Friday, August 2, 2013

Feng Shui World Latest Issue (November/December 2012) is Out ...



Welcome to our end of year issue! This is always an exciting time for us as we prepare for the coming new year. At World of Feng Shui, this involves finalizing the new activators, enhancers and cures needed for the coming Snake Year, while the publishing department brings not one but two very exciting new titles that will hit bookshelves in time for Christmas!

Lillian Too?s new book?Spiritual Feng Shui brings new insights into the third dimension of this practice. This is a ground-breaking book in which she reveals secrets of the cosmic forces that affect and influence the practice of space and time feng shui. It is a must read for everyone who has ever wondered about the power of cosmic energy and the role which spirits and other entities play in our well being.

The second book Lillian is publishing this year isTung Sing 2013 - the Chinese Destiny Book. Chockfull of information on absolutely everything you need to know to enhance your luck and destiny for the coming year, this is the ultimate reference book for anyone and everyone interested in Chinese esoteric and metaphysical practices. You absolutely have to check out this book.

Our other exciting news is that Lillian Too and Jennifer Too?s?Fortune and Feng Shui 2013 will join Feng Shui World magazine in the digital realm, and are available to purchase on your iPads and Kindles from the?iBookstore and the?Amazon Kindle Store. More titles will go digital in the coming future as we embrace the digital world. Now you can download our latest titles and have them at your fingertips at all times.?

This issue we celebrate?50 Years of James Bond as we eagerly await the latest installmentSkyfall.?Honey Lim takes a look at this all-time favourite English spy through the years and makes some astounding discoveries. The franchise is probably the most successful in the history of moviemaking, thriving through the decades since Sean Connery brought Ian Fleming?s super spy to life on the big screen. But brilliant formula of filmmaking aside, we discover numerological and feng shui reasons for Bond?s great success through 3 flying star periods! Meanwhile, with the release of Argo, we also look at actor/director Ben Affleck and his beautiful wife Jennifer Garner, the new power couple emerging from Hollywood; their Paht Chee charts spell some great things in store for this pair.?

For readers thinking of starting or expanding your family, we bring you a feature on?Water Snakebabies, and what having a little Snake bundle of joy will mean for the different animal signs. Interesting fact: did you know that Tony Blair, UK?s longest serving Labour Prime Minister was a Water Snake? As was China?s Chairman?Mao Tse Dong. Further research throws up an unmistakable pattern... if you are hoping your offspring has every chance to make it into the highest echelons of power, then a Snake baby may well be perfect for you... read more on page 10.

The end of the year is the best time to take stock of how good feng shui has benefited you, and what more it can do for you. Check out 10 Common Feng Shui Blunders which point out where you may be going wrong if you have not been as successful as you would have liked. We also feature the East-West Theory of houses specifically focusing on how you can redo things in your home to help you find a soul mate or improve your chances of getting married! For those looking to renovate in time for the new year, don?t miss?Chris Yeo?s architectural piece offering five important ideas to get right when designing your home.?Phillip Lim continues his Four Pillars series, focusing on the Star of Aggressive Sword, quite a common star to appear in individual?s charts. He explains why this particular star can be a double-edged sword, offering ways to ensure you tap its beneficial aspects while suppressing its perilous ones.

Meanwhile, our travel writer?Helen Oon takes you to?Langkawi, where gastronomy meets Malay geomancy in?TV Chef Shukri?s culinary getaway. There is also?Penang, an excellent example of old time feng shui bringing modern benefits to this thriving island state.?Lillian Too will be returning toPenang Jan 20th 2013 for her yearly Feng Shui Extravaganza, after her?Kuala Lumpur Jan 6th, and Singapore Jan 13th dates. And for those of you who live in or near?New York, or feel like visiting the Big Apple, join her there on Feb 2nd & 3rd where there will also be a special Gala Auction event featuring one-of-a-kind treasures from her personal collection! More info on!

Have a great Christmas and New Year, and remember to make a date with Lillian Too at any one of her Feng Shui Extravaganzas for important 2013 updates!

Happy Reading!





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We are not even one month into the new Rabbit Year and already the number 7 violent star in the middle of this year's feng shui chart has made its presence felt. Chinese New Year broke out with unrest and uprising in Egypt, which is located in the middle of the world no matter what map you use, and since the fall of Mubarak, other countries in the region are following suit. As we go to print, we see news of Libya where Mohd. Gaddafi is unleashing the might of his armed forces against his own people. Other countries in the Mideast facing unrest since the beginning of the year include Bahrain, Iran, Iraq and Yemen, all unfortunately placed in the center which is so terribly afflicted by the #7 this year.

With this, we strongly urge everyone to take extra care in 2011, because the middle sector affects everybody. For the individual, from a flying star perspective, if you live in an open plan house, the number 7 in the center becomes even more dangerous and it thus becomes imperative for you to keep it under control. Do make sure you place a water feature in the center of your home ? you can get one of those tabletop ones and place it on a central coffee table in your living area, as water exhausts metal, the intrinsic element of the #7. Also try and carry amulet protection at all times if you can, so you can stay safe from the foreboding forces that seem to pervade the year.

On a lighter note, we are in the thick of Awards season in Hollywood where the brightest and best of what the world has to offer are being recognized and rewarded. By the time this issue is out, we will have new Oscar winners but in the meantime, whether our favourites win or not, we put the spotlight on some of the stars we think will continue to make huge waves in the coming year. Natalie Portman was phenomenal in Black Swan, truly a breakout role for her. While she has always been famous and on the world's consciousness, this role thrusts her into the big league, proving she can really take on just about anything and work her magic on it. True, it is a disturbing movie, definitely not one for the kids, but it is powerful and really quite unforgettable. Other stars to watch this year are Mila Kunis and Carey Mulligan, both of whom we predict are about to make the leap into the big time.

While we await the Hollywood version of Stieg Larsson's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, directed by David Fincher and starring our favourite James Bond Daniel Craig and newcomer Rooney Mara, the real life drama left over after Larrson's untimely premature death continues to play out. His unfortunate lover and life partner Eva Gabrielsson is still raging over being left with nothing after his death, because he did not have a proper will in place. Instead, all rights, income and royalties from his work, which has become the second largest earning book franchise since Harry Potter, have gone to his father and brother, who Eva claims had been estranged from Stieg for years now, while she was at his side throughout the time he was working on his bestselling trilogy. She has suggested there is a fourth book, and outlines for up to ten books. The drama continues to unfold... read more within.

On the royal front, this year will see two high profile weddings: of the dashing Prince William to Kate Middleton, who will be known as Princess Catherine, and in Monaco, of the athletic and beautiful Charlene Wittstock to Prince Albert, taking the role once filled by the legendary Grace Kelly. Stepping up to royal life from a commoner's shoes is never easy, and no one assumes it will be. Already there are whisperings of discontent among the Monaco royal circles. Only time will tell how things will turn out for these two beautiful and alluring ladies. This issue we feature the other princess in waiting...

For those of you wanting to improve your own feng shui, our in-depth case studies should be helpful. We have floor plan feature by Honey Lim that focuses on an East-facing house; we chose East, as this facing direction house has some troublesome vibes this year. Those of you with East facing homes can use this as a blueprint to fix your own feng shui. Peter Lung analyses a doctor's office, while Chris Yeo talks us through segmenting different sectors then linking them together using the bubble diagram. Lillian Too's new column Playing Feng Shui Detective starts this issue with a focus on how to sniff out trouble in the home when things just don't seem to be going right. We have also buffed up our astrology section, adding Tarot Card astrology by celebrated Vedic astrologer Jyoti Arora from India.

Happy reading and remember to stay protected and safe!


derek jeter Yasiel Puig The Bridge Fx Grown Ups 2 Taste Of Chicago Terry Smith khloe kardashian

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