Tuesday, July 31, 2012

22 PKK militants killed in Turkey clashes: TV

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Twenty-two Kurdish militants were killed during clashes in eastern Turkey over the last three days, CNN Turk television said on its website on Tuesday, adding to Ankara's concerns over gains by Kurdish groups in neighboring Syria.

Fighting, including bombardment with helicopters and war planes, continued on the outskirts of the town of Semdinli, CNN Turk reported.

Two Turkish soldiers were reported killed and 10 others wounded on Sunday during fighting that broke out in Hakkari province, near Turkey's borders with Iraq and Iran, and hundreds of villagers have fled the fighting.

The province is the scene of recurring fighting between Turkish forces and fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has fought a separatist insurgency in the mainly Kurdish southeast since 1984 and which is regarded as a terrorist group by the United States, European Union and Turkey.

Syrian opposition forces say President Bashar al-Assad's forces last week quit areas further west on the Turkish-Syrian border, now reportedly controlled by members of a PKK-aligned Syrian Kurdish group.

The collapse of Syria's state security presence in a region populated largely by Kurds has stirred Turkish anxieties about the potential for rekindled separatist sentiment in its borders.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said last week that Turkey could intervene in Syria in response to any attack or potential threat deemed to emanate from there.

(Writing by Seda Sezer; Editing by Michael Roddy)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/22-pkk-militants-killed-turkey-clashes-tv-162832447.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Prospecting to IT Buyers: How Nine Data Vendors Stack Up ...

A pocket protector.

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Buyers of information technology (IT) are one of the most valued audiences targeted by business marketers.? Globally, these professionals spend $3.6 trillion on hardware, software and technology services.? My colleague Bernice Grossman and I recently investigated the availability of prospecting data available to tech marketers for reaching this desirable group, and we found some surprises.?

We asked twenty companies who supply prospecting data to business marketers to share with us statistics about the quantity and quality of the data they have on IT buyers in the U.S.? Nine vendors graciously participated in our study?specifically, Data.com, D&B, Harte-Hanks, Infogroup, Mardev-DM2, NetProspex, Stirista, Worldata, and ZoomInfo.? Our thanks to them for letting us poke around under their hoods.

We asked each participating vendor to report to us on the number of companies on their databases in ten industries, by SIC code.? We also asked for the numbers of contacts with IT titles in a sampling of twenty firms in those SICs, ten large enterprises and ten small businesses.? Finally, we sent them the names and addresses of ten actual IT professionals (people whom Bernice and I happen to know, and were able to persuade to let us submit their names), and we asked the vendors to share with us the exact record they have on those individuals.? The results of our study can be downloaded here.

This is the same methodology we have used in past studies on prospecting data available to business marketers?although this was the first study we have done on a particular industry vertical.? Our objective is, first, to get at the question of coverage, meaning, the extent to which a business marketer can gain access to all the companies and contacts in the target market.? ?And second, we want to show marketers the level of accuracy in the data available for prospecting?for example, is Joe Schmoe still the CIO at Acme Widgets, and can I get his correct phone number and email address?

The answers to these questions, in general, was YES.? The data reported was surprisingly accurate, especially given how much business marketers complain about the data they get from vendors.? And the coverage was wide, meaning there seem to be plenty of IT names in a variety of industries for us to contact.

But the data also revealed some interesting trends in business marketing in general and tech marketing in specific.

  • Prospecting data is being sold these days out of massive databases, which makes it far easier for marketers to select exactly the targets they want, by such criteria as title, company size and industry, irrespective of whether a ?compiled? or a ?response? name.
  • Company counts by SIC varied widely among the vendors, reminding us that data providers may have their own proprietary systems for flagging a company by industry code.
  • Job titles are getting fuzzier than ever.? We found real IT professionals using titles such as Platform Manager and Reporting Manager?which makes it tough to know what they really do.

Given these developments, we urge our fellow marketers to probe carefully on data sourcing and categorizing practices, and to specify in great detail exactly what targets you?re going after, when buying data for new customer acquisition.? And we suggest that you source from multiple vendors, in order to expand your market coverage potential. ?Happy prospecting to all.

Source: http://www.biznology.com/2012/07/prospecting-to-it-buyers-how-nine-data-vendors-stack-up/

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Increase Your Self-Confidence In Spite Of Hair Loss

Most people handle themselves in front of other people with confidence because they are satisfied with the way that they look. However for men who are experiencing hair loss, feeling confident in front of other people can be a hard thing. This is because when interacting with other people they cannot help think people are only focusing on the balding spot on there head and not on what they are actually saying.

While it is a true statement that hair loss can largely affect a persons overall appearance, it is not enough reason to lose total self-confidence. If you are one of those people who are losing your hair and your self confidence, sometimes the only thing that you can do is to learn how to cope with your hair loss.

Coping with your hair loss will start with acceptance that you are really suffering from a disease that is totally out of your control. Experts agree that hair loss can be broken up into two categories, permanent and temporary hair loss. People who have permanent hair loss are those who have the condition in there genes or have a hereditary predisposition. Since it is caused by genes, there is not much that can be done about it, except to learn how to slow the process down and seek alternative remedies. Other conditions where a person cannot do much about there loss of hair is if they may be suffering from autoimmune illnesses like cancer, Lupus or Thyroid complications. People that are suffering from medical problems are also in greater risk of losing there hair at a much faster rate then normal.

People who are losing there hair temporarily are those who are losing there hair because of pregnancy or other hormonal changes or are taking birth control pills. or are on any medical treatments for cancer or are using hair styles that put a tremendous amount of pressure on the scalp or by changing hair styles or using hair products that are harmful to the hair.

Knowing what causes your hair loss will help you cope with it easier. Most people cannot determine this on there own so going to a specialist to diagnose the condition is a smart move. Once you know what is causing your condition, you can then find available treatment options to treat your loss of hair before it gets out of control.

People can still look good despite there condition of hair loss. Since sometimes there is little to be done about the loss of hair, they need to focus on other aspects of there body and personality to be beautiful and have confidence when facing others. The following are things that can be done to boost self confidence despite the loss of hair.

1. Maximize make-up.

With women, make-up will greatly affect the overall appearance. Try to get some confidence from your beautiful face with the help of some cosmetics, if you are losing your hair. Another product to use to hide your hair loss would be a hair piece or wig some of these come with a rather large price tag, but it is not very uncommon for a person to use a hair piece or wig to make them selves look more beautiful.

2. Take excellent care of your skin.

Your skin is the largest organ of the body, by having youthful and beautiful skin despite having hair loss can make allot of difference. To achieve beautiful skin make it a habit to avoid the sun and use sunscreen to protect your self from the harmful rays of the sun, do not smoke get plenty of exercise and get plenty of rest.


For more free information and reviews go too: hair loss review or hair loss reviews for the best hair loss review on the net

Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/increase-your-self-confidence-in-spite-of-hair-loss-285134

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fitness Tips You Can Start Trying Today | Home Health Care Nurses

To help with your goals, join a 5k or mini marathon in your area. This will provide you with the motivation to train, and will help to increase your fitness. Engage in both cardio and toning exercises to prepare for this type of event, which is very long and strenuous on your body.

When working out, use this order: dumbbells first, then barbells, then machines. This is because your small stabilizing muscles tire more quickly than your large muscles. Dumbbells and barbells require more use of these smaller stabilizing muscles, you should use them first and move onto machines, which rely more on your larger muscles instead.

Standing arm curls are a great exercise for your arm muscles. To get a full range of muscle workout, flex while lifting. At the end of each repetition, straighten your arms completely by flexing your triceps. Flexing will ensure your muscles are worked through the entire range of motion.

In order to achieve your fitness goals you should add resistance exercises to your workout regime. Types of resistance training include free weights, the exercise ball, exercise bands and workout machines. These types of exercises benefit your bones, boost your metabolism and increase fat loss. No fitness program is complete without resistance exercises.

If your destination is less than 2 miles away, always choose to walk, run or take your bike. By consistently making this healthy choice, you give yourself the benefit of free mini-workouts multiple times every day that will benefit your heart, lungs, muscles, and general sense of well-being and fitness.

If the idea of spending thirty minutes on a treadmill leaves you with cold feet, try hula hooping your way to physical fitness. As you are rotating your hips, bend at the knees slightly. This will keep the hoop aloft, burn extra calories, and target problem areas like love handles.

While fitness should push our bodies, it is important though that you not push yourself too hard. By trying to exceed your body?s capabilities, you are not doing yourself any favors; in fact, you may be causing yourself injury. For instance, when stretching, you should push yourself enough that you feel tension in the muscle, but not so far that you feel pain.

Check out hiring a personal trainer to help you with your workouts. A trainer can push you past the walls you have set up for yourself, sending you down a path of new and better workouts. A trainer is incredibly helpful in helping you determine the right exercises for your goals. If the price is a barrier, try signing up for small group training sessions.

Exercise your hamstrings with extended ankle leg curls. You can do these while either standing or sitting down, but make sure that you extend your ankle in the entire process. This elongates and stretches the hamstrings, as well as exercises the rest of your legs. This is especially beneficial to a runner.

Staying fit isn?t just a way to look good at the beach. It?s an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Taking the time to exercise will make you feel as great as you look. Keep the tips in this article in mind, as you work to increase your level of fitness. They should make your workouts a lot easier.

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Source: http://home-health-care-nurses.unitedphlebotomy.com/fitness-tips-you-can-start-trying-today/

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Science News and Technology News: Top Stories

Berlin superhome generates more energy than it consumes
by Sami Grover

Treehugger.com ???Translate This Article
28 July 2012

On 28 July 2012 Treehugger.com reported: The Effizienzhaus Plus is an ultra-efficient experimental house that produces more energy than it consumes. The Effizienzhaus Plus was built as an experiment to see just how efficient housing can get. From massive insulation through extensive solar panels to a 40kWh storage battery and two electric cars on the driveway, this is definitely a vision of the higher tech path to cleaner, greener housing. Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity in the field of science, documenting the growth of life-supporting, evolutionary trends.

To read the entire article click here

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based?Total Knowledge based?programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

Source: http://www.globalgoodnews.com/science-news-a.html?art=134343682238264183

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Switching the state of matter

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sixty years after the transistor began a technological revolution that transformed nearly every aspect of our daily lives, a new transistor brings innovations that may help to do so again. Developed at RIKEN, the device uses the electrostatic accumulation of electrical charge on the surface of a strongly-correlated material to trigger bulk switching of electronic state. Functional at room temperature and triggered by a potential of only 1 V, the switching mechanism provides a novel building block for ultra low power devices, non-volatile memory and optical switches based on a new device concept.

After shrinking for many decades, conventional electronics is approaching quantum scaling limits, motivating the search for alternative technologies to take its place. Among these, strongly-correlated materials, whose electrons interact with each other to produce unusual and often useful properties, have attracted growing attention. One of these properties is triggered in phase transitions: applying a small external voltage can induce a very large change in electric resistance, a mechanism akin to a switch that has many potential applications.

Now, researchers at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute have created the world's first transistor that harnesses this unique property. Described in a paper in Nature, the device uses an electric-double layer to tune the charge density on the surface of vanadium dioxide (VO2), a well-known classical strongly-correlated material. Thanks to the strong correlation of electrons and electron-lattice coupling in VO2, this surface charge in turn drives localized electrons within the bulk to delocalize, greatly magnifying the change of electronic phase. A potential of only 1 V, they show, is enough to switch the material from an insulator to a metal and trigger an astounding thousand-fold drop in resistance.

The electronic phase, however, is not the only thing that changes in this insulator-to-metal transition: using synchrotron radiation from RIKEN's SPring-8 facility in Harima, the research group analyzed the crystal structure of the VO2, showing that it, too, undergoes a transformation, from monoclinic to tetragonal structure. Electric-field induced bulk transformation of this kind is impossible using conventional semiconductor-based electronics and suggests a wide range of potential applications.

First released over sixty years ago to little fanfare, the transistor has had a dramatic impact on our daily lives, powering the electronic devices we use every day. The new switching mechanism takes this first discovery to a new level, demonstrating that a very small electric potential is enough to control macroscopic electronic states and offering a new route to controlling the state of matter.


RIKEN: http://www.riken.jp/engn/

Thanks to RIKEN for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 25 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122080/Switching_the_state_of_matter

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(Student) Gentletude Design Award 2012 | All Art Competitions

Deadline: 9 November 2012

104 days, 22 hours, 39 minutes and 39 seconds

Contest?s website:http://www.gentletude.com/?page_id=2628
Open too
: International Student at University Level or Graduate (studied? Italy, England, Switzerland, USA, Singapore, Argentina, Japan.)

Fees: -


1 International winner:
? 1,000 Euro per student or team (up to four members)
? Gentletude Award Certificate

2 International runners-up:
? 500 Euro for each
? Gentletude Award Certificate

10 international finalists:
? Gentletude Award Certificate


The Gentletude Design Award is an international award for typhographic design students. The Award is run by the NGO Gentletude, a not-for-profit organization founded by Cristina Milani. The award aims is to encourage a new generation of designers to be creative and consider a term known but often not used: kindness.

Using the alphabet to create a message, students are asked to elaborate on a message inspired by the term ?gentletude? and including the words ?Kindness? and ?Attitudes?.

To Enter and for additional information go to: http://www.gentletude.com/?page_id=2628

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Source: http://allartcompetitions.com/design-2/student-gentletude-design-award-2012/

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Sprint's iPhone gamble isn't paying off as 2012 Q2 figures reveal $629 million operating loss

Sprints iPhone gamble isnt paying off as 2012 Q2 figures reveal $14 billion loss

Sprint's second quarter figures have arrived, showing that the company's billion-dollar gamble on the iPhone isn't working right now. While it sold 1.5 million Apple-branded handsets in the three month period (40 percent to new and postpaid customers), it recorded an operating loss of $629 million and a colossal net loss of $1.4 billion -- compared to an operating loss of $255 million and a net loss of $863 million in the first quarter. Operating revenues of $8.8 billion improved on those in the first quarter by a single percent -- mostly due to higher service fees from its wireless offerings. It's also grown its cash reserves, up from $128 million last quarter to $267 million today, and can point to 442,000 postpaid and 141,000 new prepaid subscribers pushing the company's customer base up to 56 million nationwide -- mentioning that 60 percent of former Nextel users chose to remain with Sprint during the enforced change.

The figures reveal that Sprint's eating around $782 million due to the shutdown of the Nextel platform and a further $184 million to end leases on antenna sites for the moribund network. It's also having to take a hit of $204 million due to its investment into infrastructure partner Clearwire. It's affirmed its $1 billion lending facility, contingent upon purchasing gear from Ericsson to help build its LTE network, which it aims to have installed in 12,000 sites by the end of the year. Of course, that purchase was prompted by the collapse of Philip Falcone's doomed LightSquared project, which caused the Now Network to lose $66 million in cash and its childhood innocence when it comes to trusting other people.

Update: Dan Hesse has added that his company is working to take all 9,600 iDEN sites off air, well ahead of its planned deadline. Big Yellow also mentioned that it has no plans to adopt a shared data plan to follow AT&T and Verizon.

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Sprint's iPhone gamble isn't paying off as 2012 Q2 figures reveal $629 million operating loss originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 07:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/ZgKnOdxHwgI/

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The difference between vintage and antique furniture | Home Design ...

There is a very blurred dividing line between the concepts of vintage and antique furniture. Top antique dealers generally believe that antique furniture must be at least a century old, an interpretation known as the "100-year rule". Everything else is either vintage or collectible.

But many antique stores sell a 1930s Art Deco table as an "antique", but in another part of the store, sell a 1930s Schiaparelli gown as vintage. Some purists claim the word "vintage" should only apply to wine. Over the last decade the term "retro", meaning the period 1950s to 1970s, has become confused with "vintage".

A solution to this conundrum is to concentrate on craftsmanship, rather than the 100-year rule. True antiques should be entirely handmade. Machinery was not introduced into furniture making until the 1860s. Automatic processes meant that furniture could be produced with precision straight lines and identical components.

A true antique will have components such as handles, knobs, rungs and spindles - that should be identical - of slightly different shapes and sizes. Handcrafting cannot produce identical pieces or perfect symmetry in the manner of a machine. Even the best reproduction furniture is easily recognised because it will have equal dimensions and symmetry.

The drawers in any item of furniture give some of the best clues about its age. Joints in drawers that have been dovetailed by hand will not be equal. When a carpenter made the original antique items, the planes, drawknives and spokeshaves that were his tools would have left marks and nicks on the inside of panels and drawers.

The type of wood used for the furniture provides other pointer. Oak was the main wood used in Europe until around 1700. Walnut came into use during the reign of William and Mary (1689-1702). It was very popular during the short reign (1702 -1714) of their daughter Queen Anne. Not all Queen Anne chairs were made of walnut, but it`s a good rule to assume that most were.

Mahogany was introduced during the later part of Queen Anne`s reign and remained popular over the following centuries. Cabinet maker Thomas Chippendale (1718 - 1789) always used mahogany for his furniture. The colonial period from the late 18th century onwards witnessed the introduction of different indigenous hardwoods from Asia and South America as well maple from North America.

Finer pine furniture in Britain had been made since the Middle Ages from wood imported from Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. At the beginning of the 20th century, carpenters began importing exotic walnut woods, kingwoods and zebrawoods to use as veneers.

The finish on a piece of furniture also gives clues to its age. Shellac - an insect resin dissolved in ethyl alcohol - was the only finish used on furniture until Victorian times. Successive coats of shellac were used for sealing and sanding wood until the surface acquired a very glossy finish. Very old furniture - pre-1700 - may be sealed and finished with oil and wax. Lacquers and varnishes were introduced after the 1860s.

If you are lucky enough to have identified a glorious piece of Chippendale, avoid hiding it in a period setting. Place it by a window next to modern Venetian blinds to give a stunning effect.

About Guest Blogger

About the Author: Tony Martin writes regularly for a wide range of interiors and DIY websites. Over the course of his career, Tony has contributed to a wide range of in house and national magazines on subjects as diverse as music, fashion and travel together with his main focus which is the interiors sector.

This post was written by a guest contributor. Please see credential in the post above. For guest post guideline at Home design inspiration , please check out our write a new guest post on home design tips at Home design inspiration page and know more about? how you can share your home design tips with our community.

Source: http://www.indianhomedesign.com/2012/07/the-difference-between-vintage-and.html

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Samsung To Bring A New Galaxy Note

Samsung To Bring A New Galaxy Note

Samsung is working on a new Galaxy note which is confirmed by the Samsung Electronics America, which sent a note to the press to save the date of August the 15th. Although the Samsung Electronics America did not reveal any more information about what the note will support and what will be its features, but the announcement of the unveiling of the newest Galaxy device was enough to catch everyone?s attention.


We already updated you with the Note II which updating date was announced later i.e, August 30 before the IFA start. The other note, which was the Galaxy Note 10.1, recently went through some noticeable redesigning for a better output. Now, there are possibilities of something new and better that will come with the new Galaxy note. But it?s better to wait for the August 15th?s press conference for further details than keeping our hopes high.

Source: http://gamingsquid.com/14499/samsung-bring-galaxy-note

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Exclusive: Kim plans economic change in North Korea

BEIJING (Reuters) - Impoverished North Korea is gearing up to experiment with agricultural and economic reforms after young leader Kim Jong-un and his powerful uncle purged the country's top general for opposing change, a source with ties to both Pyongyang and Beijing said.

The source added that the cabinet had created a special bureau to take control of the decaying economy from the military, one of the world's largest, which under Kim's father was given pride of place in running the country.

The downfall of Vice Marshal Ri Yong-ho and his allies gives the untested new leader and his uncle Jang Song-thaek, who married into the Kim family dynasty and is widely seen as the real power behind the throne, the mandate to try to save the battered economy and prevent the secretive regime's collapse.

The source has correctly predicted events in the past, including North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006 days before it was conducted, as well as the ascension of Jang.

The changes could herald the most significant reforms by the North in decades. Previous attempts at a more market driven economy have floundered, most recently a drastic currency revaluation in late 2009 which triggered outrage and is widely believed to have resulted in the execution of its chief proponent.

"Ri Yong-ho was the most ardent supporter of Kim Jong-il's 'military first' policy," the source told Reuters, referring to Kim Jong-un's late father who plunged the North deeper into isolation over its nuclear ambitions, abject poverty and political repression.

The biggest problem was that he opposed the government taking over control of the economy from the military, the source said, requesting anonymity to avoid repercussions.

North Korea's state news agency KCNA had cited illness for the surprise decision to relieve Ri of all his posts, including the powerful role of vice chairman of the ruling party's Central Military Commission, though in recent video footage he had appeared in good health.

Ri was very close to Kim Jong-il and had been a leading figure in the military. Ri's father fought against the Japanese alongside Kim Jong-il's late father Kim Il-sung, who founded North Korea and is still revered as its eternal president.

The revelation by the source was an indication of a power struggle in the secretive state in which Kim Jong-un and Jang look to have further consolidated political and military power.

Kim Jong-un was named Marshal of the republic this week in a move that adds to his glittering array of titles and cements his position following the death of his father in December. He already heads the Workers' Party of Korea and is first chairman of the National Defence Commission.

The North Korean Embassy in Beijing, reached by telephone, declined to comment.


Some North Korea experts said the comments confirmed their belief that the new leadership would try to make some changes to the stultifying controls over the economy.

"This should not come as a surprise. Kim Jong-un appears to have done considerable study on this (reform), taken a lot of lessons, and is probably trying to mould it in a way that suits their situation and in a way that blends with the existing policy. Ri's departure has a lot to do with this process," said Korea University professor Yoo Ho-yeol, speaking from Seoul.

He predicted that Jang would increasing press ahead with joint-venture projects with China, the only major ally to which the North can turn for economic help.

But Zhang Lianggui, a North Korea expert at China's Central Party School, was skeptical.

"You can see this from the repeated criticisms of reform and opening up that appear in the Rodong Sinmun (North Korean party newspaper). They openly criticize any moves in this direction. North Korea is quite indignant when it comes to this point."


A North Korea's cabinet has created a "political bureau" designed to wrest power from the 1.2 million-strong military in order to run the economy, which has been in shambles after a crippling famine in the 1990s, the source said.

"In the past, the cabinet was empty with no say in the economy. The military controlled the economy, but that will now change," the source said.

Kim Jong-un has set up an "economic reform group" in the ruling Workers' Party to look at agricultural and economic reforms, the source said, adding that North Korea will learn from its giant neighbor and solitary benefactor, China.

Beijing leaders are thought to have been pressing Pyongyang to do more to reform the economy, worried that a collapse of the North could send refugees streaming across its border, and cause the loss of a strategic buffer to South Korea and the large contingent of U.S. troops which help protect it.

It was unclear who will head the cabinet's "political bureau" and the party's "economic reform group", but change was inevitable, the source said.

In sharp contrast to the austere, reclusive image of his father, state media have shown Kim Jong-un visiting fun fairs, speaking in public and applauding at a rock concert.

Women appear to have been given more freedoms, including wearing short skirts, although 200,000 people are in prison camps in the impoverished and isolated country.

The source dismissed speculation of any political fallout from the purge, saying: "Kim Jong-un and Jang Song-thaek are in control of the military."

Jang has long been seen as a proponent of reform of an economy which through mismanagement has entirely missed out on the fruits of dramatic growth of neighbors like China and South Korea.

His push for reform was widely seen as having triggered a period of exile but he was later rehabilitated and given the primary role of supporting Kim Jong-il's son when he was being groomed to eventually take over the leadership.

North Korea has yet to name Ri's replacement as head of the army, the source said.

It was unclear how many of Ri's men have been sacked, but the source said they have not been jailed. An assessment of the changes by the South Korean government seen by Reuters, said that some 20 top officials had been purged since Kim Jong-un began his ascent to power.

(Additional reporting by Sabrina Mao in Beijing and Jack Kim in Seoul; Editing by Jonathan Thatcher)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-kim-reform-north-korean-economy-purge-source-073032163.html

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Facebook Acqui-Hires Mac and iOS Developer Acrylic Software

acrylic_ipadFacebook just acquired Acrylic Software, a Vancouver, CA-based startup that developed two desktop and mobile apps: Pulp, a personalized newspaper app for Mac and iPad, and Wallet, an app that lets you "sync, store and secure your digital life" for Mac and iOS. Both of these apps got a good amount of press when they launched, but for the most part, the company has flown under the radar. Acrylic Software's founder Dustin MacDonald says that Facebook did not acquire the company's apps though and that Wallet and Pulp "will continue to remain available for download and purchase in their current form." The team will move to San Francisco.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/KtNRRYWT7cU/

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The Importance of PABX Systems For Better Communication | ideas ...

The Importance of PABX Systems For Better Communication

Saturday, July 21, 2012 | 2:45 am

Private Automated Branch Exchange popularly known as PABX is the facility to convert company?s communication performance by enabling multiple telephone lines to internal extensions from external callers, through a single number. PABX has indeed expanded the opportunities of the small business houses that mostly use a single line. It facilitates multiple communications to take place simultaneously in different parts of the company. Since small businesses can not afford the luxury of increasing their headcount frequently to keep pace with the calls due to their limited fund constraint, PABX has come up as an attractive solution allowing large volumes of calls transfer with minimum human intervention. PABX not only transfers external callers to selected extensions automatically, it improves internal communication as well.

An important feature of PABX systems is speed dialing. Companies can now customize their own internal phone requirements to a great extent, and can bypass the need of the telecom providers for every innovation and adjustment ? courtesy PABX. Each PABX system provides best supply requirement and lends versatility. Being user friendly, it is easy to manage and needs economical training. PABX transfers a large number of calls in a short time, boosting better communications and customer relations eventually leading to higher profit. In order to direct calls to the exact destination, information is programmed into the telephone system. When a PABX system is operating at maximum efficiency, there is no need for operative staffing. Moreover due to direct access to target personnel the inquiry experience is better.

It is a fact that companies upgrading to a PABX system find their business performance greatly improved. However, due to the charges associated with installing such a network, a complete PABX system was beyond the budget of small companies in the past. Fortunately, these days smaller PABX?s are available in the market. Though such systems lack in certain aspects they still live up to their chief physical processing duties. Depending on the requirement and size, the system costs for PABX vary, ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Most PABX systems function well for several years before companies consider upgrading or improving their system in line with their business growth.

Irrespective of the size of your business, there are distinct advantages to spending the money and investing in a PABX system. There are numerous PABX suppliers ? online as well as brick and mortar stores that offer PABX solution. Companies like uThetha advise you on the PABX system that fits your business best in the aggressive business world. Equipped with a professional and efficient telephone system, the Cape Town based company is a one stop shop for medium, small and corporate companies looking for telecommunications consultation, call savings, solutions, products and services. With rare combination of IT and Telecommunication skills Uthetha also offers solutions such as Call Centre Solutions, VoIP and cabling.

So, why waste time? Switch on to a future proof and cost effective PABX system and make your mark in the crowd. In the highly competitive business world ensure the success of your business!

About the Author

To know more about PABX services and telecommunications solutions, you can log in uthetha.co.za, where you will get a extensive arrangement of necessary information on business telecom , call centre solution , voip phone
and many more.

(posted in ideas for small business)

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Source: http://www.jamika.net/2012/07/The-Importance-of-PABX-Systems-For-Better-Communication/

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Over 50 Dating ? A few Goals associated with Online Dating E-Mails ...

People in their Twenties and 30s may turn to online dating to get new friends ? but not so for individuals over 50. Their particular overarching purpose is actually romance. It is increasingly hard to find available companions when you are 50 and over since the opportunities for meeting many different unattached people are much much less. But online dating sites can also be frustrating when e-mail after e-mail goes left unanswered. Patience is often required as well as keeping in mind a few paramount targets of online dating communications.

1.Getting a response.

You?ve crafted a user profile and uploaded recent photos. Now you decide to contact fascinating people and begin conversations. But first you have to acquire people to answer you.

Of many internet dating companies, you have ways for initiating marketing and sales communications. You can send an e-mail or you can send a ?wink? or ?flirt? or whatever they phone signaling someone that you are interested in them. Our experience had been that e-mails are not answered up to winks and flirts. It is rather depressing to craft a cute introductory e-mail time upon time and are not able to receive a reaction. My knowledge was that only about 20% regarding my attempts got a result. Perhaps that seems dismal to you. But rest assured that the communication attempts will get website visitors to looking at the profile even though they make a decision not to answer you.

Online dating services is a quantities game ? the more marketing and sales communications you send, the harder you improve your chances of receiving positive results. I made the decision to send largely winks and flirts as opposed to e-mails, thus My partner and i reserved our best attempts in e-mails for those who had previously responded as well as who would probably answer our e-mail.

2.Starting a conversation.

When you get a response, make sure you keep it mild as you discuss basic preliminary information. Save the large stuff ? like your encounters in previous relationships ? for after you have gotten to know the other. A good starting point is with the info in their user profile. Share the responses on their profile and have questions which get them to discussing more about on their own. Also be prepared to amplify the info in your user profile that ignited the interest in the other person.

Some people will want to extend the chat to include cell phone calls and instant messaging. These can work nicely for assisting you get to know more about each other, but you still wish to keep it mild until as soon as you meet face-to-face. Avoid a false feeling of intimacy that will grow with just a few e-mails or phone calls. You can?t really know someone until you have met them, so your early interactions should target providing ample information to let you know if a date is feasible or desirable.

Three.Setting a date.

Finding someone in person is essential to really become familiar with them. This is where you find out when their photograph was current and if their description old and bodyweight was accurate. The person who thrilled you throughout e-mail or phone conversations may well impress an individual differently face-to-face. Precisely what had appeared cute may well now be annoying.

Your date will be effective if you equally decide to notice each other a second or 3rd time. But be prepared to find out that the one who charmed an individual in internet communications fails to get results of your expectations when you truly meet all of them. Once again, online dating sites is a quantities game. I?ve found long-term relationships 2 times through online dating. Both occasions it took me several months as well as meeting about 20 women before I found the right man or woman.

Providing you with ample opportunity to display screen lots of prospective partners so as find the best one is a strong point of online dating ? you?ll not find that many available people anywhere else. Consequently hang in there and sending people winks, and flirts, as well as e-mails.

Nicholas Ram?rez have been a seasoned planner for Ten yrs & have been creating masterful innovations in housing for senior citizens as part with his involvement with Creative Ideas Group ,a new innovative team for innovating persons. Learn All about his website to learn All about his over 50 dating online ideas over the years.

Source: http://www.madeinjapan.us/over-50-dating-a-few-goals-associated-with-online-dating-e-mails/

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Friday, July 20, 2012

EU to rethink Zimbabwe sanctions - except for Mugabe

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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', 'http://music.yahoo.com' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eu-rethink-zimbabwe-sanctions-except-mugabe-160221895.html

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As the top-of-the-line model in the OKI MB401 series, the OKI MB491 ($499 direct) delivers all the same features as the Editors' Choice OKI MB471 ($399, 4 stars) along with both a little more and little less. The little more includes a slightly faster speed, with a 42 page per minute (ppm) rating. The little less is a lower cost per page. The balance of features and price doesn't quite hit the sweet spot that earns the MB471 Editors' Choice, but it's more than enough to make the MB491 worth considering.

Like all the printers in the MB401 series, the MB491 is aimed primarily at micro and small offices with relatively heavy-duty print needs. Like the MB471, it offers slightly better output quality than the MB461, and it includes support for PostScript as well as PCL, a feature that doesn't matter at all in most offices but is essential in some. It also comes with drivers for both PCL and PostScript.

Basic MFP features include printing and faxing from, as well as scanning to a PC, including over a network; working as a standalone copier; and being able to scan to and print from a USB memory key. The 50-page automatic document feeder (ADF), which complements the letter size flatbed, can scan pages up to legal size, and it also duplexes by scanning one side of the page, turning it over, and scanning the other.

The printer's paper handling is one of its stronger features, with a 250-sheet drawer, a 100-sheet multi-purpose tray, and a built-in duplexer (for two-sided printing). That should be enough for most offices, but if you need more, you can add an optional 530-sheet tray ($183.99 direct), for a maximum 880-sheet input capacity.

Another important touch for offices with heavy-duty needs is that the duplexing ADF can work in combination with print duplexing for copying, letting you copy both single and double sided originals to your choice of single or double sided copies. And unlike some printers with duplexing ADFs, the MB491 can also scan both single- and double-sided originals for faxing. Note too that the MB491 also offers private printing, which will let you tell the printer to hold sensitive print jobs in memory until you walk up to it and enter a PIN through the front panel.

Setup and Speed
Like most MFPs in this category, the MB491 is larger than you'd probably want sitting on your desk, at 17.9 by 16.8 by 16.7 inches (HWD). However, it's small enough so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding room for it in a small office. Setup is standard. For my tests, I connected it to a wired network and installed the PCL driver on a Windows Vista system.

The speed on my tests was slow for the 42 ppm engine rating. You should see something close to that speed for text documents with no formatting, but on our business applications suite, I timed the printer (using QualityLogic's hardware and software for timing), at an effective 10.5 ppm.


That makes the MB491 a little faster than the MB471, at 10 ppm, and also faster than the more expensive ?Samsung SCX-5639FR ($550 street, 3.5 stars) at 9.7 ppm. On the other hand, it's slower than the less expensive Editors Choice Canon imageClass MF4570dn ($299, 4 stars), at 12.3 ppm. So although the speed is fast enough so it's not an issue, it's also not particularly impressive.

Output Quality and Running Cost
The MB491 is essentially identical to the MB471 for output quality, scoring slightly above par overall, with above par text, and par graphics and photos. Text is easily good enough for any business need short of high-quality desktop publishing, and one step above the tight range that includes the vast majority of mono MFPs.

Graphics output is good enough for any internal business need, but depending on how critical an eye you have, you may or may not consider it good enough to hand out to an important client or customer when you need to convey a sense of professionalism. Photo quality is suitable for printing photos in client newsletters, which also makes it more than good enough to print Web pages with recognizable photos.

Also worth mention is the low claimed cost per page, at 1.6 cents. This is a little lower than the MB471's 1.8 cents per page, and it promises low running costs, which is certainly a plus. However, it isn't quite as impressive relative to other similarly priced printers as the MB471's cost per page is relative to other printers in the MB471's price range.

The OKI MB491 might stand out a little more if it delivered better speed or still better output quality. However, both are good enough for most purposes, and they're combined with excellent paper handling plus all the MFP features most small offices need. For any micro or small office that needs heavy-duty printing, scanning, copying, and faxing, the OKI MB491 stands ready to serve as a more than attractive choice as a workhorse printer.

More Multi-function Printer Reviews:
??? OKI MB461
??? OKI MB471
??? OKI MB491
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?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/qBD7xoJcXfY/0,2817,2407357,00.asp

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