Monday, February 18, 2013

The Walking Dead, Season 3

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon. Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon

Photo by Gene Page/AMC

In?Slate's?The?Walking Dead?TV Club, Chris Kirk will IM each week with a different fan of?The Walking Dead. This week, he discusses ?Home? with Forbes video game and television writer?Erik Kain.

Chris Kirk: "Home" opens with Rick Grimes, who needs some serious supervision, wandering outside the prison to chase visions of Lori. Whatever you feel about this plotline, at least the show is sticking to it; for him to suddenly get better after a few phone calls would have been a little too neat.

Erik Kain: Right, they need to resolve it properly at this point. I think I would find Rick's character more tolerable this season if there were other characters that filled the void. The real problem the show has been having lately is too much screen time for the worst characters and too little for the best. Andrea as a primary character this season still baffles me, and I'm increasingly confused with each passing episode.

Chris: Speaking of Andrea, back in Woodbury a seemingly remorseful Governor is commending Andrea for last week's pep talk and seems to abdicate to her. He explains that he really believed that if he kept his undead daughter alive long enough, Milton would find a way to bring her back.

Erik:?He knows just as well as we do that Andrea is a sucker. Besides, anyone who would say that speech was "good" we know is a liar. At this point, the hardest thing about watching Andrea is that she's left the realm of plausibility almost entirely. People have flaws, and one of those flaws is being a poor judge of character, but at this point it's just too much.

Chris: There's another apparent change of leadership at the prison. Since Daryl has left the group and while Rick "wanders crazy town," Glenn has become head honcho for some reason. His sudden realization that nobody?s on watch (not to mention nobody is watching Rick) is just one indication that he?s not very good at it. Why is he leader and not the wiser Hershel? Or even the more level-headed Carol?

Erik: Glenn?s assertion of a leadership role is mostly due to his need for revenge, not a desire to actually lead. Hershel, I think, is more interested in playing the role of the wise old adviser, which makes sense, but the problem right now is that nobody ever listens to him.

Chris:?I'm having trouble following Glenn?s dispute with Maggie. I understand that she feels guilty for revealing the group's location, but what precisely is she mad at Glenn about?

Erik: I get the impression that she feels like he blames her. It's really poorly communicated in the show and makes almost no sense. I know that victims of sexual assault can have a hard time in their relationships, but since they both underwent a traumatizing event together and, well, they're living in a zombie apocalypse, it seems like they'd seek out one another even more rather than push one another away.

Chris: Merle and Daryl are dealing with interpersonal issues of their own. While roaming through the forest, an argument between the two reveals that they were planning to rob the Atlanta survivors back in Season 1. In anger, Merle rips Daryl's shirt and reveals scars on his back. Daryl accuses him of abandoning him to their abusive father and announces he's going back to the prison. Merle looks teary-eyed for a brief moment, then reluctantly follows.?In the whole history of this show, we've never really seen Daryl and Merle alone together, except in Daryl's hallucinations.

Erik: The conflict between the Dixon brothers was terrific and one of the better moments in the season so far. The revelations about their abusive father and their planned robbery are nice additional backstory. Merle?s so unlikable, and he's done such awful things, one wonders if he's beyond redemption or will even have the chance.

Chris:?But there's more room for Merle in the group now! Axel is flirting with Carol when BAM! Shot down by the Governor.

Erik: I thought killing off Axel was lame. It's?Lost?syndrome?add new characters just to have them killed. It's lazy writing, and it doesn't carry really any emotional impact for viewers. Sure, they've killed off regulars also, but why bother introducing new cast if they're just going to kill them off?

Chris:?Still, it was a shocking way to start off a whirlwind of a final act. Everybody is pinned down by gunfire. Somebody drives a van through the gates, and zombies come pouring out of it. Glenn returns just in time to save Hershel, and Merle and Glenn arrive just in time to save Rick. The episode ends with zombies pouring into the prison.

Erik:?I loved the final act as a whole. I thought Glenn's re-entrance and the Dixon boys' arrival worked nicely (even if it was a little?too?nicely?hey, it's television) and the shoot-out was tense and well-played.

Chris: It?s certainly the most nail-biting moment since ?Sick? and perhaps even exceeds that. There are just so many different balls in the air?the Governor's men, the zombies on the inside, the zombies on the outside. I didn?t see the Governor?s attack coming so soon, and for a second I believed Rick, who seems useless enough to die, would actually be bit. If this show doesn?t always know how to do characterization, this season in particular has been very good at action.

Erik:?If they could translate that suspense into their character interactions, they'd have a magnificent show. That's what?Breaking Bad?does so well.

Chris: Perhaps the season will close with Rick on the telephone with Ghost Lori again: "I won." :click:

Erik: Rick would need a haircut, though.


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Sony Announces PS Vita News Tonight!

Posted 7 hours ago By Vince - Vincent Deshaies

We?ve been getting a lot of news lately... first from the big Nintendo Direct conference, and now Sony has an event coming this Wedesday. Well... it actually turns out we don?t need to wait that long to hear from Sony, because they will be streaming some PS Vita news tonight. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan president, Hiroshi Kawana, will be the one presenting it. It will air tonight at 2 AM CT (around midnight PT and 3 AM ET) right here, though it will obviously be in Japanese. How will this correspond with the news on the 20th?




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Community, Season 4

1361202838587 Danny Pudi and Yvette Nicole Brown in Community

Photo by NBC/NBCUniversal Media, LLC

?I hate reference humor,? Annie moaned as she wandered helplessly through the ?haunted? Hawthorne mansion in last week?s Halloween-themed episode of Community. The ing?nue clearly hasn?t been paying attention to her last three years at Greendale, where a quest to garner the coveted chicken fingers in the school cafeteria affectionately sent up The Godfather and Goodfellas. Or where a study group could spend an afternoon trapped inside a runaway Kentucky Fried Chicken spaceship. Or where a simple birthday party might wind up with an elaborate Pulp Fiction theme. (Annie was Honey Bunny.)

The problem with ?Paranormal Parentage,? as my chatting partner Gene Demby aptly put it, is that the jokes were too broadly painted ? less egregious than the premiere laugh-track episode, but still in the same neighborhood. ?Heads, lock up your brains,? Jeff proclaimed to the study group early in the episode. ?Britta?s on the prowl for fresh therapy meat.? And the last third of the story devolved into a scene straight out of the Scary Movie franchise: Troy doesn?t recognize the danger behind him; as Annie and Shirley try to warn him, he doesn?t pick up on their distressed body language. ?Behind you!? Annie sputters. ?I?m behind you, too,? Troy giggles. Soon, all of them (and Jeff and Britta, too) are running around screaming in Scooby Doo fashion.

In Season 2 Troy said, ?There is a time and place for subtlety, and that time was before Scary Movie.? And until now, Community has honored that tradition?it?s never exactly been subtle, but it?s sprinkled the more broad humor within its smart commentary. Jim Belushi?an easy punching bag for pretty much anyone in the entertainment industry?has found his way into several Community jokes over the course of the show. (?That?s the Jim Belushi of speech openings,? said Annie last season. ?It accomplishes nothing, but everyone keeps using it and nobody understands why.?) But jokes at the expense of the less-revered Belushi brother (and other ones like it) have worked despite their simplicity because they were few and far between. In ?Paranormal Parentage,? the broad strokes keep coming and never quite let up.

In the zombie-themed Halloween episode of Season 2, there was an inspired running gag throughout the story: Shirley is dressed as Glinda the Good Witch, but everyone?including Troy?thinks she?s Miss Piggy. It?s employed, as I?ve explained in the past, as a sharp commentary on our own perceptions and expectations of women of color. But this season, none of the gags did additional work ? they were just gags, some good, some bad. Annie was gratingly coy, Shirley returned to her one-dimensionally matronly ways from the show?s earliest beginnings, and Britta?s on a never-ending Dr. Phil kick.

Annie?s line about reference humor was, of course, meant as a cute jab at the show itself, which can sometimes seem too meta for its own good. (See: ?Contemporary Impressionists.?) But even if we?re to believe she?s suddenly and inexplicably not into the whole random-cultural-reference thing, we?the show?s fans?are! And we always have been; we just selfishly prefer that the show?s references be smart, not dumb; narrow, not broad. It?s part of what drew us to the show in the first place, and what makes Abed?the dominant strain through which much of this self-awareness eternally flows?one of the most beloved characters on the show. Unfortunately, Abed was absent for much of the episode, choosing (perhaps wisely) to hole himself up in Pierce?s secret surveillance room watching Cougar Town. Maybe we should consider joining him?


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L2H6J1E4C1 posted an update: China net Beijing on March 12th news All-China Federation of industry and commerce, prior to [...]

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the National Association of industry and commerce that, in 2009, factory for nearby residents were forced to stop running or hinder the construction of media event of continuous coverage of Jiangsu,air jordan, Guangdong Wujiang Panyu, Shenzhen Pinghu, waste incineration, caused great concern in garbage disposal of society.

China?s rapid advance of the process of city garbage output is growing explosively, has brought unprecedented challenges to the city environmental management.At the same time, a considerable part of the city limited economic and technical conditions, the city garbage basically do not deal with,hollister online shop, caused the garbage siege phenomenon becomes more and more serious, also caused the groundwater and surface water pollution,moncler, a serious threat to the city development and people?s life.According to statistics, at present, our country produces every year nearly 1.5 tons of city garbage, and garbage treatment rate of only about 50%, truly meet the harmless processing requirements of the rate may be lower.

garbage treatment goal is to achieve the reduction, recycling and harmless.At present, the commonly used method has three kinds: comprehensive treatment of landfill, incineration, (compost).From the garbage disposal at present all over the country selection, is gradually being replaced landfill, incineration and integrated treatment.Overall, garbage disposal of city of our country is still very backward, and caused serious pollution to the environment.Mainly manifests in the following several aspects:

, waste management needs to be strengthened.City life garbage in the kitchen garbage, plastic and paper, water content, low calorific value, directly caused by incineration processing difficulties, the two serious pollution.Although countries in some parts of the pilot implementation of garbage collection source, but the classification standards are not unified, facilities are not complete,hollister, classified collection is not only quality problem, the classification of garbage collection pilot difficult.

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three, garbage incineration plant construction progress is slow, difficult, difficult to achieve ?comprehensive integrated treatment plant&quot,abercrombie and fitch;.Because of strong opposition from the site surrounding the design, construction and operation of refuse incineration plant is very slow.The Jiangsu Wujiang, Guangdong Panyu, Shenzhen Pinghu, the case is a good example of.Domestic waste comprehensive treatment plant is most cannot implement process,hollister, determine the process is due to various reasons, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

four, garbage disposal fees and price subsidy policy is not in place, generally the loss-making enterprises waste incineration, not the normal operation,air jordan pas cher.Mainly from the garbage disposal fees waste incineration business income (garbage fees) and garbage power generation subsidy,abercrombie uk.Service fee by the government according to the local financial situation and business negotiation, in the state did not make garbage disposal fees Guidance standard, differences between the service fee level around the large and generally low.Along with our country to waste incineration two? The material discharge standard is raised from 1TEQng/m3 to 0.1TEQng/m3, a ton of refuse to pay more than activated carbon costs 20-60 yuan processing enterprises, but the relevant government subsidies are not in place.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reduced retirement age affects union's savings

MEMBERS of the Fiji Public Service Credit Union were badly affected when the government reduced the retirement age from 60 to 55 years.

And senior members were compulsorily retired which had a direct consequence on FPSCU savings, share capital build-up and lending.

This was highlighted during the union's annual general meeting which saw more than 500 members yesterday converging at the Suva Civic Centre not only to raise their views but also select their new officer bearers.

Chairman Anare Vadei said there was a need to attract more young people to the union to increase business volume.

"(There is) an urgent need to replace and attract new members to join the credit union, as it was very important to the long-term viability and growth of FPSCU," Mr Vadei said.

He said the union had been serving members for the past 37 years and had withstood the tests it faced.

The union in 2011 recorded a profit of $729,664 however in 2012 it declined by $28,835.

The union however, continued to take necessary legal actions against bad debtors.

Mr Vadei said this was a common problem in financial institutions and the credit union would be strict with its lending policies to minimise bad debts.

He said the best way of improving revenue was to build up membership.

He said this would increase cash flow and market the credit union's services to the public.


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[Windows] Quickly download and convert videos from YouTube with BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader

BlazeVideo YouTube DownloaderThere are a lot of programs out there that claim to download videos from YouTube. However, time and time again I see these videos failing to deliver on this one claim. That was why I was very excited to try BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader. It says it can download and convert videos from YouTube. So does it deliver? Let?s find out!


Main Functionality

BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader is a free program that lets you easily download videos from YouTube. Simply add in the URL of the video you want to download and click start. The program will take care of the rest. If you want, you can even have the program convert the video after download.


  • Download videos right from YouTube
  • Convert videos from YouTube to work on the following devices: XVID (AVI), MP4, 3GP, iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP, BlackBerry, and Android phones
  • Keeps the original video after converting
  • Can be used to convert other movie files not downloaded from YouTube. Supports the following video types: RM, RMVB, AVI, WMV, ASF, MPG, MPEG, MPE, M1V, MPV2, MP4, DAT, 3GP, MOV, VOB, FLV and MKV
  • Choose the quality of your conversion: Standard, High, High-Definition


  • The program works so well, I wish it worked with other video sites
  • I wish it had the ability to convert the YouTube videos into MP3 and other audio formats


BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader ScreenshotI for one find BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader refreshing. Why? Because it does what it says it will do. I have used a number of YouTube downloaders before, and none of them seem to work as ?easy? as what they claim. However, BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader did just what it said it would do!

First, let me just say that the program is completely free, with no limitations. After you download it and install it, you are good to go. Simply copy the URL of the video you want to download, paste it into the program and click start. That is it!

The great thing about the program is the fact that it gives you a few different choices without making it feel overwhelming. For example, you can choose where the video downloads to your computer, if you want the program to convert the video after downloading and even the quality of the conversions. These are not groundbreaking options, but the program would have been lacking without them.

Another cool feature of the program is the fact that it can be used to convert other videos right from your computer. It is able to read the following video files: RM, RMVB, AVI, WMV, ASF, MPG, MPEG, MPE, M1V, MPV2, MP4, DAT, 3GP, MOV, VOB, FLV and MKV. This may not be the longest list of supported video formats, but it?s not bad for a program that is supposed to be used for downloading YouTube videos.

If you choose to simply download the video from YouTube without converting, it will save it to your computer as a FLV file. The only thing that would have made the program better is if it had the ability to convert the videos into MP3 or other audio formats. Don?t get me wrong, there are other programs out there that can do this for you, but it would have been nice for them to bundle it with this program as well.


BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader is not a groundbreaking program, but it gets a recommendation from me because it does its job so well. If you already have a great YouTube downloader, there is no need to get this one. However, for all of you that are still looking for one, this one is worth a look.

Price: Free

Version reviewed: 2.0.1

Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8

Download size: 19.84 MB

VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/45

Is it portable? No

BlazeVideo YouTube Downloader homepage

About the author: Justin View all posts by Justin

During his career as a freelance writer, Justin has been able to write on topics that he knows and loves (technology and gaming). When he is not writing articles for dotTech, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends and writing gaming news for his website


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East Texas police search for two suspects in Valentine's Day robbery

Authorities are on the lookout for two people who robbed a business at gunpoint in Marshall.

The armed robbery happened shortly after 8 p.m. Thursday at Selena's Mexican Restaurant in the 900 block of W. Grand Marshall.

Investigators say the two men were wearing all black. Their race is unknown but one of the suspects is described as six feet tall and very thin.

If you have any information about the robbery please call the Marshall Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at (903) 935-4540 or the Marshall/Harrison Co. CrimeStoppers at (903) 935-9969.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Casey Anthony files for Chapter 7 to discharge legal debts | Dayton ...

The Casey Anthony case and trial captured the nation's attention for months in 2011. Viewers in Ohio and across the country were glued to their TV sets, as Anthony was acquitted of killer her 2-year-old daughter after a lengthy trial. While Anthony may have faded from the public consciousness as she slipped into seclusion because of threats to her safety, her legal problems are not ending.

Anthony's recent filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in federal court should highlight the financial troubles that people can face from trials, even if they are acquitted. A breakdown of Anthony's debts showed that the acquittal was not the end of her legal nightmare.

According to her bankruptcy petition, Anthony still owes approximately $500,000 to her criminal defense attorney. She also owes $145,660 to the local sheriff's office for investigative costs and $61,505 in court costs. She also owes the Internal Revenue Service $68,540 in unpaid taxes and interest. It is unlikely that she could get the IRS debt expunged in bankruptcy.

Anthony is also a defendant in a handful of lawsuits, including a defamation lawsuit filed by a woman who Anthony accused of kidnapping and killing her daughter.

Adding to Anthony's troubles is that she listed only $1,100 in assets to her name, she is unemployed and she has no income coming in. This likely means that she has little to liquidate in order to pay off some of the debts. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows filers to liquidate many assets to pay off as much debt as possible and then have the rest discharged. It appears that Anthony is making the right decision in this case.

Source: USA Today, "Casey Anthony files for bankruptcy in Fla.," Jan. 27, 2013


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AD OF THE DAY: Marc Jacobs Makes A Cameo ... - Business Insider

Diet Coke recently hired fashion designer Marc Jacob as its new creative director. He replaces Jean Paul Gaultier, who acted as the CD for 2012.?

One of Jacobs' first jobs was to create three new can designs, one for every decade Diet Coke has been around: the 80's, 90's and 2000's.?

In Jacobs' first ad, three women come across a photo booth that keeps spitting out pictures of an attractive, shirtless man. What the women don't initially realize is that the "Diet Coke" hunk is Jacobs.

Here's the ad:


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Shining Light on Microsoft Propaganda Against Copyleft

Posted in FUD, GPL, Microsoft at 8:12 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


Summary: Copyleft licences such as the *GPL family are under attack and perpetrators against copyleft often have strong links to Microsoft

THERE are some companies out there whose main output is articles about how ?expensive? it is to comply with copyleft licences. One such company, Protecode (see this latest press release), does not seem like it?s connected to Microsoft, unlike other such firms (headed by or founded by Microsoft veterans). It?s quite a new wave of FUD and it seems to be well coordinated. Bruce Perens calls the FUD "BS" although he appears not to even know about the Microsoft connections (he pointed this out in relation to OpenLogic, but not Black Duck, both of which have very strong Microsoft connections).

Recently, a member of the Asay family disseminated some copyleft FUD, receiving some resultant coverage (i.e. seeding the ideas) from unexpected people, including Glyn Moody. Here are some articles that I humbly do not recommend because they are hinged on the idea that copyleft FUD is in fact true:

  • More Attempts To Undermine FLOSS

    FLOSS is about Freedom, allowing the recipient of the software to examine the code, run it, modify it and to distribute it under the same terms. A move to put Free Software in the public domain undermines that. A monopolist can take public domain software, tweak it to be incompatible with Free Software that is in the public domain and use leverage to enslave users. Free Software needs copyright as a lingua franca for licensing so that no monopolist can hide the code and force millions into slavery. Public domain would be great if there were no evil people in the world trying to take advantage of people to complete their power-trip.

  • Why it?s time to stop using open source licences

    Of course, moving to PD wouldn?t mean that today?s free software licences disappear ? they will still be there for those who wish to use them. As ever, choice and personal freedom are crucial. But I hope that people will think twice about introducing new licences, or even updating old ones. In particular, I hope that there will never be a GNU GPL version 4. Instead, we need to complete the revolution that Richard Stallman began nearly three decades ago by making free software truly free, placing it in the public domain, and severing the chains that still bind it to that three-hundred-year-old monopoly called copyright.

Black Duck, unlike Protecode, is connected to Microsoft, but that is not the main point. The main point is that selection bias in reporting and also in data gathering has helped manufacture that FUD which Microsoft so badly craved. We showed this about 4 years ago when Microsoft signed some deals that feed data bias. Moreover, it has served as a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy since 2009, deterring developers from picking copyleft licences. The FSFE?s founder has already responded to Glyn Moody, saying to him the following things:

?Since all the ?evidence? for that comes from neo-proprietary proponents, I remain sceptical. My experience tells me the opposite.? [Source]

?..the are the main beneficiaries of the ?let?s not use Copyleft anymore? approach. No more CAs required.? [Source]
?but then: Apple also did not fare so badly with its ?only take what?s not Copyleft? approach. And Google also is not a fan.? [Source]

?So I see a pattern here, and a marketing/image campaign by the primary beneficiaries of a move away from Copyleft.? [Source]

??oddly?, I would say. ;) I think I saw this particular wave of spindoctoring peak after GPLv3 came out. What a coincidence.? [Source]

Some former Microsoft staff trying to exaggerate costs of ?compliance? is not news. We wrote about OpenLogic almost half a decade ago. There is an agenda there. We need to expose those who are serving this agenda. More importantly, we need to spread awareness that this is happening. In some cases we see Microsoft funding academic staff to manufacture copyleft FUD, corrupting public trust in government-run institutions (Microsoft was also Obama?s #2 funder in the 2012 elections). ?

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Google app store policy raises privacy concerns

SAN FRANCISCO | Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:01pm GMT

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc's privacy practices are drawing heat after an Australian software developer said the company was providing him with personal information, including email addresses, of everyone who purchased his mobile app.

The information that Google shared, which included customers' full names, email and some postal code information, was not the result of a glitch with its software. Rather it appears to be in accordance with Google's existing policies for its app store and its Google Wallet payment service - though some privacy advocates believe Google has not been clear enough in informing consumers about the practice.

Google has "buried" the notice about how it shares users' personal information in fine print rather than obtain the express consent of users, said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

"Meaningful consent is about people understanding what they're getting into. It's about not tricking them," said Rotenberg. "In a situation like this, where people just don't know what information is being transferred or who it's going to or for what purpose, it seems ridiculous to say that Google has consent."

The episode represents the latest privacy flare-up for Google, the world's No.1 search engine. In August, Google agreed to pay a $22.5 million fine to settle charges that it bypassed the privacy settings of customers using Apple Inc's Safari browser. Google also settled a privacy investigation by the Federal Trade Commission 2011 related to its rollout of the now-defunct Buzz social networking service.

Other Web companies, including Facebook Inc, have also drawn scrutiny over their privacy practices and entered into settlements with regulators.

Google said in an emailed statement that "Google Wallet shares the information needed to process transactions, and this is clearly stated in the Google Wallet Privacy Notice."

EPIC's Rotenberg said he believed that Google may be violating its 2011 settlement with the FTC.

Developer Dan Nolan broke the issue online in a blog post on Tuesday: "This is a massive oversight by Google. Under no circumstances should I be able to get the information of the people who are buying my apps unless they opt into it and it's made crystal clear to them that I'm getting this information."

Nolan's app, which automatically generates insults in the style of a well-known Australian politician, has been a best-seller on Apple Inc iPhone. Nolan recently released a version of the app for smartphones that rely on Google's Android operating system.

He told Reuters that Google acts as a marketplace when an app is purchased, hence the transactions occur directly between developer and the purchaser.

"The way the system is designed, it (the information) is not what a user would expect to hand over," said Nolan. "If you buy something on the iOS app store, you purchase it off Apple, and they pass the money to the developer."

The Google Wallet privacy notice states that Google will share users' personal information with other companies "as necessary to process your transaction and maintain your account."

That's different than the way Apple's App Store works. According to an Apple spokesman, the company only shares general information about the number of downloads with third-party app developers. Apple does not pass along personal information, such as email, except with publications available through its Newsstand store, if customers agree to it.

Barry Schwartz, an app developer and editor for the online blog Marketing Land, said he was pleased with Google's policy of passing along customer information to developers, since it made it easier for developers to directly handle customer service issues, such as refunds.

"I want to be able to service my customers, and yes, they are my customers, not Google's and not Apple's customers. They download our products," Schwartz wrote.

But Joel Reidenberg, Director of the Center on Law and Information Policy at Fordham University School of Law, said Google and other online and mobile services needed to be more transparent about what personal information was being shared with third-party firms.

"When you buy an app, you could have a pop-up that tells you this is the information that's going to the app developer," he said.

(Reporting By Alexei Oreskovic in San Francisco and Michael Sin in Sydney; Editing by Andrew Hay)


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Apple CEO calls Einhorn lawsuit a "sideshow"

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook called David Einhorn's lawsuit against his company a "silly sideshow" but said the board is carefully considering the star hedge fund manager's proposal to issue preferred stock, calling it "creative."

Waving aside Einhorn's assertion that Apple is clinging to a "Depression-era" mentality, Cook said on Tuesday the board is in "very active discussions" on how to share more of its $137 billion hoard of cash and marketable securities.

Einhorn is suing Apple as part of a wider effort to get the iPhone maker to share more of its cash pile, one of the largest in the technology industry. Einhorn wants the company to issue perpetual preferred shares that pay dividends to existing shareholders, arguing that such a vehicle would be superior to dividends or share buybacks.

His clash with Apple centers on a proposed change to its charter that would eliminate the company's ability to issue "blank check" preferred stock at its discretion. Apple, which said the change would not preclude future issuance of preferred shares, is recommending shareholders vote in favor at its annual meeting on February 27.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. district court in Manhattan, challenges the bundling of the charter change with two other corporate governance-related proposals in "Proposal 2," in the proxy document for the annual meeting.

Cook gave Einhorn credit for the idea, but the usually calm chief executive turned slightly impatient when discussing the topic. He was dismissive of Einhorn's media and legal blitz - which included the lawsuit as well as multiple television and media interviews - terming it "bizarre."

Cook, who traded in his usual casual jeans attire for a suit jacket, said the more serious issue here was finding ways to return cash.

"This is a waste of shareholder money and a distraction and not a seminal issue for Apple. That said, I support Prop 2. I am personally going to vote for it," Cook told investors at Goldman Sachs' annual technology industry conference in San Francisco.

"My preference would be that everyone on both sides of the issue would take the money they are spending on this and donate it to a worthy cause," he said at the start of an hour-long, on-stage interview conducted by the investment bank.

The conflict over Prop 2 "is a silly sideshow," he added. Cook said he thought it "bizarre that we would find ourselves being sued for doing something good for shareholders."

Apple's share price has tumbled in recent months from a high of just over $700 last September. In early afternoon trade on Tuesday, the shares were down around 1.2 percent at $474.24.


Apple stock is a mainstay of many fund managers' portfolios, with research firm eVestment estimating that 75 percent of U.S. large-cap growth managers had invested more than 5 percent of their portfolios in Apple as of the end of the third quarter of 2012.

But that also increases the pressure on Apple to give away a bigger portion of its cash hoard, which is rising as the share price declines and its outlook grows murkier.

Cook touched on Apple's acquisition strategy, saying that the company has looked at more than one large acquisition but that none passed the company's internal test.

But Apple could do one in the future, if the technology fits, he said.

"We have the management talent and depth to do it," he said. "We don't feel the pressure to go out and acquire revenue."

Cook, introduced briefly by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, disputed a popular view that the smartphone market in developed markets may be saturated.

"On a longer-term basis, all phones will be smartphones and there's a lot more people in the world than 1.4 billion, and people love to upgrade their phones very regularly," he said.

The company is also trying to appeal to cost-conscious customers. Apple has moved to make the iPhone more affordable without introducing a specific cheaper phone, by cutting prices of older models.

"We didn't have enough supply of iPhone 4 after we cut the price," he said. "It surprised us, the level of demand for it."

The chief executive, who departed for Washington, D.C after the conference to join U.S. first lady Michelle Obama at the President's State of the Union address later on Tuesday, otherwise stuck pretty much to his regular script - with a sprinkling of lighter, more personal moments.

He grew animated when praising Apple employees or talking about the company's efforts to improve labor conditions across its sprawling supply chain, and touted the Apple store concept for its uplifting ability.

Cook said that when he is down, he just visits an Apple retail store. "It's like Prozac. It's a feeling like no other."

(Additional reporting by Jennifer Saba in New York; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Claudia Parsons and Steve Orlofsky)


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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

U.S. posts $3 billion budget surplus for January

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The budget posted a surprise surplus in January for the first time in five years, as the Treasury likely benefited from a windfall when payroll tax cuts expired.

The budget registered a $3 billion surplus, the first time there had been a surplus in January since 2008, Treasury Department data showed on Tuesday. Economists had been looking for a $2 billion gap. The surplus compared with a $27 billion deficit in January 2012.

It appeared the Treasury got a boost from the expiration of a payroll tax reduction on January 1 following the last-minute "fiscal cliff" deal. In its estimate last week, the Congressional Budget Office said the Treasury got an extra $9 billion in taxes from the expiry.

The January surplus means the government's cumulative deficit for the fiscal year, which starts in October, is $290 billion, 17 percent lower than the comparable first four months of fiscal 2012.

During fiscal 2012 which ended September 30, the budget deficit totaled $1.089 trillion.

Growth in receipts outpaced rising spending, narrowing the deficit. Receipts grew to $272 billion from $234 billion in the same month last year while outlays rose to $269 billion in January of this year from $262 billion in January 2012. So far in the first four months of fiscal 2013, receipts are $98 billion higher compared to the same period a year ago.

The extra fiscal space should leave the Treasury with plenty of room to stave off default after a debt-limit extension expires on May 19.

Congress on January 31 passed a measure that allows Treasury to borrow sufficiently to meet federal obligations until May 19, at which time another increase in the federal debt limit will be needed.

But even if no increase is granted, Treasury will be able to stave off a final day of reckoning until late July or early August by redeploying emergency cash management measures which allow it to claw back about $220 billion worth of borrowing capacity.

(Reporting by Anna Yukhananov; Editing by Andrea Ricci and James Dalgleish)


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Canada axes funding to Uganda anti-gay Christian charity

The Canadian government has stopped funding to Crossroads, an Evangelical charity working in Uganda, for being homophobic.

According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation the charity that describes homosexuality as a ?perversion? and a ?sin? will receive no further funding until officials will investigate the organization.

Julian Fantino of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) tweeted: ?I have asked officials to review this organization before further payments are made?.

CIDA has given $544,813 to Crossroads to ?help dig wells, build latrines and promote hygiene awareness in Uganda?.

Until Tuesday, the organization's website carried a list of ?sexual sins? deemed to be ?perversion?: ?Turning from the true and/or proper purpose of sexual intercourse; misusing or abusing it, such as in pedophilia, homosexuality and lesbianism, sadism, masochism, transvestism, and bestiality?.

It also asked ?sinners? to ?repent?: ?God cares too much for you (and all of His children) to leave such tampering and spiritual abuse unpunished?.

Just hours after The Canadian Press contacted the group to ask a spokesperson about the site, the page in question disappeared from public view.

Last October, Canada?s foreign affairs minister, John Baird denounced abuses LGBT people, specifically signalling out Uganda?s ?Kill The Gay?s Bill? in a speech at an international conference in Quebec City.

Baird also mentioned the story of David Kato, an Ugandan gay-rights advocate who was bludgeoned to death in his own home.

The speech provoked an angry reaction from the head of the Ugandan delegation, Rebecca Kadaga, who accused Baird of ?arrogance? and ?ignorance? and demanded an apology.

Commenting on the news, Steve Foster, of the Quebec LGBT Council said: ?It?s unacceptable that the government would accept that kind of organization as an international-co-operation organization.

??Taxpayers? money should not be used to finance religious groups working abroad, who furthermore contribute to the creation of discriminatory ? even inhumane and dangerous ? policy?.

Speaking with Gay Star News, Adebisi Alimi, an advocate for LGBT African rights, said: ?I see this as a progressive decision from the part of Canada.

?Any organisation taking money for international development should not be seen to be promoting hate and violence against vulnerable and marginalised group.

?I hope that other countries will take a cue from this and review international funding to local organisations inciting hate all over the world in the name of religion.

?However, I hope this will not affect international development money meant for budget supports or capital projects.??


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Japan to donate coast guard patrol boats to the Philippines

Japan to donate coast guard patrol boats to the Philippines

Japan will be donating an unspecified number of maritime patrol vessels to the Philippines, each costing $11 million, to help ramp up regional efforts in monitoring China?s maritime activity in disputed waters. These newly built patrol vessels will be handed over to the Philippines financed from the Japanese government?s fiscal 2013 budget starting in April.

Last month, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida visited Manila and called for stronger ties with the Philippines to help ensure regional peace. Both countries are in separate territorial disputes with China ? Japan?s dispute is over a group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkakus in Japan. The Philippines, on the other hand, is one of several Southeast Asian countries that are rowing with China over claims to parts of the South China Sea. Two of the hotspots are the Spratly islands and Scarborough Shoal.

The Japanese coastguard also has plans to help in training Philippine and Vietnamese military personnel as part of additional efforts to boost regional security and cooperation with Southeast Asia. In the fiscal 2013 budget draft, 2.5 billion yen has been allotted for such expenditures. Just last month, the Japanese coastguard said it would be creating a special unit made up of 10 new large patrol boats to increase its surveillance and visibility in the Senkaku islands. The dispute over the islands intensified in September when Tokyo nationalized part of the chain, triggering a furious reaction in Beijing and huge anti-Japan demonstrations across China. As recently as last week, Japan revealed that a Chinese frigate locked its weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese navy vessel on January 30. China has denied the accusation.

[ via Free Malaysia ]


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Monday, February 11, 2013

IUSB prof. invited to watch, tweet State of the Union

An IU South Bend professor is packing his bags to get ready to head to Washington D.C. for the president's upcoming State of the Union address on Tuesday.?

Alec Hosterman, who teaches Communication Studies, has been invited to the White House?to watch the President Obama's speech from the Eisenhower building and then to use social media to comment on it.?

When Hosterman applied he said he never dreamed he would actually be chosen.

?I got the invite and I know how lottery winners feel,? he said ??I was aghast. I vetted it thinking it was fake, but it was real.?

We'll be following Hosterman Tuesday as he tweets and posts on Facebook about the State of the Union. And, of course, you can watch the president?s speech live on and WSBT-TV Tuesday night at 9 p.m. EDT.?



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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BlackBerry reveals new Dev Alpha C handset with physical keyboard

Blackberry launches new Dev Alpha C handset with physical keyboard

Today BlackBerry unveiled an update to its SDK and debuted the QWERTY-sporting Dev Alpha C handset at its Jam event in Amsterdam to help coders build apps for BB devices with physical keyboards. It also announced the WebWorks SDK, which will support apps for the recently launched Blackberry Q10 handset. The software kit will let physical keyboards work "just as if (input) came from the virtual keyboard on a BlackBerry Z10" touchscreen device, according to the blog, letting devs create applications for both with "very little effort." The new handset will join BlackBerry's Dev Alpha B model for touchscreen smartphones and the freshly announced red Special Edition Z10. Want more info? See the sources below.

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Source: Blackberry Developer Blog, Blackberry Dev (Twitter), @paradosky (Twitter)


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Meatless Monday: Squash and black bean tostados

Quick and?versatile, this recipe for tostados is really more of a guideline.?Substitute?in your favorite taco fixings or leftovers from the back of the fridge for an easy, tasty meal.

By France Morissette and Joshua Sprague,?Beyond The Peel / February 4, 2013

Beans and squash can be combined in countless ways, including atop tostados garnished with sour cream, avocado, and cilantro.

Beyond The Peel


One can never have too many healthy and easy dinner ideas.?As you may also know, I love flexible dinner solutions and recipes. This one uses up some leftovers from previous meals, but the variations are almost endless.

Skip to next paragraph France Morissette and Joshua Sprague

Beyond The Peel

Cookbook author, France Morissette, and her husband Joshua Sprague believe that healthy food should be uncompromising when it comes to flavor. They creatively explore the world of natural, whole foods, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to create mouth watering, flavor packed, whole food meals. Through stories, photos, recipes and their online show Beyond The Peel TV, they're on a mission to help you eat healthy and enjoy every last bite in the process.

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I had made this delicious soup created by?Joanne Eats Well with Others?(but I added roasted squash to the mix) and had beans and squash leftover that I wanted to use up. Not that I mind. There are a-million-and-one things a person can do with those beans and squash and having them cooked and ready to go is a big bonus.

Don?t worry though, if you don?t like squash or black beans or you simply don?t have them on hand, you can make this recipe with just about anything. (See below for suggested options.) The version you see in the photo is made by simply warming up the squash and beans in a frying pan, adding a few spices ? and magic happens. Delicious magic!

As for my love of substituting, this recipe does not disappoint.

-Don?t have squash: Try it with roasted sweet potato or kale and sauteed onions.
-Don?t have black beans: Try it with white beans or any other kind of bean for that matter.
-Beet Bruschetta, though very nontraditional, would make a great topping on these crispy tostadas.
-Want to make it dairy free? Leave out the sour cream garnish.
-Love lots of cheese? Add feta or goat cheese.
-Don?t have sprouts: Sub in arugula or spinach.
-Do you know someone who couldn?t bare to eat these without meat? Add in pulled pork, chicken or seared Ahi Tuna.

The possibilities are endless. I?ve even made these with saut?ed kale, onions, and paprika spiced crispy potatoes and lots of yummy salsa.

Squash and black bean tostadas
Makes 2 tostadas

1 cup roasted squash, cubed (pumpkin, butternut, acorn or even cubed sweet potato)

1 cup cooked black beans

1/2 tablespoon oil

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon chili powder

salt to taste

1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1/4 of a lemon

2 tostadas

Optional Ingredients

1 green onion, finely sliced


1/2 avocado, sliced or make into guacamole

1/4 cup cilantro, chopped

salsa and sour cream to serve

Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Add oil, squash and beans. Sprinkle on the cumin and chili powder. Stir the beans and squash, being careful not to mash them up, until they are heated through and the spices have been mixed throughout. Season with salt. Squeeze a 1/4 of a lemon wedge over the bean mixture right before serving.

To serve, add sprouts or greens on the tostada and top with the squash and bean mixture. Add sliced avocado, half the cilantro, and half the green onions. Serve salsa and sour cream along side.

Homemade baked tostadas: I don?t like the kind we have available at the?store?so we make our own by simply baking organic corn tortillas on a baking sheet for 10-12 minutes at 425 degrees F. I?ve even found some yummy organic sprouted corn tortillas that crisp up great in the oven. If your tortillas want to curl up (as they sometimes do), place a weight on them while they bake. I use a metal jar lid filled with beans.

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of food bloggers. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by The Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own and they are responsible for the content of their blogs and their recipes. All readers are free to make ingredient substitutions to satisfy their dietary preferences, including not using wine (or substituting cooking wine) when a recipe calls for it. To contact us about a blogger, click here.


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