Saturday, June 22, 2013

Becoming Versus Doing - The Best Fitness and Weight Loss Group ...

?Uncle Steve,? began Carla, a client of just a few weeks, ?I really want to lose about 25 pounds before the end of summer. What do I need to do to get it done??

My answer left her more than just a little befuddled?

Human being: (as defined by Bing Dictionary)

  1. member of human species:?a member of the species to which men and women belong.
  2. person:?a person, viewed especially as having imperfections and weaknesses

My point in clarification on the definition of human being is to remind you that you are just that?a human BEING. Not a human DOING!

This isn?t to say that you should simply be in life, never doing anything. No, quite the contrary.

If your goal is a lean, shapely and athletic physique, but you still envision yourself as an overweight, fat, out-of-shape individual, you will never achieve lasting success in the realm of health, fitness and wellness.

Successful fat loss is more a ?who do I need to become? rather than a ?what can I do? mindset.

The point is this: until you BECOME the person you want to be, especially in your mindset, you will never DO the things necessary to get the task accomplished.

Who do you see when you look in the mirror?

I know, I know?you have cellulite, and big hips and flabby arms and a poochy belly.

Join the club?

What I?m asking you is this: when you look in the mirror, do you see the person you are, or do you see the person you want to become?

It ain?t easy to do.

I mean, if it was we?d all be lean, shapely and athletic looking.

Remember when you were a kid and you?d pretend to be someone? I remember playing The Lone Ranger as a kid. I?d put on the mask and hat, my six guns and look in the mirror. But I didn?t see a little kid in a costume. I saw The Lone Ranger.

You know why?

Because in my mind I WAS The Lone Ranger!

You can still do that, and here?s how?

First ? Courage Is The Key.

In order to make the necessary changes, both in your mind and in your body, it requires that you must first have the courage to change.?

The courage to change all starts with making a decision, which I will discuss with you a little later.? Understanding that change must take place and that the acceptance of that knowledge eliminates fear is a wonderful thing, because fear will stifle progress.?

The Bible, in 2 Timothy 1:7 states that, ?For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.? Fear, no matter what form it takes, can make you cling to existing patterns and methods of living, no matter how ineffective they have been in the past.

It?s basic human nature to think in terms of ?better the devil you know than the devil you don?t.?? But then again, the definition of insanity is doing the same things, in the same way and expecting a different result. Grasp change and move toward the goals you will be setting later and you will see progress like you?ve never known before.

Remember the movie, ?A League of Their Own? with Tom Hanks and Gena Davis?? I really love that film, mostly because I?m a huge fan of baseball.? In the film Gena Davis plays the role of ?Dottie?, the star of the league.? Tom plays ?Jimmy?, a former homerun champ in the big leagues and now the drunken coach for the ?Peaches.?

Anyway, there?s a scene in the film where ?Dottie? is going to leave the team and head home to be with her husband.? Who could blame her?? He just got back to the good old U.S of A. after being wounded while fighting in World War II.? She hadn?t seen him in months and, besides all of that, she had worried sick that whole time that he might never come back.?

The problem is the ?Peaches? are about to play for the World Series. Tom?s character ?Jimmy? is trying to get her to stay; she is trying to justify her reasons for leaving.? Suddenly she blurts out that she must go because, ?It just got too hard!?? Tom takes a long hard look at her, then, with steely eyes and the wisdom that only a truly great coach can personify states, ?Yeah, it?s supposed to be hard.? If it wasn?t hard everybody would do it.? It?s the hard that makes it great!??

This is what I want you to grasp:? It?s the HARD that makes it great!?

Right now, right this very minute; I want you to stop what you are doing and write this phrase on something that you can see every day.? Find a piece of paper, a piece of poster board, a sticky note on your computer screen, in lipstick on your mirror, anywhere you will be reminded of this great fact and affirmation: It?s the HARD that makes it great!?

When you get up in the morning and don?t feel like training that day: remember ?It?s the HARD that makes it great!? When you?re tempted to overeat, or just shove something unhealthy down your throat: remember ?It?s the HARD that makes it great!?? When you have a chance to blow off your routine and do something counterproductive instead: remember ?It?s the HARD that makes it great!? When you have reached a plateau and are thinking you will just quit, remember these words:? ?It?s the HARD that makes it great!? When someone makes an off color remark or gives you some snide, back-handed comment that lets the air out of your emotional balloon, remember ?It?s the HARD that makes it great!??

Then, when you?ve gone through this course, and you?ve lost the fat, gained the health you deserve, beaten the odds with stacks of statistics supposedly stating it ?can?t be done? and have become the person that you know you are truly capable of, you too will be able to state; ?It was the HARD that made it great!?

Decisions should not be made lightly.? Think for a moment just exactly what a decision is.? My 1968 Funk & Wagnall Dictionary defines decision as: n. 1. The act of deciding (an issue, question, etc). 2. A conclusion or judgment reached by deciding. 3. The making up of one?s mind 4. Firmness in judgment, action, or character. ?5. In boxing, a victory (great word, by the way) decided when there has not been a knockout. ?

Edwin Louis Cole, in his great book ?Treasure? says it this way: ?The level on which you live is under your power of choice. You have the freedom to choose, but once the choice is made (decision), you become the servant of that choice.? Please read that again.

The next time you have the choice to eat something that is beneficial to your goals and body or not, to which are you willing to become a servant? The next time you have an opportunity to exercise and train, or sit and watch T.V., to which choice will you be a servant?

You see, the corollary to this freedom of choice is this; decision translates into energy.

Indecision saps energy.

If you don?t like the life you?re currently living, change your choices.

It?s that simple.

Refusing to exercise your power and freedom to choose allows others to exercise it for you. Allowing others to make choices and decisions for you allows them to create your world, and others will ALWAYS make your world too small.

In other words, making an empowering decision means that there is no turning back, no way out, no backtracking or sidestepping.?

It takes a certain degree of responsibility to make a decision, and a definite degree of character and responsibility to stick with one.? Emerson once said, ?A man (or a woman) can be measured by the amount of responsibility he undertakes.??

When you take a decisive stance on becoming healthier, then you have ended all uncertainty, all dispute, you are conclusive with this resolve:? I will be victorious in this issue no matter what it takes or how long it takes me.? From now on, The Buck Stops Here!

Second ? Your Words Have Power

Edwin Cole also said, ?Life is composed of our choices, and it is constructed by our words. Once you have made the choice to build a new life, change your words. You are only committed to what you confess. If you don?t say it, you won?t feel responsible or compelled to do it, and no one will have heard it to help you be accountable.? We?re about to do something about that.

Get out your pen and paper again.? This time I want you to write at the top of the sheet today?s date, because today is the day you WILL decide to take ACTION and to become the healthy, vibrant, active person you?ve always wanted to become.? Under the date I want you to write these words:

Today is the day that I willingly, voluntarily and knowingly take complete control of my life. I resolve, from this day forward to do what I know to be right, to take care of myself as the wonderful creation of God that I am, and to do whatever necessary to see this task through to completion. I also understand that true success can only be measured by the tasks that I have completed. I will, from this day forward, feed my body the fuel it needs for maximum efficiency, power, stamina and strength, take in the glory and gift of oxygen to the pleasure and vitality of my body, repeat these principles for the complete restoration of my system and eliminate all waste from my body, my mind and my surroundings. I will focus daily on these tasks and the goal of good health, sound fitness and a long, vibrant life.

You must do this in your own handwriting in order for it to have meaning and purpose to YOU!?

Now, sign this piece of paper.?

No one needs to see this except you, if that is what you want.? However, I would recommend signing it in front of someone who supports you in your endeavors.? This could be your best friend, spouse, fianc? or work or workout partner.? This can be anyone who cares enough for you to hold you accountable in a loving, constructive manner and will continue to encourage you to stay the course and keep on going.?

If you don?t have anyone who fits those criteria, don?t worry.? You still have two choices:

  1. The first is to just do it.? You?ve made your decision, and there?s no going back, right??
  2. The second is to email me at and tell me the date of your decision.? I will be happy to send you encouragement on a periodic basis and hold you accountable to your goal.

3 ? This is where the rubber meets the road!

You must understand; this is very serious business.?

Contracts are made to keep and to honor.? Decisions should not be made lightly, and once made; every effort should be made to keep them.?

The only constant in maturity is change. By undertaking this endeavor you will experience change. It is difficult to live with change but impossible to live without it.

I understand that sometimes extenuating circumstances arise that may cause you to deviate from your course of action.?

Quitting is NOT an option.?

The only time to stop this task is when you breathe your last and close your eyes for good.?

We?re not just looking for short-term gain here.?

This is a lifestyle change that will enhance the quality and quantity of your life.? It is a long-term, lifetime endeavor that will do nothing more for you than you are willing to do to grasp it.?

Remember the old saying, ?The more you give the more you get??? Well, in this instance it is an actuality, a truism.? The more you apply yourself to this system, the more benefit you will see from it.? You have my solemn promise of that.

Now?whom do you want to become?


Tag: Athletic Physique, Big Hips, Carla, Clarification On, Contrary, Courage, Definition Of Human Being, Dictionary, Flabby Arms, Health Fitness, Human Species, Imperfections, Little Kid, Lone Ranger, Mask, Men And Women, Mindset, Mirror, Shape, Six Guns


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