, actors holding fish puppets swum around the room while the dome pulsed gently with soft lights and music. It made the diners feel as if they were swimming with the fish underwater.

Next, Cooke suggests making each course distinct from the others "because if there isn't a break, two things will kind of merge together in your memory," he says. Another course involved miniature bites of salty pork belly and sweet potatoes presented on dollhouse-sized chairs and tables instead of plates. Definitely distinct, says Cooke.

And third: Include a narrative or a story or a piece of music that ties all the courses together. "A brain loves a narrative, and by having a narrative, you can kind of collect everything together under one roof in some sense," Cooke says.

This is where Brown and Cooke disagreed. Brown and the actors feared that squeezing their project into a story would sound a bit cliche.

"The challenge is, how do we incorporate some of these memory techniques and still have the artistry intact?" Brown said, just before opening night.

Brown's Big Dreams

Brown wasn't always a chef, but he always had a plan to get there. He worked hard, fell in love with the chemistry of cooking and molecular gastronomy, and dreamed of running his own kitchen.

Bryon Brown's Sensorium is a unique, 12-course dinner party that's part circus, part play. It was held in a three-story high geodesic dome, shown here under construction, in Washington, D.C. this spring.
Enlarge Maggie Starbard/NPR

Bryon Brown's Sensorium is a unique, 12-course dinner party that's part circus, part play. It was held in a three-story high geodesic dome, shown here under construction, in Washington, D.C. this spring.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

Bryon Brown's Sensorium is a unique, 12-course dinner party that's part circus, part play. It was held in a three-story high geodesic dome, shown here under construction, in Washington, D.C. this spring.

But without the money to open a restaurant, he didn't have a lot of options. Then he came up with the idea of creating one-night supper clubs for paying guests; he called it Artisa Kitchen.

He partnered with local art galleries, where he met many of the actors he later hired for Sensorium.

David London, a magician, worked at one of those galleries. He and Brown immediately clicked.

"His approach to food is very similar to what magic and illusion is," London says. Both Brown and London use science and logic to make their art look effortless.

London later became Sensorium's master of ceremonies, leading diners through several courses of the meal and coordinating with the other actors.

The Show

Just before the first show, Brown had a few extra challenges to deal with. The lights and the sound system couldn't be installed properly because the dome was leaking. And there was a strange echo that his crew had to address using sound-absorbing foam.

But opening night waits for no man or dome, so Sensorium opened April 9. Diners waited anxiously in the entryway, sipping a spicy sangria and meeting the actors.

It was something out of Alice in Wonderland a little bit. It was really kind of bizarre, but in a fabulous way.

Once they were let into the dome, diners were seated at several round tables surrounding a tiny stage.

"Welcome to Sensorium," the master ceremonies intoned, and diners were led through a parade of dishes, including a salmon salad on a bed of dry ice, sunchoke soup, and a dessert of chocolate souffl? sprinkled with salt.

Cooke praised the show as well, calling it "truly close to being spectacular," but he says he wished there was a narrative.

As for the diners? Many remembered several courses, but none I talked to could remember all 12.

"They began with a pearl they call that caviar... the order I can't quite remember, but then we had a soup course," said Arturo Brillembourg, a diner who is the treasurer of the Washington Ballet.

"The taste of the Pop Rocks stayed with me all evening long," said Carl Ballard, a diner and broadcast producer at AARP.

"It was something out of Alice in Wonderland a little bit. It was really kind of bizarre, but in a fabulous way," said Lauren Green, who also works at AARP.

Brown's pretty happy with how Sensorium went. He put on almost 50 dinner shows in the month it ran.

But he's not resting. He will be holding various workshops around D.C. this summer to brainstorm ideas for the next iteration of Sensorium. He hopes to open a Miami version this fall, and he's already talking to investors in New York City.

"I want to make people notice that Sensorium and Artisa Kitchen are a force to be reckoned with," he says.

Next time? "We're definitely going to use a lot more of what Ed has taught us," Brown says.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/30/136713087/to-make-a-memorable-meal-start-with-a-memory?ft=1&f=1053

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Sweet Charity Resale donates profits to local ... - Nonprofit News

Jean-Marie Seidl has a big heart for service, so it makes sense that Hearts for Service is what she named a nonprofit that she started last summer.

Seidl, of Naperville, is now operating Sweet Charity Resale at 3450 Montgomery Road in Aurora under the nonprofit umbrella to help area women and children in need.

Sweet Charity Resale opened in April to serve multiple local social service agencies and organizations, including Mutual Ground, Dress for Success, American Red Cross and Hesed House.

?We use our profits to give to a variety of charities,? said Seidl, who has spent most of her adult life giving back to others. Once an accountant, Seidl has volunteered with the Box Project out of Mississippi, spent time as a Girl Scout leader, and is involved with Dining for Women, a dinner giving circle with chapters in Naperville.

Now an empty nester, Seidl says she decided to plunge full time in to the world of service. She opened the all-volunteer resale shop with other women who are willing to donate their time and talents.

Sweet Charity Resale is a complete resale shop, offering clothing, housewares, furniture, books, art, jewelry, bicycles and more. It is a pleasant place to shop with a boutique-like setting and reasonable prices, Seidl said.

?We help a lot of people. We help unclutter homes and we help people find a bargain,? she said. Since opening, the store is quickly gaining popularity and donated items are selling fast.

On June 10 and 11, Sweet Charity Resale is officially celebrating a grand opening with door prizes, raffles and a sweets table. Store hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

Sweet Charity Resale is at Frontenac and Montgomery roads in the Meadow Lakes Shopping Plaza. Find the store on Facebook for specials and new inventory. Donations are accepted during store hours.


The Town Bar and Grill has really good food and a really comfortable, relaxing atmosphere, according to manager Mark Zayed. It?s a nice neighborhood bar and grill and Zayed welcomes you to try it ? now that they have all the kinks worked out.

Zayed?s wife, Genevieve, and partner Daniel Bahr, of Aurora, opened the Town Bar and Grill in mid-March. It?s been such a hit that they never were able to slowly debut their offerings with a soft opening.

Mark and Genevieve, of Lisle, formerly ran the Last Call Sports Bar and Grill in Naperville. That was very much a bar and this new venture is more of a restaurant, Zayed explained.

?We are known for our homemade burgers and wraps,? he said. He added that they also offer great drink specials; they have 20 TVs and 20 beers on tap. The Town has patio dining, a pool table and half-off drinks and food on Sundays.

The Town Bar and Grill is at 2681 E. New York St. in Aurora. Find them on Facebook for specials and more.

Submit items to ?Comings and Goings? at ourbiznews@gmail.com or 630-978-8763.

Article source: http://beaconnews.suntimes.com/business/5627536-417/sweet-charity-resale-donates-profits-to-local-organizations.html

Tags: Charity

Source: http://nonprofitwww.org/2011/05/sweet-charity-resale-donates-profits-to-local-organizations-2/

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Margulies Stunned By Offer For 'Lesbian Porn Star' Role

59 minutes ago | WENN | See recent WENN news ?

Actress Julianna Margulies was secretly "thrilled" when she was offered a movie role as a "lesbian porn star", but turned down the part for the sake of her young child.

The Good Wife star was sent the script for the unidentified project after admitting she'd love to take on a job completely different from the hit legal drama in between shooting the series - but the 44 year old didn't expect to be asked to play such a raunchy role.

She tells The Hollywood Reporter, "I love the role I play, and I work 10 months out of the year, so the 10 weeks I have off - it's just not worth it to me to do another project. There's been some interesting offers this year because I said, 'Well, if I do anything, it should be really opposite of what I do' - and I got offered a porn movie!"

Margulies, mother to three-year-old son Kieran, admits the movie wasn't exactly porn, but the character she was offered was too risque for her liking.

She explains, "It's not a porn. James Franco is doing it and attracting all these people. But I was like, ultimately: 'I'm a lesbian porn star going down on women? I can't. I have a child. That's what's being offered to me? I think I'll just keep my day job.

"It wasn't that I was insulted by it. I was actually thrilled by it."

Margulies failed to identify the project, but Oscar nominee Franco has been cast alongside Heather Graham in upcoming drama Cherry, about a troubled woman who becomes involved in pornography and drugs.

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How Influential is your Blog? - Internet Based Business Articles

Happy Days to you today my friend. A question that most people ask is how Influential is a blog to an online marketer. Well if you want to know just ask yourself how Relevant is Grand Central Station? Ok ask yourself if you really want to advertise your products while providing maintain your provide your service to people, you want to direct them, how will you do it? Well here is how it is done! You need to put all your articles in one place. Where you can direct general public to one base instead of having your work all over in individual directories.

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With a blog you should always feel free to do you, there?s no such thing as a perfect blog! The generalization of a blog is to allow others to get to know you, while learning your niche, with this in your reasoning, you must see that being yourself is the most perfect and only way to write content for your blog. In this life People like to know that other?s don?t mind keeping it real,always to the point, broken down to the most effortless way possible. This way anyone can learn or see what it is you are Explaining. This does not mean that you are going to bash others on your blog nether, fix in the mind your blog is your business and you must be within reason to what you write. Only have affirmative articles. While you create content for your blog you also build a set skill that will help you much in this business and that is the skill of writing articles. How? Well if you can create content for your blog you will be able to create content to promote your blog. This is the way that you will be able to direct your traffic to your blog so you can send them where you would like them to go. I Hope that this was helpful to you and you see how Necessary it is to have a central stop to direct your traffic to promote your business.

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Source: http://internetbasedbusinessarticles.com/50453/how-influential-is-your-blog/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-influential-is-your-blog

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Managing abdominal pain in kids and teens | Healthy Colon Detox

Lynn Walker PhD, is Professor of Pediatrics, and Director, Division of Adolescent Medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Dr. Walker is a behavioral scientist, clinician, and educator. Here she discusses strategies for helping families and children or adolescents deal with managing chronic pain conditions that affect the bowel such as IBS or IBD. Managing pain, going to school, dealing with bathroom issues, and explaining what is wrong to peers are all challenging issues that confront the patient and the family.

Tags: abdominal, Kids, Managing, Pain, teens

Source: http://www.healthycolondetox.com/2011/05/28/managing-abdominal-pain-in-kids-and-teens/

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Celebrity Cheaters

Over the last few years, celebrity cheaters have popped up all over the media. Yet we still eat it up. When we hear who is the latest victim of a broken heart. Yes, I know it?s hard to believe that celebrities are human just like us, but it?s wrong nonetheless. We ask ourselves: how could he or she do such a thing? Then we find ourselves closer to that celebrity more than ever and for all the pain they are going through our hearts go out to them. I find it hard to believe that they thought they could keep a secret for so long. I mean they are famous — many are even household names — but I think they think of themselves as just another person, and they don?t really think twice about it. If the marriage or the relationship was going downhill. Why cheat? Go through some kind of counseling or just end it. Yes, someone will be hurt that?s for sure, but nothing could be as hurtful in a relationship as cheating on your significant other. It may take that person years before they can recover and start dating again. It just proves that no matter [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/2YnvweYLefY/

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sarah Palin Hops Motorcycle for 'Rolling Thunder' Rally

Sarah Palin Hops Motorcycle for 'Rolling Thunder' Rally | Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Landov

There was a surprise biker among the throng at Sunday's annual Memorial Day Rolling Thunder ride-along in Washington, D.C.: Sarah Palin.

"I love that smell of the emissions," said the former Alaska governor and recent mother of the groom Track Palin, as she wore sunglasses and a Harley Davidson black helmet, Fox News reports.

The ride, in which thousands of motorcyclists parade down the capital city's Constitution Ave., saw Palin rumbling down the route from the Pentagon to the Vietnam Veterans' memorial.

"How do you wear all this leather and stay cool?" Palin, 47, asked another woman, reports USA Today.

While she was welcome to ride Sunday in memory of our country's veterans, Palin ? a rumored 2012 presidential hopeful ? was not necessarily welcome as a candidate at the road rally.

"If she's here to support us and our troops, past, present and the ones that's name's written on the wall, that's fine," one veteran told Fox News. "This is not a political event other than to call attention to the accounting of our MIAs, KIAs that have not been brought home."

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Source: http://feeds.people.com/~r/people/headlines/~3/WIT3F0AqGOQ/0,,20498747,00.html

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Source: http://brickland.biz/home-family/home-improvement/air-conditioning-at-home/

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Colfer Called Police During Fan Encounter

20 hours ago | WENN | See recent WENN news ?

Actor Chris Colfer once called the police during a trip to the movies after he was mobbed by a group of overeager fans.

The star has gained a cult following since landing the role of gay schoolboy Kurt Hummel on hit U.S. TV show Glee, but he was left shaken and injured after one fan encounter.

He tells CNN chat show host Piers Morgan, "I was at a movie theatre once, and I was by myself, stupidly, and I was semi-mobbed...

"It got very physical, and people were pulling at me and grabbing at me. And I had to call the police. And the next day, I was covered in bruises because people got so physical with me.

"It's really a mind trip because, on one hand, you want them to stop, you want it to stop. But on the other hand, you know that... since you are in the public eye, that if you are a raging jerk and say 'Get off me, leave me alone', then you know it's going to be written about the next day and... there'll be talk about what a jerk you are, because you said that."

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Source: http://www.imdb.com/rg/rss/news/news/ni11109549/

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Source: http://articlereal.com/watch-ufc-130-live-stream-by-pent-now/

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Bragging About Not Recycling ? The Business Ethics Blog

No recycling waterRecycling is cool, right? It?s hip to be green, right? Well, apparently that?s not always the case.

I spotted this sign at a carwash here in Toronto yesterday. This carwash (the labour-intensive handwash kind) is proud of the fact that its water is always fresh, never recycled. In 2011, it?s a striking way of bragging.

Two points worth making:

First, any business that brags about using a resource in the least frugal way possible is perhaps, just perhaps, paying too little for it. Now, from what I understand, water usage by businesses in Toronto is metered, though I don?t know just how expensive the water is for businesses. But it?s at least worth contemplating that, for a sometimes-scarce resource (and water counts as one of those, even in Canada) a business can only brag about maximal usage if it?s not paying very much for it in the first place. If we want to encourage people (and businesses) to use less water, the first step is to make sure usage is metered, and the second step is to make sure that prices are sufficient to discourage waste. Water is a public utility, and pricing is often subsidized in ways that encourages waste. Notice there are precisely zero airlines bragging about how much fuel they use.

The second thing worth noting is the basic value conflict here. Why is it that this company is bragging about using only fresh water? Presumably it?s because they or their customers associate fresh water with a better product, i.e., a better wash. Now, that belief might be mistaken. In fact, I strongly suspect it is mistaken. I suspect that recycling and filtering can easily get water clean enough to get your car 100% sparkly clean. But the perception that recycled water is inferior is out there, and it may be difficult to change. In the meantime, this remains an example of what many will experience as a difficult values-based choice: do you want the best product, or the greenest one? Sometimes, the greenest choice is also the best product, and when that?s true it?s either a happy coincidence or the result of really smart product development. But we must not allow clever marketing to convince us that that will automatically be the case, that green = ethical = happy = socially progressive. Life is full of choices, and that truth is one that we cannot afford to water down.

Source: http://businessethicsblog.com/2011/05/26/bragging-about-not-recycling/

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Posey's injury looms large in loss to Marlins - Fantasy Sports

Catcher Buster Posey sustained an apparent left ankle injury in Wednesday night's 12th inning, which overshadowed all else for the Giants, up to and including their 7-6 loss to the Florida Marlins.

Click to continue reading this fantasy sports article at Major League Baseball News.


Source: http://www.fantasysportsdish.com/poseys-injury-looms-large-in-loss-to-marlins/

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Free Audio Conferencing ? Four Core Benefits | Submit Articles

Conference job is substantially a easiest as well as many in effect mode of information exchnage of all web formed interactive channels. Web conferencing is accessible in both audio as well as video modes that without delay raise commercial operation as well as particular interactions significantly. Moreover, union of modernized record has serve facilitated a complete routine in a past couple of years. Apart from a tall finish conferencing facilities, we can relief giveaway audio conferencing from assorted resources upon a web.

Source: http://www.submitarticles-free.com/communications/free-audio-conferencing-four-core-benefits/

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President Obama in France for G8 Summit (ABC News)

Jake Tapper explains the president's goals for the U.S. at the economic

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Northstar Real Estate: Investing in Lake Tahoe | Investments Plano

Lake Tahoe is a major tourist attraction which swanks clear waters and exquisite landscape of surrounding mountains all the time. It is located along the boundary between California and Nevada and is referred to as largest alpine lake in North America. With the help of its abundance of freshwater supply and appealing scenery, many people are eyeing Lake Tahoe as the best place to spend summer or winter. The spot has a lot of ski resorts and casinos that can be effortlessly accessed by many. There are a lot of tourist places to please every customer from the exciting ski mountains, amusing golf courses to the classic restaurants and huge casinos. It is, thus, natural that numerous smart investors look to a Northstar real estate to take advantage of these possibly profitable attributes.

Aside from getting to be a tourist fascination, the area has an natural part in water storage operated by the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District (TCID) in a dam that was constructed in 1913, with Truckee River as its only outlet.. As part of its advancement, some getaway homes were already existing in the first half of the 20th century. Gambling casinos were built in the mid-1950s, and the greatest change that paved the way for the area?s improvement was the culmination of the interstate highway links for the 1960 Winter Olympics. From then on, the permanent household population improved from approximately 10,000 to more than 50,000, and the numbers for the summer inhabitants increased by from about 10,000 to roughly 90,000. The data was obtained from years 1960 to 1980. Consequently, the land and house properties here are increasingly costly.

To lots of Americans, Lake Tahoe is identified with winter sports. Outdoor activities particularly throughout snow time have played an essential part in retaining Lake Tahoe?s positive standing, maximizing its economic popularity. Most people would find the cold time of year as really appropriate for some times of skiing together with their families and friends, all ready with their skis and snowboards. With the frequent influx of vacationers and guests, an increasing number of businesses are making use and are starting more resorts that give a myriad of methods for these individuals to appreciate.

Obtaining a property or home in Lake Tahoe may not be a stroll in the park, but there are numerous regions that can be inexpensive for some interested individuals who want to get the best spots at an affordable price. The Northstar real estate has various kinds of gorgeous properties with open floor plan, vaulted wood ceilings along with wood accents are offered to pick from. The houses are best suited for travelling or migrating families. A few families choose properties within a lakeside. The spectacular views and beautiful exposure of a fishery gives the aura of stillness and clarity.

In case you are searching for prospective investments in the area, you might want to go over the possibilities with a North star real estate firm that can provide you with different alternatives to select from. You can in a similar fashion choose one that is available on the web and may also be reached through their website. When you search various alternatives on the net, you will generally find a huge selection of solutions that you could go over in a few minutes and a number of clicks. One of the smartest things to arrive at the ideal choice is to appraise the reviews and checks furnished by customers who had buying encounters with the realty company.

Northstar real estate is your online source for real estate information in Lake Tahoe. It offers constantly updated listings for Tahoe Donner real estate and other properties. It provides weekly market reports that supply relevant data such as price reductions and hot new listings. You can also check the recent sales by area and bank owned properties. Visit http://www.cblaketahoe.com/ for more details.

Source: http://www.investmentsplano.com/666/northstar-real-estate-investing-in-lake-tahoe/

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Preventing Hair Loss Is Essential ? ArticleCobra.com

Preventing hair loss is a much more effective than correcting the problem after it has essentially taken more than your life. Hair loss is really a hard aspect of existence to cope with, and it has nothing to do with aging. Many men and women discover their hair thinning as earlier as their late teens or twenties.

Some families have warning signs all the way through the generations. You are able to look back and see how both of one?s parents, both sets of grandparents, and even both sets of their parents all had issues with hair loss. The genes that create hair loss are potent little genes and it takes some powerful medication to counteract those genes.

Anyone who can see that there?s a great amount of hair loss running through their genetic material ought to absolutely begin prevention techniques as earlier as humanly feasible. Age is for from the only determining factor when it comes to hair health.

Not all genetic material is obvious whenever you look back via the loved ones photo album. There are lots of loved ones members that will skip the effects from the unfortunate gene that strips your hair of its ability to maintain a natural rhythm of shedding and regrowth. Your own scenario may not be so lucky. You may really nicely notice the early signs of hair loss inside your young adulthood.

Your personal self image is most likely to consider a beating whenever you begin seeing visible signs of hair loss. Gender does not make that a lot of a difference, but women tend to take it much harder. Preventing hair loss is really a much more efficient way to deal with hair loss than hair regrowth and other restorative services.

Shedding the societal standard is very difficult. Preventing hair loss is a lot much more efficient and can assist save your personal sense of self image. A thick head of hair for either gender is component of presenting the best feasible you to the world. We all wish to appear our greatest and we all try numerous various things to obtain that job done. Don?t let hair thinning take you out from the race. You?re able to grab manage and avoid nature?s plan for your hair.

Select a product that is proven at preventing hair loss. Use it regularly and religiously in order to combat the genes that are determined to consider your thick locks from you. Using the correct product, you can be confident that you will not end up at the wig shop attempting to figure out which from the many faux hair pieces will work greatest for you personally.

Hailee Lossen writes about men and women hair loss topics such as
thinning hair women and
female thinning hair

Source: http://articlecobra.com/preventing-hair-loss-is-essential/

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Friday, May 27, 2011

The Symptoms of a Bad Education | Submit Articles

Summer is here for people who live in a Northern Hemisphere. Air conditioning has spin something which we can?t live without. While we have been enjoying a cold happiness it brings to us, have we confident that, identical to most pick difficult conveniences, air conditioning has a down sides, a seizure can be worn if ?

Source: http://www.submitarticles-free.com/home-and-family/early-childhood-education/the-symptoms-of-a-bad-education/

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Whoopi Goldberg -- I Farted On 'The View'

Something stinks on "The View" ... and it's Whoopi "Cushion" Goldberg.

The ladies were hanging with Dr. Oz yesterday ... when he asked if any of the women had tore some ass during the segment.

Whoopi's hands shot up ... as she proclaimed, "There is more room out than in!"

Ya gotta check out Barbara's face ... classic.

Tags: Whoopi Goldberg,?Barbara Walters,?The View,?TV

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2011/05/27/whoopi-goldberg-frated-the-view-dr-oz/

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Garfield And Woodward Split - Report

21 minutes ago | WENN | See recent WENN news ?

New Spider-man star Andrew Garfield is single after splitting from girlfriend Shannon Woodward, according to U.S. reports.

Garfield began dating the Raising Hope TV actress in 2008, but they are now said to have called it quits.

A source tells UsMagazine.com, "She is telling people they're on a break... (but) they haven't spoken to each other in weeks... He got deeper into filming The Amazing Spider-Man; he literally never saw her."

Representatives for both stars had yet to comment on the rumours as WENN went to press.

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What to Expect From Fine Personal Trainer Courses | Health

The personal trainer courses these days are planned to cater students? needs with the expertise to apply various fitness environments and certain training scenarios such as gyms, health camps, physical education, fitness centers, and other sport facilities, even medical rehabilitation. The great thing about carrying up personal trainer courses is that you will be able to implement your knowledge to a vast cross-sectional of fitness training industries. You will be able to become your own employer by establishing an independent fitness consultant or an independent personal trainer. A great fitness course is an institution that provides the best set of personal trainer classes that can be applied anyplace in the world.


What you really need is courses that are planned to assist you turn into the finest personal trainer that you can be in the extremely competitive business of fitness training. You will also require searching for a good learning environment that?s highly effective, efficient, and professional and that is offering many types of intensive fitness training classes. The advance of the Internet has as well given boost to fitness trainer classes that can be accomplished online and within the comfort of your own house. Online personal trainer courses may only be good enough if they?re being offered by a really fine fitness institution that can assure the fact being afforded the students are foremost and extremely appropriate for the learning needs of personal trainers.

Source: http://clubitacom.com/2011/05/what-to-expect-from-fine-personal-trainer-courses/

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Extra Calcium May Not Do Older Women Much Good

A study found that women's bones didn't benefit from consuming more than 750 milligrams of calcium a day.
Enlarge Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A study found that women's bones didn't benefit from consuming more than 750 milligrams of calcium a day.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A study found that women's bones didn't benefit from consuming more than 750 milligrams of calcium a day.

Doctors regularly implore women over age 50 to take more calcium to reduce their risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures. But they might not need as much as they think. And taking too much calcium can actually cause other health problems.

A huge study in the British Medical Journal, which followed 61,000 Swedish women for 19 years, found that their bones got no benefit when they consumed more than 750 milligrams of calcium a day. "It's good news for women who are trying really hard to get a lot of calcium a day," says Eva Warensjo, an epidemiologist at Uppsala University in Sweden, who was lead author on the study.

But doctors in the United States have been saying pretty much the same thing for years. In 2006, a study done as part of the ongoing Women's Health Initiative found only slight increases in bone mass and no significant differences in the number of broken hips in women taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day, compared to women who did not take supplements.


"More is not necessarily better," says JoAnn Manson, a researcher at Harvard University and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and a principal investigator in the WHI. "Moderate intake may be optimal ? there may be a threshold effect where once you get to a moderate level of intake there's no further benefit."

In fact, taking more calcium could be worse than just worthless. It could cause other health problems, such as kidney stones. Recent research has suggested a link between excess calcium and cardiovascular problems.

Last year, the Institute of Medicine recommended that women over 50 should aim for 1,200 milligrams a day, whether or not they have signs of bone loss. That is higher than the amount recommended in Sweden and other European countries. Manson helped write that report, and she's not ready to say that number is too high.

Still, that doesn't mean that women need 1,200 milligrams from supplements, Manson says. "On average, 700 milligrams a day would come from diet." That's also about what the Swedish women, who are big consumers of sour milk and other dairy products, get from food.

So, most American women are getting as much as the Swedish study recommended without taking any calcium supplements.

But many people haven't gotten that message. John Tongue is an orthopedic surgeon in Portland, Ore. who's also the first vice president of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He's been operating on women with hip fractures caused by osteoporosis for more than 30 years, so he knows how devastating a broken hip can be. When this new study came out, he asked his wife how many calcium supplements she's taking. He found out that she was taking 1,400 milligrams in supplements.

But she's also exercising, which Tongue thinks is more important than calcium for keeping bones strong. "A brisk walk for 20 to 40 minutes a day would do much more to improve people's general health and reduce people's risk of injury than taking vitamins or supplements, which are so common," says Tongue.

Source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/05/25/136657122/extra-calcium-may-not-do-older-women-much-good?ft=1&f=100

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